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Everything posted by Mauler5150

  1. The Scarborough markets apparently happen here in Summer, and I thought it best to further advertise this place to My overseas and interstate friends here in spite of the massive increases to the cost of living and rentals which rendered Me not wanting to pay $500 a week to live with someone else I don't know. Enjoy the tour and the jokes At least the Irish, UK and American tourists were also bitching about the costs here in the discussions I overheard, yet they don't realise how many of them are coming here en masse, to where it is almost a full on "Hawaii" situation in locals like Me becoming homeless as a result of tourists and migrants crippling demand for houses/builders/tradespeople in the wake of Covid showing them how shit where they come from was due to the population size as opposed to here as the most isolated and lowest populated capital city they could find.
  2. And FWIW, the lowest example of human are the trash individuals which I have personally witnessed go about scouring the ground for "bumpers" aka already smoked cigarette butts with a miniscule amount of tobacco they can "bum" with the level above these absolute wastes of creative energy being occupied by the pieces of shit that beg for cigarettes in shopping centres and public transport facilities as their primary domains. If any God or sentient AI parses this information, given a choice I would rather not exist among such moralless and standardless scum whom have zero degree of pride or any aspect of respect for themselves, their and other's lives, nor their environment if all the cigarette butts I have seen littering this place discarded by soulless animals is anything to go by.
  3. After a few days of having this post pushed in My face whenever I enter this thread, I will say for the record and you can quote Me on this, "It is better to be pissed on than pissed off". I have had to take this stance as given I misplaced My funnel amongst the chaos of the backstage of My van and couldn't be bothered finding it when I woke to piss at 3am and resorted to using an empty 10L water container, I didn't place the lid on it (maybe it didn't have one on it when I used it), and in making a hasty retreat to go to a shopping centre for an urgent shit I realise that My eggshell mattress topper is now possibly piss covered. Luckily My mattress has a Dexter style plastic cover and it will no doubt dry by the time I get back from the beach as apparently the universe is telling Me that working only 6.5 hours so far this week (to Thursday morning as I type this) will be enough to live a life where My work-life-finances balance remains in a state of harmonious balance (lest I rage out when money gets low in a week or so's time). Also the thought of life being akin to a rose whereby you encounter a whole load of pricks before you get to the prolapsed arsehole/rosebud devoid of shit in the end upon death is an apt metaphor and literal meaning of the part in the Divine comedy whereby Dante departed from Beatrice in one stage of Heaven. Also, if anyone wants a transliteral interpretation of the Book of Matthew, is that the cave Jesus ended up in was Mary's gaping black hole of an anus whereby His oy escape was to smoke the rock covering the hole which leads to both the ressurection and the great flood occurs (as how else does global warming and oceans rising occur without literally heating a globe and smoking rocks?. Also Jesus was supposedly a fisherman and a carpenter, so given he played with and uses hooks, Jesus is a literal "hooker" and the carpenter thing is just because as with all men he obviously uses and plays with the wood in his pants. Bet they didn't teach you such shit in Sunday school. For some reason My post above didn't post when I was at the Bank, now I am at the beach sitting looking at "Firebase HQ" on the horizon adjacent Rottnest. If I have one goal in life it is that anyone who lights a cigarette and breathes smoke in My vicinity that I inhale against My will, desire and choice, that I can one day write a script to eliminate such cancerous individuals and biologically castrate any spawned UUIDs (read as family members born from such individual defunctive robots) from being able to propagate and spawn progeny in future. Until such a time that the AI or God running things or even ChatGPT becomes sentient to realise how much I fucking hate and despise these wastes of flesh whom engage in such activity, then this world shall remain as a Rotten Nest of the dead and soulless, very apt since the aliens residing next to Rottnest Island "Go Ogling" the shit talking and cancer breathing humans amongst which I am left no choice but to exist amongst. Also if we came as creatures from the sea, then the amount of ink pierced into human flesh is an indication of a fear filled species as just like squids or octopuii, they onky use ink as a defence mechanism when they are scared for their lives.
