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Everything posted by abrasivesaint

  1. Exactly what happened to me in the stock market.. few months ago i turned $100 into $500 on a few shares of a stock, got greedy and was letting it ride, then it tanked. Now i’m just holding my dick.
  2. A mask is protective, point blank, period. Do i wear a mask around friends and family? No. Should I? Maybe, because i don't know what they’ve been exposed to. (Surprise, i caught COVID.) Do i throw it on in a store, or other enclosed public spaces? Sure, because it’s no skin off my ass and i don’t trust any of y’all mother fuckers to not be nasty cunts. Fools will wear a rubber to protect their dick but won’t wear a mask to protect themselves from a virus that can put you in the dirt, haha.. Hospital staff wouldn’t wear masks day in and day out (pre-covid, mind you) if they didn’t do jack shit. I’ve worked in hospitals for over a decade now and worked directly with infected, soiled, disease riddled shit (sometimes literal shit), and have not caught stuff like CJD because of masks, gloves, gowns, and face shields. All throughout lockdowns last year i worked in hospitals down south and in the north west. I directly dealt with surgical equipment and covid positive patients 5-6 times that i can confirm, and I didn’t catch covid until i was back home in New England, dicking around, not “following guidelines.” “vaccines have micro chips and have killed people and blah blah..” ... Ya, well modern technology has been tracking you for years now, and peanut butter is a death sentence to some people. Your phone has GPS, your vehicle probably has GPS, every ass hat now has cute little cameras to “watch their dogs” when they’re not home.. As a population we gladly give up our rights to privacy without even thinking, all the time.. Would i get a flu shot if i didn't have to? Probably not. Have i died because of any flu shots? Clearly i have not. Have some people? Probably, never looked into it. I mean isn’t there that old video of some chick that got a flu shot and then all the sudden couldn’t walk and the internet took her video and put that “walk it out” song to it? ..Our bodies react differently to different shit. Medical staff are some of the first people to get vaccinated. During flu season, you have 2 choices as medical staff, 1.) get a flu shot, or 2.) wear a mask for the entirety of flu season. It has always been this way. All of the sudden it’s like everyone’s a medical expert with tin foil PHDs from WebMD and Qanon Universities. It’s laughable. ...maybe the situational power has been that the population has been spending vast amounts of time and effort deep diving into utter nonsense through internet conspiracies leaving the majority of the populous reeling in our cute little places yet again because it’s another thing for us to yell at each other about for the coming months while business as usual is conducted behind the drapes by the men and women that we think are at odds with each other because they wear red or blue ties and bows, but live in the same neighborhoods and dine at the same private clubs and hold the same power over all of us as they always have.. ..and the American theatre stays in business, and goes round and round..
  3. I more so meant in terms of knowledge of what to buy or sell, and when, because of xyz reasons. Seems like a few people around here do a lot better in terms of making profits than i do. Some of y’all are probably throwing around a lot more money than i am though, so.. I legit just read what people here say they’re buying and go for it, ha. Not always, but generally. There’s definitely some coins i bought back a year or two ago and wish i fucking held from day 1.. XRP, BAT, LTC, BCH.. a few of these i bought for a few cents or dollars a pop and are now worth far more than that, but as always... coulda, shoulda..
  4. Got some shit in: BTC ETH ADA DGB LINK BAT ... aaand i think that’s it? But i may be missing something. I’ve just thrown some extra cash into some stuff every now and then just to see what happens over the course of a couple weeks or months.
  5. I have just accepted that i have no fucking clue what i’m doing, haha. I just got money sitting in places and assume one day it’ll either be more money than i had, or it’ll be less money than i had, and i’m hoping for the best.
  6. Lol.. Twisted words to fit a narrative, and it’s fucking asinine. What’s next? “Yes the officer shot the unarmed suspect 4 times in the chest, but was the suspect not on blood thinning medications which can prevent clotting and cause excessive bleeding? So the 4 bullets to the lungs may be the cause of death, but the blood thinning medication played a role..” Grow up.
  7. I’m all about living life to the fullest and having as many life experiences as you can, but i coulda done without that one.
  8. 14 days of quarantine and 3-4 days of no fever or symptoms means your boy is a free man. Fuck Covid, i dont ever want to do that shit again.
  9. Vaccines are generally the most common strain of an illness. These things can mutate, hence a vaccine for strain A may not work for strain B, or it’ll only lessen the symptoms. It takes weeks for your body to build enough antibodies from a vaccine. So if you were getting infected shortly before or after a vaccine it will not work as it should because your body has not built up the antibodies yet... science 🙌🏼
  10. abrasivesaint


  11. I was riding my bike in Denver late one night and i stopped on a corner to drink some water and some fucking light/siren contraption started blaring. It stopped as soon as i got off the sidewalk. I thought it was just like a spot light for nearby construction but i’m pretty sure it was some sort of anti-crime thing. One of the weirdest things i’d ever seen. I had no clue what was happening.
  12. @Tails0nEi’ve heard some stories from varying people of the past few days and they really do range all over the place. I’ve heard from someone that they know someone who had it as bad as i have. When i go to the bathroom i wear the mask for the like 5 steps and then i remove it, if i sit on the toilet i wipe it down, and just wash my hands. Its usually sprayed down and all that stuff after, its definitely better safe than sorry. I even wipe down the shampoo bottles and such after i take showers. Thanks though man, even though its been hell i do feel like i’m getting better, just very slowly, which i’ve heard is normal.
  13. I’ve had: -chills -fever -sweats -aches -pains -constant headaches -bad pressure behind my eyes -my hands and feet are constantly going cold -hunger, but i couldnt eat -loss of taste -nausea - terrible fatigue - heart palpitations -Cant sleep for more than 30 minutes - coughing fits that would result in it being hard to breathe because i’d be hacking up a lung and gagging and i couldnt stop, resulting in my chest/lungs burning something fucking fierce - ridiculous diarrhea (gross, dude) - issues breathing, like shortness of breath, wind taken out of me, my breath would also do some weird shit i honestly dont how to describe, like “fluttery convulsions”, maybe? - Wearing a mask for longer than like 2 seconds causes shortness of breath and results in coughing. - was having some inexplicable dreams that literally dont have words to describe what would happen because if i tried to focus on any sort of the chaos i’d either wake up or it would change, almost like what i’ve heard hallucinating on certain drugs can be like - at one point i couldnt do anything but lay on my stomach or i would throw a coughing fit Some of these symptoms come and go too, so i’ll start to feel good, and then get fucking slammed. This has legit been the worst shit i’ve probably ever dealt with. I’ve had the flu before, i’ve even had the flu for like a week or so before, this has been far, far worse. If i had to choose 2 weeks of this again or being in the hospital for 6 weeks, bed ridden for 6 weeks, and then a couple years of off and on physical therapy and pain because of my motorcycle wreck, i’m choosing the motorcycle wreck. At least they could treat me with some serious pain and anxiety meds and so forth. This has been torturous, it’s basically take some Tylenol for the fever and hope you dont die champ.
  14. I don’t blame you. I don’t leave this room unless i’m hitting the bathroom and i wear a mask the whole time. Good luck. Anyone experiencing symptoms or just positive results so far?
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