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Everything posted by abrasivesaint

  1. OPEC did that. edit: correction, there were measures Biden could have taken as well.
  2. I had a long winded response i started typing, but for now i’m going to hit it with a sort of TLDR to answer your questions. I’m interested in ideas, and debating the strength of ideas. I don’t subscribe to any ideologies whole heartedly. I believe adopting a political ideology front to back is just silly, and i don’t see the need nor do i find it beneficial. In fact, i think it’s detrimental. They all have their errors and merits, and i don’t see the need to just accept those errors because it leaves me outside of a box. If i take one of those cute little online tests, it generally tell me i’m a Libertarian-Socialist. Gun to my head, from what i’ve read through the years, Democratic-Confederalism, Communalism, Libertarian-Municipalism is roughly where i found ideas i agree with the most.
  3. I started skimming after i saw Democratic pedophiles. I’m uninterested in the tinfoil, partisan conversation. Moving on.
  4. Hey whatever works works man, I’m all for alternative treatments. Big pharma companies can suck my balls. I still think the vaccine works, and is worth getting for most, but if this shit works at squashing the actual symptoms then fuck it, pop it. My symptoms from Covid almost put me in the hospital and legitimately made me think there’s a chance i’ll die if this gets any worse. It’s 6 steps from my bedroom to the bathroom and i’d be legit gasping for air for 15-20 minutes after those 6 steps. So if i could have taken this to stop that, i would have.
  5. I’ll give it all the credit in the world if Joe Rogan shuts the fuck up about it and has fun talks with random people again.
  6. I am going to address this though. As i had a moment to brush up and check up on my history/memory. One of the many things the families fought over was property/land ownership. “Years earlier Cline had lost a lawsuit against Devil Anse over the deed for thousands of acres of land, and many historians believe this left him looking for his own form of revenge. Using his political connections, Cline had the charges against the Hatfields reinstated. He announced rewards for the arrest of the Hatfields, including Devil Anse.“ https://www.history.com/shows/hatfields-and-mccoys/articles/the-hatfield-mccoy-feud edit: this is not an interest in discussing property rights, just pointing out that there were in fact land disputes.
  7. Children are immature, many grown adults are immature. Our culture glorifies cowards, grifters, killers, and other pieces of shit. There are many reasons why everyone shouldn’t have access to whatever the fuck they want, but they do. These are trade offs in our culture. Liberty vs security, and such. Guns are easily accessible in our society. A shooting like this removes the killer from much of the burden and responsibility of the act of killing. Surely they know they killed someone, but it seems it’s a lot different to shoot someone, than to stab them, beat them to death with a hammer, or strangle them, ect.. You don’t feel skin puncture, you don’t feel the bones, muscles, ligaments, and veins tear and crack. You don’t feel the person fight for their life, twist and writhe in pain. It removes some of the responsibility of the act. It makes it easier. That may not mean any sort of after effect isn’t the same in terms of knowing you took a life, but it makes it a lot less personal and easier to do. This isn’t an argument against guns, again, THIS IS NOT AN ARGUMENT AGAINST GUN OWNERSHIP. It is an argument against immature and irresponsible people having easy access to guns, and then allowing other immature and irresponsible people having easy access to guns. Yes, people can run people over, people can stab people, or whatever the counter argument is going to be.. BUT, they largely don’t, because again, it’s easier, and removes some of the burden of responsibility. It also fulfills some sort of wet dreams we have as a culture.
  8. For the record, i don’t disagree that it doesnt matter to what he was doing, which he shouldn’t have been doing. I was just pointing it out that he is in fact not related to Floyd, and by making such connections, Ngo attempts to use it as fuel to discredit a social movement around police brutality and murder because he has a very personal vendetta. Andy Ngo does not act in good faith. Like many media outlets, he skews things to fit his narrative. This may seem trivial, but he is not an honest person. Edit: in the very least, he is an inept “journalist”. Double edit: clearly Ngo felt it was important enough to mention it, even though it is an irrelevant piece of information. It doesn’t matter to what he was doing in that moment involving the jurors, i agree. Ngo uses it as culture war fuel, because he’s a cunt.
  9. Dude you’re becoming completely fucking unhinged. This is the 2nd time (that i’ve noticed) in the past like week that you’ve indirectly called someone a fucking pedophile or a pedophile sympathizer. You need to put the culture war pipe down for a second and go sit next to a fucking river and relax for fucks sake.
  10. Anytime i challenge your opinions i’m told what MY views are, my words feel like they’re being twisted, or i’m told i’m just unintelligent or i just don’t understand. No matter how many times i express what I ACTUALLY BELIEVE, i’m told shit like i don’t believe in property rights. I will be doing my best to attempt to not discuss political theory topics like this anymore for these reasons. @Mercer Chalk it as a win, or whatever, i frankly don’t fucking care anymore.
  11. “George Floyd’s aunt told Alpha News that Cortez Rice was sent a cease and desist letter in 2020 to make him stop claiming to be Floyd’s nephew. Rice is a BLM activist who has been in the media spotlight since Floyd’s death. Last year, both the Washington Post and New York Times reported that the activist was George Floyd’s nephew. He even appeared on a Florida TV news station claiming that Floyd was his uncle in April of this year. He grabbed headlines again after he led a protest outside a Minneapolis judge’s home earlier this month. Shortly after his controversial protest gained significant public attention, he hosted a Facebook livestream where he contradicted the Post and NYT, saying that he is not a blood relative of George Floyd. “I never ever said that,” he claimed on the stream. “I say [Floyd’s] like an uncle, my kids called him uncle, he always say ‘blood don’t make you family, loyalty does.’” However, George Floyd’s aunt, Angela Harrelson, tells a different story: she said that Rice was sent a cease and desist letter last year to make him stop claiming to be a member of Floyd’s family, she told Alpha News in an email.”
  12. I mean kids shooting guns and doing target practice and such is one thing, BUT, that accompanied with these other things is not a good look.
  13. All interactions being voluntary is a genuinely great idea, but there’s some holes in this Voluntaryism, (as there obviously are in all political philosophies.) Some people want the state, therefore collapsing the state and starving it economically does not sound like something they were willingly participating in. Collapsing a political and economic system will undoubtedly cause violence, so while it may not be direct, it is still resulting in violence. Public property becoming private is also most certainly property being involuntarily redistributed by a collective. I like public lands, i do not think all lands should be privately owned. Drawing more lines in the sand only leads to more violence. The lines we currently have drawn lead to incredible amounts of violence. The Hatfield’s and McCoy’s can’t dispute their lands if there’s no line drawn. The grass can’t seem greener on the other side, if there is no other side
  14. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/dec/03/us-state-department-officials-iphones-hacked-nso-group-spyware
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