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Everything posted by abrasivesaint

  1. If we’re talking about something like planting seeds in a section of the “left” that once questioned the system, to then become the largest proponents of the state and corporate, mainstream media as a spiteful, rage-fueled reaction to the outrage, and Trump’s persistent attacks on the media, i can get behind that. A balancing of the scales if you will. While the same old song and dance carries on behind the curtain.
  2. I dont know if i can get behind the claim that the outrage against US media is faked. Seems like a nonsense claim. I fully appreciate the idea that the media crafts divisional narratives that are spoon fed and then regurgitated back out, the same way social media creates its own viewership by keeping you engaged. I also agree that they take convenient photos and video to slap on the screen while the chyron spews bullshit. As far as fake outrage towards them, i don't buy that.
  3. True, and it adds to the figures of officers dying in the line of duty if i’m not mistaken. I dove into officer deaths somewhat recently and the amount of officers who die on the job at the hands of violent criminals is very low. Suicides, car accidents, health.. all seemed to play more of a role. Inconvenient facts for Blue Lives Matter proponents.
  4. Why aren’t the owners allowed to evict them for a year or two? I imagine a law? In Massachusetts it seems there is a law that allows for a 3-6 month window to tenants to find new housing in the event the landlord evicts them, it’s what my friends and their landlord are dealing with currently. Edit: both the landlord and current tenants, my friends, are working together to get this couple removed. They’re shitty people, and i have little to no sympathy. 6 months and beyond seems like a lot of fucking time. This is an instance where i fully appreciate the factor of personal responsibility, and have little sympathy. I think there should be some degree of protections against both tenant and landlord, but if you can’t find housing in 6 months time, perhaps it says more about you as a person or a tenant than it does anything else. Obviously i understand markets can play a factor in the availability and affordability of housing, but if you had an affordable place to live and were evicted because of your actions towards the property, that’s on you. If none of your friends or family are capable or willing to lend a hand while you find housing, perhaps again, that it’s on you to change your behavior. If you have absolutely no friends or family, it seems odd, but there’s usually some state funded options available. If your landlord decides they just don’t like you because you’re trans or you have differing political views, i understand the concept that it’s their property and they can do with it as they please, but i think there should be some degree of protections for tenants in that regard. Seems like that’s a real easy way to aid in the creation of a real shitty society and culture.
  5. Naturally i’ve heard of shitty tenants. My friends are getting some evicted as we speak because they’ve destroyed walls and doors, and are constantly fighting, physically and verbally. How did someone lose their property because of a tenant? Genuinely interested because i’ve never heard of that happening before. I imagine it was destroyed? Vetting is fine, generally, this is what references and shit are for. Someone using a trans flag emoji, or using Spanish Anarchist colors is hardly an indicator that they are shitty tenants. People’s social media accounts don’t necessarily reflect the actions of them as a shitty person. No ones beating their spouse and being like “throwdown thursday”. At least not that i’ve seen, haha. edit: Just for the record i agree with you about vetting and understand it’s purpose and such, ironically, that pro tip says more about the landlord than anything. I would not rent from that land lord if i saw that post.
  6. Fuck if i know, they can still fuck off. I’ve always payed my shit on time and never destroyed their property. Anything else they could fuck off. I’ve heard some horror stories of real shitty landlords though. edit: more reason not to have it.
  7. Pro tip: don’t advertise that stuff on a public social media account. Super pro tip: If your landlord asks for your social media accounts, tell their Surveillance Capitalist-Authoritarian ass to pound sand and find somewhere else to live. Egg the house for giggles. Galaxy brain tip: don’t have social media.
  8. Before the drop Polygon was really taking me for a ride. That shit was going up up and away.
  9. When shit dropped i honestly put all the shit on the back burner in my mind. Letting it ride.
  10. Interesting to say the least, what’s the conspiracy though? This is the first i’ve heard of this so i’m in the dark of what people think is going on with the suicides.
  11. 10 years ago someone on here was trying to get everyone to buy Bitcoin and i wrote them off as a lunatic.
  12. https://www.washingtonian.com/2021/08/02/mayor-muriel-bowser-under-fire-for-allegedly-violating-her-indoor-mask-mandate-at-a-wedding/ edit: LOL.
