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Everything posted by abrasivesaint

  1. Anyone know anything about GRT (The Graph)? My buddy has some dude pushing that shit on him, he dropped a bunch of money in it the other day.
  2. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/ex-officer-kim-potter-be-charged-2nd-degree-manslaughter-daunte-n1264025
  3. Just sold stock from 2 companies, fuck em. It’s going into cryptos. Now i just have to decide where..
  4. I bought Chainlink the day i saw you mention it and have been watching it the past few days thinking “casek you slick son of a bitch.”
  5. These fools trying to send to Doge to the moon again?
  6. He’s not wrong. The media makes what happens/happened in Portland and Seattle way worse than what actually went/goes down. Does shit get out of hand at times? Ya. But during the George Floyd protests you would have thought all of Portland was in flames and Seattle was a war zone. Meanwhile you travel 3 blocks away from CHAZ or the courthouse in Portland you wouldn't even know shit was going down, it was life as usual.
  7. Nothing about this sounds like the acts of terrorists. Nope. Not a thing.
  8. Also, had some BCH a few months ago and converted, wish i held that, ha. Anyone fuck with ETC?
  9. A friend of mine does board ups and he was telling us about how that shit skyrocketed a few weeks ago. Crazy.
  10. That is honestly a genius headline. Was that a legit article or like an Onion type thing? If that’s real it’s 10x better.
  11. I love how people think a civil war would just be civilians of the left and right. Like there’s not a government with various different branches of military and law enforcement outfits that would stomp them both into the ground. I think it was Andy Stumpf who said it on Rogan’s podcast a while ago but it was something like, “there’s a lot of people who have watched their friends die defending the freedoms of this country. If people think they are just going to sit back while it’s torn apart, they are sorely mistaken. It would be very bad for both sides, i’ll say that.”
  12. Uh, except one persons mistake left the other person dead. That’s a pretty big fucking “whoopsie.” A “whoopsie” that happens time and again, because these people are on power trips, and demand respect, and are willing to use force to get compliance to THEIR word... ... There’s another group of people who fit that same description, they’re called gangsters. Except they generally go to jail when they murder somebody on camera... Don’t get me wrong, i agree that citizens getting all uppity with cops in personal interactions is almost never a good idea, and almost never ends well, but that doesn’t make a police officers negative actions 100% in the right and never wrong because they are a cop. Just because you failed at your job and a suspect is about to get away from your grasp doesn’t give you the right to just put them in the dirt. This has been stated many times around here in conversations like this, but i’ll throw out there again.. This country was founded on non-compliance.
  13. I’m still making money, but, fucking hell. edit: i think the lesson here is “stop fucking with money you already have placed. You want to dick around with other coins, risk new money.”
  14. See this that type of shit i’m talking about. I swear there’s some “investment being” just laughing it’s ass off fucking with me and my silly moves. I converted a few bucks of Bitcoin recently to throw around on some shit and Bitcoin starts climbing. Like, what the fuck, haha. It barely moved for weeks and a few days after i make a little move it’s up and up.
  15. New Orleans had a curfew when i was living there. I had no idea for like 2 weeks and was still going out at night because i was working overnights and was still awake at night on my days off. (I was still going out after i knew about the curfew, but, anyways..) No cops ever gave a fuck, nobody ever stopped me or anything. It is New Orleans though, they got a lot bigger fish to fry. The only thing i could think of was that i thought i read or heard that sunlight did actually slow the spread of the virus because exposure to the sun actually killed the virus, but i may have just pulled that out of my ass. In reality i just chalked it up to overreach of power and control. it was also a great time to bring my dog to the park, no ones at the dog park at 3am, ha.
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