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Everything posted by abrasivesaint

  1. George Bush lives in Texas. Travis Scott is from Texas. Houston is 3 hours and 6 minutes from Crawford according to Google Maps. Google is for libtard trannies, but do you see that.. 3 hours and 6 minutes. 3-6s 666 Coincidence? HA! Bush and Scott did 9/11. More like Travis Osama Hussein Marx. The Storm approaches.
  2. This is nothing new though. They had drones overhead in Seattle, Portland, and other places too. Some clearly visible, some not. edit: even local PD were using the small “recreational” drones. They’d fly over the crowd for like 10-20 minutes and then land back on the roof of the PD. They weren’t hiding it, ha. You could clearly see dudes on the roofs with binoculars and shit as well.
  3. It is. - There is nothing that i’ve seen that says this boy was Transgender. He wore a skirt. I can introduce you to many punks that have worn a skirt or a dress at some point in their lives because it was edgy and attention seeking. - It has nothing to do with Trans gender bathroom rights. According to the reports, the victim and the assaulter had some degree of sexual interactions previously. They were allegedly meeting in the bathroom to engage in such interactions and the girl wasn’t feeling it, but apparently the boy didn’t give a shit and raped her. He wasn’t simply some “Tranny” taking a piss that decided “i’ma rape that bitch over here.” Fair point, to a degree. They certainly aren’t covering it because they don’t want to do the dance they’re going to have to do and have a legitimate conversation around the topic. It’s not a simple headline, 60 second talking point, and move on. It’s a complicated issue with many variables. It’s also a ridiculous idea to now lump every Trans person using a bathroom into a rapist, which is what many conservative talking points are alluding to. For the record, even the father of the victim didn’t agree with these arguments. You’re being ridiculous. CNN and the like are corporate “center-leftists” at best. Furthermore, Marxists don’t have money. (Joke, kind of.) Propaganda part^ Factual. Have seen nothing to support this in reporting. The mother did this. Which is why lefty mainstream media is staying away from the story. It’s a landmine field. So at this point i’ll ask you your own question.. did YOU read ANY of the stories of what happened? In case you missed them, here you go… https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10156749/Mother-skirt-wearing-teen-raped-female-classmate-says-identifies-male.html https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10083783/Loudoun-County-father-arrested-school-meeting-says-daughter-raped-boy-girls-bathroom.html Are those links far enough away from the “Marxist” media for you? This is why i said i wasn’t concerning myself any further, yet here i am. Not interested in the opinion culture war bullshit spinning headlines and stories for political narratives. I read the reports, as far as i’m concerned this is a legal issue for the courts, and no longer my concern. edit: tagging @lord_casekbecause he addressed it as well.
  4. Clearly y’all don’t understand what i was saying.
  5. Any of y’all been fucking with SOL?
  6. This whole story is fucky. I’ve read the article where they quote the mother and read a bunch of other shit, combine that with the conservative propaganda and it seems like something i’m going to try to not concern myself with any further.
  7. 1.) where’s this proof he was a rapist? 2.) Cops don’t get to kill people because they’re thieves 3.) i dont care about their races 4.) i care that cop kneeled on someones neck until they died while they begged him to stop. 5.) How are you going to feel about these cops you love to defend if they come for your guns bro? You still gonna back the blue then?
  8. You know what they put in chemo bro? It makes you trans bro. You go in with cancer, and you come out wanting to put on dresses and suck the biggest dicks you can find. It also makes you vote for the liberals. You’ll take your AR15 and ream your own asshole with it bro. Don’t do it bro. Cancer isn't real bro, it’s a hoax. These “medical professionals” just want to see how many people they can make bald bro. It’s a contest. All this screaming into the void and one day you’re going to be banking on medical science and medical professionals to save your life.
  9. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ruby_Ridge
  10. I have a couple Gs in BTC.. funny enough.. i dropped a stack or 2 in May.. in the following month it dropped over 11k. Obviously has gone back up since then.
  11. I swear every time i throw a bit of money into some random coin to fuck around and see how it is it tanks within 24hrs, haha. edit: i mean throwing like $20 on some shitcoin and it immediately drops to $14..ha.
  12. 3 hipsters rolled into 1 forklift operator.
  13. Speaking of huffing, lay off the gas dude. You’ve gone from crazy Dhabz to bat shit insane Dhabz.
  14. I have been trying to get people to understand this for quite some time. Most don’t, won’t, or refuse to understand.
  15. I don’t remember the last time i blacked out.
  16. I used to follow Project Veritas, i stopped.
  17. The “best President of all time” accomplished nothing more than swindling fools like you out of millions upon millions of dollars. One of the greatest con men of all time is more accurate. -didnt jail Hilary -didnt build the wall -didnt make mexico pay for it -didnt end Obamacare -trade deficit with China increased -didnt storm the Capitol with his believers -didnt get re-elected -didnt prove election was a fraud…. -did swindle millions from followers -did get vaccinated -did go golfing
  18. Have you picked up a meth habit? You’ve gone deeper into the darkness my friend.
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