  13. We all know there aint no little white girls selling lemonade in poor areas.
  14. I support more regulations on industry, who still produce the most emissions. There needs to be a push for alternative sources of energy instead of grasping on to things like coal. If some industries spent more time focusing on this instead of just tapping every oil source dry, and lobbying to keep their current way of business “as is”, we’d probably get a lot further as a nation. As far as commuters and transportation, dickheads driving lifted trucks that have absolutely no practical value to their life or business other than they feel like a man should smarten the fuck up, and suck it the fuck up. Obviously there are practical uses for vans and trucks, but i dont think they need to commute from southern NH to Boston to go work their equipment provided union job their your F350s. I think your tool bag will fit in a smaller car, or truck. Maybe i’m just a pussy though. I still think you’re denying the fact that there is always a state. Call it a government, a private corporation, a single proprietor. There is always some form of authority with some manner of enforcement. We can call it whatever we want, but in the end who ever makes the tules and enforces them is, essentially, the state. I prefer pushes be done in society through consensus. Obviously not everyone agrees and their concerns should be heard, considered, negotiated, and worked with wherever possible. Some people are just flat out unreasonable. If THE PEOPLE collectively decide privitization of roads are the beat course of action, then that’s what it is. However, we all know this is never how it works. It is decided by our delegates who have been lobbied by the few that privatization will benefit because they’re the ones with the money to afford the purchasing of the roads. Again, hurting everyone but the rich. The taxes only hurt the working class because of a corrupted, lobbied system, that refuses to tax the rich at any manner of higher rate. The same rich that will then not only benefit from the taxes that hurt the workers, but now also own the privatized roads. I don’t have a problem with most tolls. They’re fairly inexpensive and although there is always some degree of mismanagement of funds within the state, i have absolutely 0 faith that privatization results in any better outcomes. Corporations have proven this time and again, the workers never benefit. They lobby for leaser restrictions claiming everyone will benefit, and they don’t. It’s almost always a pyramid scheme. Maybe taxes aren’t the answer, maybe people need to be better at, and educated on budgeting, but i think privatization is far from the answer. I’d rather pay $3 to the state, than $30 to a private owner for a one way trip on a road. Coincidentally, i received a letter in the mail today from the Massachusetts EZ Pass because i currently don't own the transponder, so they bill me by mail. This is my fault for not just signing up for getting one or whatever. However, there is no longer options for paying at a toll booth at many locations due to cameras and automized systems. Another job lost to save money, but this is beside the point. This bill was for $2. Between the paper, the envelope, the time spent packing the invoice in the envelope, mailing it, delivering it, gas emissions.. I can’t imagine they’re making a profit from that $2. If they just allowed me to continue to pay at the toll booth, they’d received their $2 profit and yippie ki yay everyones happy. So i understand the mismanagement and bureaucratic miscalculations of some implemented systems. I don’t think privatization and a higher toll to cover profits and expenses is the answer here though. I think a better a system for payment and billing is a better answer. Send me a fucking email with a link for payment. The RMV has my email on file.. Moving closer to ones work is just not that simple, when we currently have private companies buying up real estate, forcing citizens to then rent houses, condos, apartments, and converting everything else to these “luxury condos” and skyrocketing prices locally. Rent is through the fucking roof in this country right now. Wages have barely risen, if at all, taxes get raised on the middle and lower classes, inflation gets slapped on everything, leaving the citizens fucked, yet again. When i left to travel for work 4 years ago i paid $1300 for a 3 bedroom. In that same city, i cant find a studio for under $1400 right now. I would have to move further away and commute, which i’m already doing. I make a decent living and am not stupid with my money, i’m pretty good at management of my funds. My alternative for now has been to move in with my brother’s family, still commuting, and pay him $500 a month for a bedroom in his house instead of $1400 for a studio. They win on paying less for their mortgage, i win with cheaper rent Some of the poor who dont own vehicles cant afford them because of wages combined with rents, inflation, ect, because the good wages for many jobs are in the cities. The same cities that they cant afford to live in on the wages provided, but that are sustainable for life outside the city, resulting in commuting. Obviously this isn’t the case for everyone, obviously some people don’t know how to handle their shit, but it isn’t everyone. Some people do every thing right and just never get ahead. Unforeseen circumstances combined with flawed systems leave these people treading water and trying to stay afloat constantly. Personal responsibility is always a factor, but there’s always outside factors as well. You cant pull yourself up by your bootstraps and stand on your own feet if you’re being constantly kicked over.
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