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Everything posted by abrasivesaint

  1. Ya thats what i meant i think, i think Coinbase refers to them as videos but yeah its more like a 5 page slideshow, haha.
  2. Anyone fuck with AMP? Just got some of that for free watching one of those Coinbase videos. No idea what it is, and it ain’t much, but i’ve got close to like $30-40 worth of free coins at this point at $3 a whack from these stupid videos that i’m just going to sit on because i’ve invested absolutely nothing, ha. A few i’ve converted into other things, but some of them i’m gonna let ride. May even throw a little extra at em if i’m feeling spicy.
  3. My favorite comment on that one i saw was “you can sleep in a jet, you can’t fly a house.” It’s hard to deny those truths.
  4. It’s shit soup for breakfast, fuck it though, to the grave or the moon baby.
  5. To try to go back to what was mentioned earlier. I don’t think theres some sort of right wing cabal super group. I do however think that many of these groups have the same general values and goals. God, guns and fuck the government being the 3 largest, with race being the smaller fraction. Some of these groups claim race is a non-factor, but when you do the digging, it tends to pop up in between the lines. Some people are a lot smarter than they’re given credit for. Folks know outright saying wild shit will turn people away. But with the right wording, and some grooming, much is possible. I don’t think we need to dive too heavy into the race extremists, i think they speak for themselves, ha. When it comes to God, i feel it’s often not about their rights to worship, it’s that they’re trying to force their beliefs on others. Many sects want their own little paradise, and carve them out in the back country. I would argue that i’ve done more traveling in the country than most US citizens, and shit gets real squirrely out there in “no man’s land.” You can definitely feel the tension in some places when you’re an outsider. Of course this isn’t everyone and everywhere, but those little corners of the world where it is, you can feel that you’re unwelcome, and at that point it’s not about American rights, it’s about THEIR rights to do as THEY please. Things can get real cult-y out there. When it comes to guns and government, i feel like these hardcore 2A types create their own problems, act as a reaction, the government tightens it’s grip, and they can do the “See! I told ya!”. I think some folks see a proposed bill, and don’t understand that it hadn’t been literally written into law yet, or that it can’t be overturned. I mean California just overturned a gun law, never would i have guessed that would happen. I also listened to a podcast recently that had an FBI speaker who touched on the legal definition of terrorism, and how broad it is, and how easily acts of violence can be spun into more government control.
  6. I legitimately almost choked on my food laughing at that. I forgot about that one, haha. I mean i get what they were trying to say, but what a dumb ass thing to say. Dont get me wrong, i understand the medias bullshit and ability to sway a story. I think a lot of that was just a reaction to the deep hatred of Trump, and now the aftermath and residual waves of his presidency. The left-ish media even does it to their own side as well, and i’m not even quite sure they know they do it. I know i’ve brought this up before, but i’ve seen very little of what i would deem accurate reporting on what happened in Seattle last year in the main stream media. The general gist Is out there of course, CHAZ, shootings, ect.. but the finer details are overlooked or neglected. From what i saw, the news would show up to CHAZ, interview like 1-2 black people at the barricades, and get the fuck outta there. In 20-30 minutes they’d be gone. There was 1 small group of people filming under a tent for some time and to this day i’m not quite sure who they were or what they were doing. I can say that they had some sort of security with them, if not straight up cops in plain clothes, i don’t know. But i’m certain this happens with most shit. The Capital riot, or Malheur, wherever. I wasn’t there, but i’m sure it didn’t go down exactly like it’s portrayed. The only people who know are those on the front and in the thick, and even their stories will differ. Eye witness accounts have been proven to not always be credible. People lie, get confused, experience trauma and think things happened differently than they did.. but it’s the best we have in many scenarios.
  7. abrasivesaint


    Every one of those clowns should be fired.
  8. I have to come back and address some of the finer points but i just wanted to make the blanket statement that I’m not trying to argue that “this violence” is more acceptable than “that violence” with this thread. This also wasn’t necessarily created to be the current hot topic discussion. More so just a generalized place for this sort of news. This could just fade into the pages of forgotten threads and every news story could be created as it’s own thread, doesn’t matter to me honestly, i just think this thread should exist. Some members have expressed concern about the general feel around the forum. Like things are/were leaning very heavily in one direction politically. I think if there’s going to be visible threads about what is deemed terrorism or threatening to the American way of life, i think we should address all aspects of that discussion. Not just BLM and Antifa, and the left side of the American political aisle.
  9. So a few other reasons i started this thread, It’s not intended to just straight bash one side of the American political aisle. - To document some of this shit on the forum here. There seems to be a rise in the boldness and confidence of many of these groups. - To have a sort of “counter thread” to ones where “lefty” groups are labeled terrorists. - To potentially have discussions about these types of groups and incidents. For instance, i’ve been finally diving into the Bundy family and the events around them. (The ones who have had the standoffs, and have built a cultish sort of following.) A percentage of me sympathizes and agrees with some of their arguments, but a percentage of me also thinks they are dipshits who have brought this world upon themselves, and want to bring up some sort of suicide by government scenario.
  10. Three men conspire to bomb a Kansas apartment complex.. https://www.fbi.gov/news/stories/three-sentenced-in-plot-to-bomb-somali-immigrants-041219
  11. El Paso Wal Mart shooting https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2019_El_Paso_shooting
  12. I mean this one sort of speaks for itself.. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oklahoma_City_bombing
  13. The Michigan Governor Kidnapping plot. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gretchen_Whitmer_kidnapping_plot https://abc7chicago.com/michigan-governor-gretchen-whitmer-kidnapping-plot-militia/10590858/
  14. The Base member arrested in murder plot. https://www.npr.org/2020/01/17/797399834/3-alleged-members-of-hate-group-the-base-arrested-in-georgia
  15. Atlanta Olympics bombing.. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Centennial_Olympic_Park_bombing
  16. Spokane Washington, man tries to bomb an MLK rally. https://www.spokesman.com/topics/mlk-bomb/
  17. Edit: Title change, felt it was too specific. Gonna use this as a place to post shit relevant to the title.. White Nationalists, Religious nuts, far-right extremists, whatever classification you prefer to slap on the topic.. edit: Part of the reason i started this thread is because it’s been stated in the past that some folks just dont think nationalists, racists and that far-right are that much of a threat to the country, i think that is very wrong. I’ll kick it off with a Portland-Maine white supremacist arrested on child porn charges.. https://www.unionleader.com/news/social_issues/federal-prisoner-held-in-nh-shines-light-on-growing-nsc-131-white-nationalist-movement/article_d9366686-a6f4-52af-8710-e09eda7cf26b.html
  18. HEY. DO SOMETHING BETTER. (Taps screen looking at crypto app).
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