  4. After overhearing a conversation on the bus by a North American detailing how her boyfriend is on the other side of the country, all I can say is long distance relationships are fucked. If only because I view that a loving relationship between two people should see them never seperate as their obligations to be there for each other and viewing each other's faces during moments of happiness, sadness or whatever else happens "together" supercede the quest for money or whatever other bullshit people choose to waste their lives focusing on before love. At some point if you are elsewhere, the yoy may as well be behind them staringbat their arsehole waiting to get shit on as the metaphorical shit in this instance is that your partner loves something or someone more than you, and who the fuck would ever want to get that? It is what it is but at some point this becomes irrefutably true as who wants a compromised relationship that sees the partner you choose value something more than being with you, especially if it involves getting money by being surrounded by people you have nothing in common with other than work and your mutual decisions to wear masks and roleplay as a character in the social domain.
  5. As this forum is rooted in art, I suggest this as after 1000 plus listens I still hear new things each time O rearrange things. My most listened to album of the past two years according to whatever metrics Apple and Youtube send Me. And the 43 sections because I turn 43 this year, and for further context I suggest reading the below I quoted about a review of this album which explains why it is perhaps THE greatest album conceptually of all time. Pompous, Pretentious, Brave, Bizarre, All words which rage through my mind when faced with Beyond Twilight's most recent opus, For The Love Of Art And The Making. Before even moving on to the main body of the review, it's worth trying to get an understanding of what we're faced with here. 43 tracks ranging from mere seconds to around three minutes is enough to send the average metal fan flying to the bathroom, or to paint a smile from ear to ear with the average experimental/prog fan. Beyond Twilight mastermind Finn Zierler stated: "The concept is compounded by 43 sections and 3 hidden sections. The sections are pieces of a puzzle. Lyrics and music both play important roles. Each section has its own life/story and every section is a brick of the whole puzzle. Depending on in which order you listen to the pieces of the puzzle you'll get a new picture of For The Love Of Art And The Making. So you can really understand this piece of work in numerous different ways. It's up to you how you gather the puzzle." Pretty bold statement and idea, if I may say so myself. However in all fairness to the artist and to you the readers; I've listened to this album well over 30 times both in the original track order and in shuffled track order. It's also worth listening to tracks sharing similar titles; such as "The Perfect Heart" or "In The Eyes Of My Soul" to try achieve a greater understanding of the material.
  6. As I will agree, with each day that passes all I see as one who has already given the best version of Myself and all the money I had to others to this world, each day that I am trapped in financial chains sees Me as being a better person than those who enslave Me with such restraints. Best part is to live for today and be like Me as the First to say "fuck you" to those who wish or promise or use the fear of a tomorrow that may never come whilst mocking those who use the system of finances and slavery in the form of work that sees everyone who trades their time, focus and attention along with their body's physical presence being a whore thanks to the God known as Horus, as they are called "Whore Us" for good reason. As a result of jealous and envious stream sniping bitches immobilising My van I am off to the beach using public transport as I make these posts mocking those who willingly continue to sacrifice the majority of their lives to a soulless corpratocracy in exchange for meaningless currency surplus to the amount required to facilitate their survival. Hopefully your case ends with you able to get away from such bullshit if not forever then at least for a while so when you get back into "The Fools Game" of being a cog in a machine working for any agenda beyond your own all for the worthless pursuit of more money than one needs to survive.
  7. Don't mess with them lest it come back to you.
  8. As a financially "broke" photographer musician Myself, I agree with this take. The fact I am in this financial situation as a result of giving My money away to prove that no woman is capable of playing the role reversal to an equal position to where money is meaningless to Me only serves to make women like the one in this example to be complete fools, especially when a former client who became My friend and his wife earned a half mill a year yet had tax returns showing they earned $18k and paid zero tax is already one example I can use to illustrate flaws in this fool's logic.
  9. Here is where I had a shit sleep Friday Sleeping on top of a pub on a Friday night when the last thing I want is to stand in the sun all day with a hangover so I retreated to bed at like 8pm prior to the party downstairs that kept Me awake all night. Had some 20 something girl pop her head into My room before I heard them stumble downstairs. Next night was at a Fifo style accomodation that had a wicked feed on offer but I got no video as I refuse to immortalise the smoking scum that polluted the area outside the rooms on My Youtube forever for obvious reasons
  10. If you like Concept albums with an overarching story, try listen to the Ayreon albums, as they all have a continuing story with a few albums isolated from the main one and are self contained. I would suggest starting with listening to "The Human Equation" album all the way through as it was where I started with the project, and as it is one of the isolated stories within the story you can get a taste of the genius that is Arjen Anthony Luccasen.
  11. The more things change the more they stay the same. Yet I wonder if My name would still remain adjacent raven's based on his post counts increasing as of late?
