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Everything posted by abrasivesaint

  1. abrasivesaint


    Are you fucking kidding me. This dude should die choking on his own ballsack. Fucking coward.
  2. https://apnews.com/article/US-military-explosives-stolen-discovered-in-homes-9e72a922bfe34fa5d13e642bd12cdc35 The Marine Corps demolition specialist was worried — about America, and about the civil war he feared would follow the presidential election. And so, block by block, he stole 13 pounds (6 kilograms) of C4 plastic explosives from the training ranges of Camp Lejeune. “The riots, talk about seizing guns, I saw this country moving towards a scary unknown future,” the sergeant would later write, in a seven-page statement to military investigators. “I had one thing on my mind and one thing only, I am protecting my family and my constitutional rights.” “These are not isolated cases. Hundreds — and possibly thousands — of armor-piercing grenades, hundreds of pounds of plastic explosives, as well as land mines and rockets have been stolen from or lost by the U.S. armed forces over the past decade, according to an ongoing Associated Press investigationinto the military’s failure to secure all its weapons of war. Still more explosives were reported missing and later recovered.”
  3. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10270067/Man-seeks-medical-help-artillery-shell-lodged-rectum.html
  4. This fucking joker couldn’t even have a laugh at a funny story.
  5. His surveillance proof hoodie/mask product couldn't protect him from surveillance. Horrible marketing.
  6. ”Limited new Hoodies , comes with built in “covid” mask to keep to safe [sic] from the virus of surveillance 48$ shipping world wide,” Rundo wrote at 4:38pm Central European Time (CET). The post was first shared on his much smaller (fewer than 300 followers) and newer channel associated with his fashion brand, then shared seconds later on his much larger channel. The post was accompanied by five photos of Rundo modelling the hoodie.
  7. https://www.bellingcat.com/news/uk-and-europe/2021/12/02/on-the-run-again-has-us-white-supremacist-rob-rundo-returned-to-serbia/ Although he was “on the run,” in the words of one of his international far-right comrades, Bellingcat observed Rundo walking openly in the neighbourhood around the apartment building, his face and recognisable tattoos on display. There’s some history of who this guy is in the article, and linked articles. The TLDR; white supremacist gets in trouble through the years in the US, and leaves the country. Serbia decides they don’t want him, and drive his ass to the border. He is spotted back in the country months later due to a photo he posted in which people recognized the graffiti in the background.
  8. https://sports.yahoo.com/the-wt-as-hundred-million-dollar-statement-to-china-043514815.html
  9. This is a very important point. Someone’s internet fueled wet dreams about shooting someone shouldn’t be projected on teachers. That’s just nonsense. If a teacher CHOOSES to take this path, that’s one thing, and they should undergo rigorous training that is required to be retaken periodically, annually in the very least.
  10. Based on this graph.. i’d say we’re at a hard (pro-homo) stage 5 and climbing slowly.
  11. Is this a psy-op to make me think i’m being psy-op’d even though i’m not being osy-op’d? I cant take this anymore.
  12. https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/jasonleopold/cia-employees-sex-crimes-children-secret-files-foia “One employee had sexual contact with a 2-year-old and a 6-year-old. He was fired. A second employee purchased three sexually explicit videos of young girls, filmed by their mothers. He resigned. A third employee estimated that he had viewed up to 1,400 sexually abusive images of children while on agency assignments. The records do not say what action, if any, the CIA took against him. A contractor who arranged for sex with an undercover FBI agent posing as a child had his contract revoked.”
  13. It’s fucking sad man. Like at some point this now-killer was just a little kid who loved playing, and video games, and just wanted friends, liked fucking dinosaurs, he wanted to grow up and be a cowboy or some dumb shit, ect, ect.. ….but somewhere along the line that fucking broke, and now people are dead over some dumb shit. Some friends never get to see their friend again. Some parents never get to see their kids, ect, ect.. Shit is fucking sad.
  14. Also thought it was worth mentioning that i pass a particular McDonalds every day. A couple weeks ago it was seeking help and offering $18/hr, that has since dropped to “up to $14/hr”.
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