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Everything posted by abrasivesaint

  1. Apparently, these are photos of US weapons given to the Afghan Army, now in Taliban hands.
  2. https://podbay.fm/p/wartime-allies/e/1628836326 couple recent episodes talking to Afghanis about what’s happening.
  3. https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/krystal-kyle-friends/id1547098165?i=1000532009888
  4. I was mostly posting that one for the info about what the Taliban has seized so far. I agree that i don't think he should be to blame entirely, did seem a bit hasty, but.. leaving all this weaponry behind seems, odd, to say the least. edit: i mean maybe it was “intended” for the Afghan army, on some like “ohh.. man… cant believe we forgot those… well, you can keep em..” type shit, but, there was probably a better way to ensure their safe keeping, haha.
  5. https://twitter.com/justinbaragona/status/1426017141724270597?s=20
  6. If any of the soldiers stationed there want to stay or go back, i say let them. I dont think we should waste billions more, and i do think we should leave, but a little aid seems fine to me. It’s not like the US has an immaculate record of winning wars on its own.
  7. I know a few who served there, i sort of want to ask them how they feel about it, but also feel like it’s presumptuous for me to assume they have an opinion or even want to talk about it. It’s fucking wild though.
  8. 20 years, 1 trillion+ dollars spent, 20k+ wounded, 4k+ dead, who knows how much trauma and PTSD.. NAILED IT. NEVER FORGET. Edit: KOBE!
  9. https://dailybreadpa.com/collections/all/products/dog-smoking-weed-danny-devine-tee-black
  10. Either way i think it’s an inaccurate statement, haha. Sounds like someone trying to run a little good PR for the industry hes dedicated his life to.
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