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Everything posted by abrasivesaint

  1. What i’ve gathered so far from this thread is that we’re not talking about what it was and who was behind it, it’s Casek telling us what it was and who was behind it. Maybe you’re right, maybe not. Either way Q is a bunch of straight up nonsense that hasn’t had anything they predicated come true, that i can think of. What it did was make a bunch of gullible and vulnerable people completely batshit over the type of conspiracies i was into when i was like 14 years old and discovering politics. If there’s one thing i’ve come to learn about conspiracies, it’s that the real answers are generally much simpler and out in the open. @Cracked Assrecommended this book to me a long time ago when i was balls deep in 9/11 conspiracies, and i can honestly say it helped me completely rethink the rabbit holes i was diving head first into at break neck speeds. Edit: much like these Q people are today.
  2. Anytime some of y’all disagree and lack a better counter-point or counter-statement you simply throw out this “you’re being emotional” nonsense, and act like y’all aren’t. Edit: and act like that’s the end all be all/final statement on the matter. You’re lying to yourself if you think your emotions don’t play a role in your politics. Like i’ve said before, thoughts and ideals can be both logical and emotional. I don’t know what i was being so emotional about, but i’ll go have a good cry and think about it.
  3. Spoken like a true loyalist to the crown. This country was founded on protest and breaking the law. I think it would serve a lot of “patriotic” Americans some good to remember that.
  4. and weed is still illegal in many states, doesn’t mean it’s not a nonsense law.
  5. abrasivesaint


    And the passes you in the left lane going 15-20mph faster than you’re going. edit: on the highway, obviously.
  6. https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/q-clearance-the-hunt-for-qanon/id1534027012 most episodes are about 30 minutes i believe.
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