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Everything posted by abrasivesaint

  1. LOL. Where’d you find this. Looks like a fucking high school student made it. What is this even supposed to be a list of? Friendly in what manner?
  2. I mean not for nothing, his fault for showing her the wallet. Idiot.
  3. How do they seriously plan to enforce that? Do they really expect people to carry around those cute little cards? Lol and suck my whole ass.
  4. Nah, the grown ass man who owned a beauty pageant parading around teenage girls and talked about how he would perhaps date his daughter if she wasn't his daughter has nothing suspect about him. Not going to throw serious accusations and say the dudes banging kids, but hes a pretty big creep, in the very least.
  5. I remember sometime in the last year in a weekend in New Orleans there was like 26 people shot and in Chicago there was like 20 on a Thursday night.
  6. Is that any different than normal though? Chicago, New Orleans and places known for gun violence have always had these heavy sprees.
  7. looks like the sequel to Hobo With A Shotgun.
  8. For sure, i know some folks who made a quick couple Gs off the initial surge, they got the fuck out though. I made a little but i got out quick. Doubled the money i put in and bounced.
  9. As someone who admits he knows “fuck all” about crypto in the grand scheme, I couldn’t help but reply “you fucked yourself for having faith in Doge after being warned for weeks” to my friend who said “Elon fucked us” today.
  10. Sounds like some shit a colonial loyalist to the crown would say after the Boston Tea Party.
  11. abrasivesaint


    He only deemed the oil a threat to motorists because it was black.
  12. I have sent the link to this thread to a couple people in the past days. Lots of interest out there.
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