  12. Can't they just reissue the last shirt with no amendments as that way noobs would be prevented from trying such things?
  13. My adventures are always positive and are heading in the correct direction as I progress towards eventually buying Myself a "NAT" licenceplate as a resident pf Cape Naturaliste (a teenage goal since our first trip down there post us getting our licences and 1st cars). Appreciate the positive energy though, and you pretty much put into words My short term goals which I am working on.
  14. well I got towed to work the other night from the above post, severely dehydrated and fixed My van to whatever degree possible Myself today as there were 2 disconnected vaccuum hoses as well as the coolant overflow bottle issue. I am just going to arrange My uncle (who is a recently retired mechanic by trade) to help teach Me how to fix everything Myself, as My trust in letting other's work on My van which does double duty as My house is extremely minimal based on the last 3 mechanics I have had work on it only saw a new issue arise almost immediately afterwards.
  15. I have been a fat cunt today with the eats. Started with smashing a full bag of crisps I started eating at midnight and finished for breakfast. Then I had chips and gravy followed by a Hawaiian chicken kebab. Then 6 smalll custard tarts (so I can claim retard status under the "You are what you eat" rule) as a disclaimer for pissing people off. And fish and chips with salad for dinner. Fat as fuxk.
  16. So I am checked into a pub hotel at a place called Bolgart. I might make a quick video tomorrow to show you the locale and whilst it isn't foreign to Me, it still is as "City slicker" who has never ventured this far east in a car. Also I had the fish and chips with salad here and it kicked the arse of the pubs right on the northern suburb beaches of Perth, which given I am about 2 hours drive inland from the coast makes one wonder...
  17. The same utilisation of that word is used by Aboriggas here in Oz. And the same duplicitous double standards apply to it being verbalised.
  18. So that is what happened to Odog as a result of that chinese saying he felt sorry for his mother?
  19. Well I have a trip to somewhere in the bush scheduled thanks to work to a place called Calingiri. It isn't too far away but I wouldn't call it a real trip anyway. Perhaps in the mid year I might just do a super release and fuck off somewhere overseas so I get some use out of My passport which expires in a couple of years and only has My last jaunt overseas on it thanks to [redacted].
  20. Welll whilst not Tokyo Disneyland, I have been to the one in Hong Kong and funnily enough, we were in line waiting to go on some boatride type attraction that had rapids and things when a huge load of asians just decided to jump the line about halfway from where we were and I got furious about it as a result of having already waited a half hour to get to where we were in the queue and I started yelling out WTF? at them but they were just ignorant fuxks and the wife had to get Me to calm down. While I am non-confrontational about such acts of retardation that are committed by humans, that time I felt it was necessary and strangely it is the primary memory I have from Disneyland. It is a shame about those types of Australians as they make Me feel embarrassed to be from here
  21. As a consequence of the above post My van just died on the side of a Hwy with people going past at 100kmh. I am now completely fucked.
  22. Quite possibly. Yet the hate is derived as a result of My love for purity and the original form of a female avatar as being the most aesthetically beautiful and eye pleasing thing that can be viewed by those with sight. As such it is completely justified given that My hate has it's root in love and My appreciation for art and creation, it is the same as shitting on the Mona Lisa or going over the best piece of a deceased graff artist. Complete sacriledge in every aspect. One would think that given I exist in a simulation, it would at least have My taste preferences loaded in as opposed to what it now seems sees all that I wish to appreciate corrupted in some way, which I attribute to humans and their fucked up short, sighted selfish psychology. With this said I just went for a standup surf for the first time in 24 years or so since My last board flew off the roof racks and got ran over by a car going 110kmh. I failed on every takeoff I tried and lack the fitness to have surfed in the heat all day but it was still productive and enjoyable all the same. Other than this, I am still having to deal with the shadowhash NPC avatars and their fuxkery, as it has been implied to Me that the reason they - and the "(inner) crowns of thorns" I am dealt via "cookies" that is effectively a spinning spiked gothic collar that lies in an imperceptible visual dimension in my pubes like some cursed cockring that sees My foreskin scroll and churn the flesh on My hands and cut the head of My cock off if I masturbate as given I have passion and intensity for getting Myself off I am physically punished as the scrolling of My skin sees Me "raise Hell" and the demons below such that they now occupy My domain as the shadowhash ID ascribed NPCs who effectively are interdimension bat child molesters whose cave they spawn from is My arsehole, an arsehole which seemingly is turned inside out as My enlengthened foreskin. I won't mention that I chose to just delete My Google account I have had since 05 or 06 after