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Everything posted by abrasivesaint

  1. Haha, nah, fuck that. Homeboy here can go around calling everyone under the sun faggots, retards, nappy headed horse face whatevers, semen anus drenched this and that, and i cant call him on his blatant bullshit? Please.
  2. I did, they don’t exist. You cant produce them, because they don’t exist. You’re full of shit, yet again. You clearly know nothing about me if you think i’m “extreme left” bub.
  3. That’s what i thought.. baseless claims with no evidence by a dude who is consistently full of shit.
  4. Back these claims up.. I want links, screen shots, whatever. Your word and your memory mean absolutely fuck all. Nah, not suggesting that.. I know that cops commit crimes all the time..
  5. You got your stories mixed up there bud. Should really read up on it before you go spouting off some bullshit. - Police were serving a warrant on her house because they suspected an ex-boyfriend had used it to stash drugs, none of which were found at her residence. The ex-boyfriend claimed they had not spoken in a month. - her boyfriend that was there the night she was killed and fired the shot at the cops is a legal gun owner with no criminal record.
  6. Bill Burr is an American patriot and a saint. They can’t “cancel” someone who doesn’t give a fuck though. And not only does Burr not give a fuck, he’ll throe fuel on that fire, haha.
  7. abrasivesaint


    Haha.. watch out for Harry Hardass talking about clipping dogs over here.
  8. Nah that’s as far as it’s going, haha.
  9. We were pretty high in the mountains. I was worried a bear or mountain lion was going to see me as an easy picnic by the river, haha.
  10. Trump was a con artist and a half assed businessman who would have failed miserably had it not been for his daddy’s money. He can forever kiss my balls. edit: i cant sit here and say he would have failed miserably without question, but does anyone honestly see a world where that dude would have been anywhere near the “success” he has had if he had not been born into money, because i sure the fuck don’t.
  11. Where y’all scooping this Hbar? Everything i have doesn’t seem to carry it.
  12. The rocks were not the friendliest thing when she decided she wanted to hop on the dick, but i was high as fuck off some edibles and getting laid so that’s always fun.
  13. This has been the American way for a long time now. The only difference is that this time you’re average American citizen is getting money too.
  14. I just looked into it and it looked like it was more concern from the public they’d be spied on than it was that something was passed that they could spy on the public. There’s some old abandoned military bunkers on public land in that area, would make sense.
  15. I hope those fucking Seals were watching me fuck my lady on the banks of the White River near Mt. Rainer, haha.
  16. Elitists, Deep State, whatever the fuck you want to rebrand them in 2021 so we can focus our energy on the new thing.
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