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Everything posted by abrasivesaint

  1. https://www.reuters.com/world/us/lawyer-who-sued-chevron-sentenced-six-months-contempt-case-2021-10-01/
  2. Apologies if any of those were repeats. I hadnt checked up on the oontz in a few days and am pretty behind.
  3. Hold on… It seems as if this meme is trying to paint a picture as if the $15/hr people pushed for was somehow part of the cause of inflation, and that is simply false. As that article states, many companies are even offering more than $15/hr. These are some of the same companies that fought against $15/hr, and are now offering even more than $15/hr because nobody wants to sling their burgers anymore. The pandemic caused massive shortages in factories because many of our goods are made in China, Vietnam, ect. If someone even sneezes in those countries the factories shut down, causing halts to production. Supply goes down, demand remains the same, prices go up. On top of this, some companies are effecting access to already shorted supplies because of their own interests. For instance, Apple has pre-paid space on every plane out of China, limiting already limited space. I’d argue the most important argument that could be pulled from this article is that people should re-evaluate their consumption of unnecessary goods. A re-evaluation of the work-life relationship seems to have already happened during the lockdowns, now it’s time for these same people to re-evaluate their consumerism.
  4. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/haitian-texas-migrants-biden-trump-b1923148.html
  5. Why $600? edit: cant help but find it an odd number given that the stimulus checks were a minimum of $600. Could just be a magic number, the fuck do i know, just thought that was odd at face value.
  6. I mean, all of that shit was easily accessible through the internet long before Facebook… The “chans”, Reddit, Limewire.. Even here back in the day exposed me to visuals that are equally as horrible. edit: Facebook can still suck my balls though. Had that shit for like 3 months and got rid of it. Dont want it, dont need it.
  7. Under Socialism people can still own property. As i stated, it is not Socialism, because… … neither system allows for individuals to freely trade, the goods are managed by an elected government, aka the central authority that i mentioned. You literally took what i said, reworded it, and passed it off the same statement as me being wrong. There’s differences between the 2 systems? No shit.. There was nothing technical about it, it was a pretty broad statement, and not inaccurate. You’re simply just hurling insults here. First, let’s state that there is no distinction between “we each” in the meme. It does not specify that “we each” means individual. It could, but it does not specify that. We could assume that “we each” means literally “we” a collective of people growing on a farm, aka, the workers. So.. - If you would like to stick to the individual interpretation, Anarcho-Capitalism, and free markets, fall under exactly what i said, “Anarcho-“ - If you would like to interpret the “we each” meaning groups of farm workers, it could fall under Anarcho-Syndicalism, where the workers are in control of their goods. - In Communalism, there is a confederation of communes working together. So, if one commune in the confederation has better means to grow X, and another has better means to grow Y, logically you could assume that at some point these communes would trade X and Y, or “share” if you prefer. If they openly share, and they do not trade 1 X for 1 Y, then it is not Capitalism. I understand the differences. You wrongfully don’t think that i do, much like you wrongfully think that i am a Socialist. If you think i am a Communist you have absolutely lost your mind. I may play devils advocate, and toy with certain tenets in certain conversations, but that doesn’t make me a fucking tankie. I can believe in Socialist tenets and programs, and not believe Socialism is the end all be all. Much like how i can believe Capitalism has its merits, but is not the end all be all, and should not be unchecked.
  8. “Municipalization, in effect, brings the economy from a private or separate sphere into the public sphere where economic policy is formulated by the entire community — notably, its citizens in face-to-face relationships working to achieve a general “interest” that surmounts separate, vocationally defined specific interests.” Murray Bookchin - “Municipalization - Community Ownership of the Economy”. https://theanarchistlibrary.org/library/murray-bookchin-municipalization Murray Bookchin - “Libertarian Municipalism” https://theanarchistlibrary.org/library/murray-bookchin-libertarian-municipalism-an-overview Murray Bookchin “What is Communalism?” https://www.democracynature.org/vol3/bookchin_communalism.htm
  9. What? Haha. In both Socialism and Communism those farmed goods would go to the centralized authority and distributed “equally”. Communism being a more “extreme” version of Socialism, as some put it. The writing on that board states everyone would grow their own food and trade with each other on their own accord. Which based on the limited information, sounds like some form of “Anarcho -“ or Communalism to me.
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