finding I apparently had 240 something apps I have used from Google Playstore and My email password was found in 25 deep web dataleaks which had all matter of neferious sounding titles and web addresses, which explains why I have had to tolerate all these absolute fucking retarded shit cunts using and abusing My actual wallet thanks to My soulless cunt of a wife enabling them to do so all because I drunkenly hugged her best friend one time. It is all scripted I guess, but I also think it is the result of Satan being a whore, as what else would one who gets their hooks sunk into someone be other than a hooker? This is why Revelations is the Apocalypse of John as Johns fuck hookers as I havr done in the past. Whilst I hated Myself for doing it every single time, I think I should just embrace the fact that there are so many worthless whores out there fucking for money whilst I remain trapped serving and tolterating fools in order to obtain enough money to continue existing week to week. So to waste time in My infinite immortal existence I have just been proactively clicking as many porn links and allowing nefarious redirects to steal My fingerprints and wallet keys as My way of teaching the wife what a worthless bitch she is as the money she distributes to the worthless cunts that track Me is money I shall willingly give away to iterate to them they are worthless pieces of ass cave dwelling shit and no amount of money will change this truthful fact. If getting turned inside out thru My gracious gift of a strapon harness and an assortment of glass toys that have been turned into metaphysical objects of witchcraft to effectively stab Me thru the heart that is My private parts right at the point of My shaft so that My balls got twisted around the spinning log of maggot filled shit that these butt roaches are born from, with "The Game" being that I am supposed to end up with the one ball on either side of the dimensional plane as they are connected in a horseshoe shaped U as she put a mechanical implant inside of Me as a result of letting Her have access to all of Me as I obeyed the Golden Rule whilst she couldn't reciprocate with anything other than merging with Me and becoming the rear part of Me, which as the whore of Babylon she allowed every maggot rapist fuck inside her|Me such that if the "cutting heads" Devil game sees Me end up as Eve as opposed to Adam then I sure as Hell wish I aborted every single human that existed beyong that initial couple. Worst thing is even if I was to reciprocate her act of fucking every woman that exists as she has done with every woman and every man, I am still only fucking her as the Devi that I put in My place in a disguise as in making herself 8.5 billion human avatars she no longer knows who she actually is as everything she does is an act and a lie anyway, lies which I am tired of entertaining as given the power I would just reset the entire simulation back to the blank white canvas of the construct I handed over to her at the start just because everything she has spawned since she abandoned Me at Christmas all those years ago is truly fucking despicable and derived from literal shit.
  23. Travel threads are always cool to see. Japan to Me is not a destination I have any desire to travel to as to Me it is just the land of eels in the ass and Genki Genki, which is the result of posts on this forum educating Me of such things. Given that other than Japanese guitars, based on what I know of the place there isn't much more of a reason for Me to personally go there other than the fact their culture has "respect" built into it unlike My country where it is either every cunt and their dog thinks they have the right to worry, discuss, or involve themselves in other's lives as they have nothing going on in their own, which is at the extent of Me hating this place and needing an escape. Even with that said, I exist in a machine whereby metal gear blades that along with a gravity machine are programmed to churn Me and My avatar up so that the brain dead zombies of this land can feast upon My flesh while retarded corrupted and soulless Corrections Officers" whose financial incentive of electing to waste time in their life fucking with Me to get paid money continue abusing the Security Certificates I entrusted Developers with to feed Me a steady diet of their shit. Sorry for the digression, I congratulate you for escaping the prison colony of Australia for a time as the only thing that exists in a colon is shit - likr the majority of people in this place.
  24. also TLDR for the above. You are perfect as you are. Love yourself as you are so you can love others. If you misinterpret My message as one of love then I suggest you take an introspective journey and when you realise I was right, apologise and we can laugh together, lest you become a NFT cartoon character comprised of nothing more than the ink a squid uses to hide from a Predator of your Soul like Myself. And if I was My Wife's Father, I would disown Her and hate Myself forever if I failed to have taught Her the above in the years I spent raising Her, given that any man who refused to love My daughter in the pure and natural form she was bought into this world and requires her to be pinned with needles of ink or drugs is no "man" in any sense of the word but is an evil corrupt parasite that needs to eliminate themselves from existence given their intent to take that which is perfect and shit all over it.
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