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Everything posted by abrasivesaint

  1. Do you guys fuck with other stuff at all, or mostly Bit and Eth? I think i remember seeing @Mercersaying he used to throw money into other coins, I believe i saw @KILZ FILLZtalking about Cardano recently, just curious if y’all dabble or mostly just dump it into those 2? I’ve thrown a few bucks into Cardano, Lite, Bit Cash.. i fucked with XRP and BAT in the past but not anymore. But there’s a couple others that catch my eye at times. Solana and Fantom currently, for instance.
  2. Bittrex didn’t seem to carry it. edit: or waves.
  3. I blame this dip on myself and i apologize gentlemen. Every time i dump money into cryptos it drops, haha.
  4. Damn, cant have Binance in the US? Need that specific .us version? Ya boys just trying to throw a couple bucks into coins he knows nothing about like Fanthom.
  5. Truth. It was legit the first thing i did this morning, for whatever reason, my eyes were barely open and my brain went “oh fuck! ...No.. no.. don't do it dummy.” Edit: also have to remind myself sometimes that the more money you have invested in stocks/cryptos, the worse it looks on your numbers when it dips, even though it’s dipping the same percentages.
  6. First thing when i woke up was checked cryptos. Fought the panic button on Bitcoin for a moment and told myself to look at the “buy more” button instead, haha.
  7. Have you deposited money? Some apps like this don’t dish out the money until you make some moves.
  8. @poesi’ve heard a few others say they used Binance and have no complaints. I went looking for it before, but the way the app looks in the store looks like a AT&T advertisement or some shit and i was unsure, haha.. is this it?
  9. Finally took some money and threw it around today, some stock some crypto. Got some more sitting around just unsure what the plan is gonna be just yet.
  10. Reminds me of Tresix, although he did get hurt.
  11. Honestly have no fucking clue either. Wherever i find it. I’ve found a couple podcasts, Mercer/12oz folk, random reports, anywhere i can really, haha.
  12. I’m sure it’s buried throughout the pages, i’m just being lazy, but what do y’all use for your cryptos needs? I have a few apps on my phone i’ve used to dabble in a few things through the past couple years (Uphold, Cashapp, Coinbase, Robinhood, had Gemini and Crypto but never used em.) I know i read Mercer said he wouldn't put more than like 2k on Coinbase.. So what do y’all use?
  13. I’ll have to think on some stories, but i moved into a friends apartment on a sublease for a few months because some girl was moving in with her man and rented me the room. At theend of the lease everyone in the house was planning to move out. The last month this meathead looking white dude shows up to “collect last month” claiming he was the landlord’s brother, and that we never paid. My friend states that in order to move in we paid first, last, and security. He says “well the way we do it is you still pay the last month, and then we reimburse you when you move out.” To which i thought, “bull, fucking, shit,” and decided i need tk join this conversation because at that point i was still in my room and overheard it. This dude helps himself into the apartment and was now roaming around, clearly trying to intimidate. My 2 room mates were Asian, and one of them spoke broken English. The dude sees me walk out and his whole demeanor changed. My friend calls the landlord and is talking to him and the guy starts mumbling some shit and i just looked at him and said “..you’re not getting paid.” The landlord eventually said there must have been a misunderstanding and maybe he went to the wrong tenants house, as they owned multiple properties, and that we’re paid up. I snuck in the comment that i grew up with the landlords nieces and nephews and that i knew who he was, which was true. Pretty sure they just assumed a few Asian women who barely spoke English lived there and they were going to strong arm a little extra cash. Needless to say, they didn’t get jack shit.
  14. What’s this ETH2 shit about? Just got some email from Coinbase talking about 7% APR if i switch my ETH over.
  15. I got cashapp because of one of those old Rogan ads that claimed free money when you deposited, i never got free money. Still have the app though, haha. I fire it up every now and then just to poke around.
  16. I’m still using Robinhood for some shit and have had 0 problems buying and selling.
  17. Damn, everything just tanked, no love on V-Day.
  18. What’s Litecoin’s deal? Shit seems to be steady rising lately. Considering doing the Mercer approach and taking some of that little 401k i have an dumping into cryptos.. don’t worry i won’t blame you if shit goes south.
  19. Good to know, when did they make that move with IOS? I think i was SOL back then and it was partially why I deleted it.
  20. Ahhh, this makes sense now. I was wondering what happened. I got rid of Brave for a little bit.
  21. Damn, BAT jumped huh? Would probably be a lot cooler if i hadn’t sold all my BAT a long ass time ago.
  22. abrasivesaint


  23. abrasivesaint


    Imagine being such a pussy that the only way you know how to handle a child is to pepper spray them.. ..imagine if a parent pepper sprayed their 9 year old...
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