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Everything posted by abrasivesaint

  1. Good podcast called Q-Clearance on the matter. They have 1 series down explaining who they think is behind it, series 2 just started yesterday.
  2. Ya i only ever heard good things. I was told him and I would be like peas in a pod when we finally met.
  3. Never got the chance to meet the dude, was hoping this year would be the year i got to make another trip down. Seemed like a great fella.
  4. abrasivesaint


  5. Oh shit, i heard his son played him but i thought they meant his son in the show haha.. this makes more sense.
  6. Oh shit i forgot that someone told me about that. Is it Tony as a younger man or some shit?
  7. That’s a big reach with the connection to Turner Diaries and Ruby Ridge. Just seems odd to slam the story of a man who took destructive action against his local government for fucking him over on a website based around an art form that takes destructive action against their community often in spite of their local governments. edit: also, Killdozer has come up here many times through the years. Just to be sure i searched and there’s been conversations about this back to like 2009.. nothing new.
  8. Just watched this show foe the first time like 3 months ago.
  9. Had one lady make like 5-6 attempts on my arm. I looked at her and was like “you got one more try and then we’re calling it a day..” haha.
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