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Everything posted by abrasivesaint

  1. Being a fake bad ass is about as pro-American as it gets. Being fake anything is about as American as it gets.
  2. I just felt that these cryptos will bounce back and bring me back from my stock loses a lot faster than some of these stocks will. They’ve been stagnant for a while... but, now that i sold em, they’ll skyrocket.
  3. Finally sold all stocks, and invested in crypto.
  4. I don’t disagree, i wasn’t making a statement with that one. Just thought it was funny and relevant to recent discussions.
  5. This one of those ones that makes me assume it wasn’t made by an Americans because of the grammar, but the i also remember Americans are fucking terrible at grammar. Myself included.
  6. abrasivesaint


  7. Popular Front? Although that’s more conflict oriented and doesn't cover American shit generally. But the shit they do cover is pretty to point, in my opinion.
  8. Who’s silencing what? Ben Shapiro has one of the most popular shows out there, as a conservative. “Conservative” media kills it’s own viewership, because they generally only bitch about 1 thing.. American Democrats. There’s only so many news stories you can write about “What the Libtards are doing this week..” Lefty media generally covers a lot more shit, domestically and internationally, in my opinion. Some conservative media does as well, but i would say nowhere near the same extent. When they do, there’s issues like religious undertones that frankly a lot people just don’t want to hear anymore. Conservative media isn’t being silenced, it’s a dying dinosaur. I listen to Ben Shapiro from time to time, and sometimes i agree with things he’s said. Then there’s other times i think he should insert his head into his own ass. I know he’s not the only conservative media out there, i’m just using him as an example. Vice used to be good. They used to report about stuff like the heroin trade in Afghanistan, and homeless child gangs of eastern Europe. Now it’s a rag, in my opinion. There’s still people trying to do some good work there, but there’s also stories like “St. Patrick’s Day and White CIS Male Toxic Masculinity”, i don’t have time for that fucking nonsense. I’m a grown ass adult. PS: Fuck St. Patrick and his celebratory day of oppression and slaughter of the Irish people.
  9. Man this is a great time to sell low. To the grave!
  10. Before the age of endless access to information via the internet, tv news and newspapers printed only information and narratives that THEY wanted. They still do, but it’s more combat-able. You pay enough money, they print your narratives. You have mutual interests, they print your narratives. I’m beyond sick of the social media free speech argument from all sides of the American political spectrum. You have a right to free speech, nobody is stopping you from exercising these rights, generally. You know who bitches about what they can’t say on Twitter? People on Twitter. Don’t like it? Don’t use Twitter. If you don’t have Twitter, who’s stopping you? If i’m having a party and someone comes into my house spewing racist shit, they will be removed, as it is my house, my rules. What’s different about Twitter? It’s their platform. Much like 12oz here.. Raven’s house, Raven’s rules. I very specifically remember my first amendment rights being silenced because i said a naughty word somebody didn’t appreciate. They didn’t really seem to care about this issue then.. Just saying.
  11. I don’t got time for the vague, beat around the bush nonsense. Censor it for the 10 people that view the News section then, haha.
  12. The Ohio cop’s name and photo is all over the news/internet, the police released his name to the press.
  13. Sounds like some everyone’s guilty until proven innocent type shit.. unless they’re Proud Boys.
  14. He wasn’t affiliated to either organization as far as i know. He was just a protester, he may have actually even been a journalist or some shit and thats why he was following them, i forget to be honest.
  15. I also have theories about this, but thats all they are, my personal theories. I think the mayor and some folk definitely made some silly decisions trying to appease people. I also personally think some other people got involved and started pulling strings, or handing out plays to some degree.. That police precinct is typically talked about like it was somehow taken over, it wasn't by any means. I was there observing and such the night/morning CHAZ was formed (i left before the actual “forming”.) The police had that area under control and heavily outnumbered the protesters throughout the nights. (I can post a few photos from that as well.) The only time it got slightly out of hand is some local youths got real pissed off and lit a dumpster and some trash bins on fire. The people doing volunteer medical/security called the fire department, they showed up, literally looked at the fire, and drove away, leaving it to burn. Back to my personal theory.. CHAZ formed, i believe they let the kids have their little sandbox to play in because they knew it would fail, as it did, and they can roll back in with purpose and clean sweep, which they did. To me, it began to seem very intentional. There were clearly cops among the crowd keep eyes on. The other thing i rarely hear mentioned, and was only brought to my attention by a Seattle native, was that apparently Cal Anderson park was smack in the middle of 2 gang territories, including the gang Raz has ties to, or is in, whatever. Apparently the area is no stranger to violence. I was told some of the violent incidents were gang related, and i can only imagine because with that many people camping out, and the addicts and homeless moving in and taking advantage of the free real estate... someone is going to supply that park with drugs and shit, and it was going to be one of the two gangs. But thats some hearsay and such, i dont have anything too concrete there. PS: Raz was an opportunist capitalizing on the situation for his little rap career, fuck that dude. TLDR; My theory is that the city officials were told to step aside at one point, and let CHAZ eat itself, which it did. I think this was done because things were starting to heat up, and CHAZ could have become more of a Portland situation, which obviously raged on for weeks on end. Where as CHAZ was a flash in the pan in the grand scheme.
  16. There was some photos and videos of them walking through CHAZ. They were talking their typical shit and eventually just posted up and it was getting a little confrontational. This dude kept grabbing at his pistol like he was gonna do something, but didn't, nothing happened until they left and had that guy outnumbered. But this is them in CHAZ..
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