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Everything posted by abrasivesaint

  1. Reminds me of a friend’s ex who had a Masters degree but had little to none of what some of us would call “common sense”. She didn’t like it when i told her that i thought she was well educated but not intelligent. But i’m a moron so what the fuck do i know about intelligence?
  2. Ya i know a few people who have turned down going back to work pre lifting of regulations because they’re making more unemployed than what their jobs would be able to offer hour-wise.
  3. I’ll speak for myself, but i’m not anti-vax by any stretch. I get flu shots yearly for work and so on because i work in the medical field. I just had to get blood drawn and an xray and also provide vax records for a job because i’ve had a false positive TB test in recent years. I understand why proof of vaccinations are required in places like schools, work, countries where certain things are common vs those that they’re not, ect.. But, this also speaks on why i’m not concerned about the shit, because i’m vaccinated. It’s available to everyone in America at this point, if i’m not mistaken, so if you don't get it, that shits on you, and those of us who have had it should be ready to rumble. I’ve never had to provide vax records for a sporting event. I’ve never had people around me concerned about whether i got my MMR in my day to day. Potentially having to carry a vaccination card day to day just seemed like an odd down step towards more of a dystopian future.
  4. What’s been hilarious to me is this vaccine card shit. If i do get vaccinated, i’m not carrying that stupid card with me. Suck, my, whole, ass. What is also funny is that you can get sued and fired for HIPPA violations in the medical field for disclosing information but some ass hat at CVS can make you present proof of vaccination, haha.
  5. I didn’t remove any funds but i definitely bought a little more in the dip. Shouts to Polygon yet again.
  6. Oh stop, haha. You know how many death threats people get over political shit? Right wingers in Michigan plotted to kidnap the Governor.. It’s to choose the most convenient one out of a hat to suit your needs. edit: TLDR; dipshits send death threats for any reason with ease.
  7. He’s still trying to sling em to me.. i have bo idea what they are. I’d ask but i’m just assuming it’s a fed boi and i aint trying to show intent to purchase buy asking these types of questions.
  8. Tell me this, why are YOU specifically opposed to getting a COVID vaccine? What is it that you think have been lied to about?
  9. Dude, what, haha. Kettle meet black. I hear a whole lot of people not licensed to practice medicine talking about vaccines like they’ve brewed up a few themselves.
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