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Everything posted by abrasivesaint

  1. To be honest i don’t remember how that altercation started. They had come into CHAZ looking for trouble though. ( I’ll pull some photos in a second.) They didn’t do anything in CHAZ though, that incident was a few blocks away. I think it was simply because people were following them filming snd such and they just said “fuck this” and got out of the van before they drove away, but i could be wrong. The big dude in the SF jacket is Tiny. A well known Proud Boy in the Oregon/Washington area. He’s known for violent acts and was arrested after that video for probation violations from an assault charge.. https://katu.com/news/local/proud-boy-tiny-toese-arrested-for-probation-violation
  2. abrasivesaint


    It appears that chick had a knife though. https://twitter.com/shanermurph/status/1384703331877130241?s=20
  3. So a handful of Proud Boys rolled through one day on some sort of “show of force” or whatever the fuck their intentions were. They left CHAZ after nothing happened and as some dude was filming them this happened.. As you can see, they were in a white van. This next bit of information i saw from people sharing Twitter posts and don’t have screen shots or anything on hand, i could probably pull something after some serious digging but.. shortly after the incident with the Proud Boys in that youtube video, somebody took to Twitter claiming a trans woman was kidnapped from CHAZ, by people in a white SUV or van. So assumptions started flying around that it was the Proud Boys because of the white van incident. This didn’t make much sense because brawling in the streets is one thing, straight up kidnapping someone off the streets is a big step. Not like it couldn’t happen, just seemed like a big leap for PBs, and for what? .. So now CHAZ is on edge because of alleged Proud Boys kidnappings and previous violence, involving white vans or white SUVs. And in rolled those 2 kids. The way the barriers were set up was very odd, and makes sense why they may have gotten confused and may have started driving in areas that CHAZ folk found alarming or threatening because normally cars wouldn’t be driving there, and because of previous incidents, they were jumpy, and the shooting happened. The important thing to remember though, is those kids were driving a white Jeep, aka.. a white SUV. It wasn’t until after the shooting of the kids that i heard that the person who made the claims about a trans woman being kidnapped lied. They made the story up to get their little 15 seconds of Twitter fame and attention in CHAZ. Its sort of hard to carry the lie when no one knows who was kidnapped, nobody has been missing, nobody has turned up, ect.. ..and there you have it. A series of unfortunate events that led to a very tragic deadly shooting.
  4. I was there for some of it too, but i think you’re sort of over selling the amount of violence. There was a few situations, and there’s stories behind all of it. There was a series of very fucking shitty events that led to those kids being killed. It’s not a simple situation, but was a tragic situation fueled by lies and fear. I’ve broke down the timeline around here before, but can do it again if you’d like. I never heard about it being Proud Boys who shot the kids, but Proud Boys are involved in the overall story. Partially because of their own doing, partially because of lies. No charges have been filed against anyone, because people removed as much evidence from the situation as they could. Whoever it was, they knew they fucked up.
  5. Protesters and CHAZ inhabitants were fairly different. There was every walk of life protesting in CHAZ. The people camping in the park went from your far-leftys, to crusties and hipsters, college chicks, and eventually a fair amount of homeless people and addicts taking advantage of the space. When CHAZ happened some people checked out in terms of protesting, because thats not why they were there. When CHAZ became CHOP and the shootings happened, a lot of people checked out. Those shootings were not as simple as the news made them out to be.
  6. More of a diverse crowd than you might think. But yeah, there’s always punks around.
  7. abrasivesaint


    Real fucking piece of work here, same dude... https://www.statesman.com/story/news/2021/04/19/shooting-suspect-stephen-broderick-caught-near-manor-authorities-say-2-victims-identified/7283005002/ https://www.statesman.com/story/news/crime/2020/06/17/travis-county-sheriffrsquos-detective-accused-in-sex-assault-of-teen/113821404/
  8. Portland does as Portland does, ha. Seattle isn’t quite the same, although obviously “worse” than other areas of the country. I don’t think anyone around here condones the looting or burning of small businesses. I think it needs to be reminded that these things are also done by opportunists, not necessarily protesters, or rioters. Sure there’s a degree of “monkey see, monkey do” but thing’s aren’t as clear cut as “protesters looted and burned.” edit: and Portland generally goes for government buildings and things of that nature, as they should, because the qualms are with the system, not the local businesses.
  9. The fuck does this even mean?
  10. How many people/how much investment do these fools really need to make doge move that much? Is it more like they just give it a kickstart and are relying on other people to buy into the spike?
  11. abrasivesaint


    Cant seem to get it to work. Is that the chicago shooting?
  12. Is their goal just general pump and dump or they shooting for $1.00?
  13. I agree Mercer. It really does seem like an incredibly massive fuck up and not some pre meditated thing, i think the key word is negligence in this case.
  14. If i recall correctly, didn’t Saudi Arabia flood the market last year during lockdowns because of a Russia beef? So i can only assume that would lead to low demand, high supply, where as now people are semi back to normal so the demand is higher. Seems pretty straight forward to me, unless i’m missing something. Going to admit some ignorance here, but wouldn’t that issue with the blocked Suez Canal also be driving prices up a bit? My sister in law works for a major shoe company and is in charge of ordering shoe parts from overseas for US factories and i know she had a real pain in the ass few days because of it. Ships having to go all the way around Africa, having to have product taken off ships and put into air.. sounded like a headache. edit: @Dark_Knight @ndv @Dirty_habiT
  15. Been seeing that around a lot today. The only thing i’ll say about it is that i imagine after the Potter incident, they were probably trying to be on extra good behavior. I’m sure many police departments had a huddle and a chat about not killing mother fuckers for at least a week.
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