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Everything posted by abrasivesaint

  1. abrasivesaint


    Saw that earlier, fucking scumbag.
  2. abrasivesaint


    Was coming here to post that Ryan Whitaker story. Fucking insane. The time he opened his door to being shot was 2-3 seconds.
  3. We had a bomb threat written on the mens bathroom wall in middle school. They used the date April 31st. The guy that was essentially a Dean called everyone into the auditorium and called their bluff and called them an idiot because there is no April 31st and if they spent more time paying attention instead of scribing false threats on walls maybe they would have known that.. haha.
  4. abrasivesaint


    Hard to say if we’re about to go 1775 or 1861 up in here, or if we’re about to silently slip in some 1933 type shit with a whimper.
  5. abrasivesaint


    This is an important point though. Your average person would have been placed under arrest and then would have to prove self defense or innocence and have the charges dropped. A luxury that a cop was given that a normal citizen would not be afforded.
  6. abrasivesaint


    As far as i know, it simply means he is not free to leave, however he has not been charged with a crime at the time of being detained, but charges can be later issued by a prosecutor. They can hold him in custody for up to 72 hours, if i’m not mistaken, and after that if no charges have been placed on him he is free to leave.
  7. Ya they’re not getting it, or they’re ignoring it. Probably a combination of both.
  8. Was just about to post that story. Found in fucking New Hampshire, ha. I’ll post the story i saw anyway.. https://www.washingtonpost.com/national-security/ghislaine-maxwell-arrested-jeffrey-epstein/2020/07/02/20c74502-bc69-11ea-8cf5-9c1b8d7f84c6_story.html
  9. How dare they accept European invaders threatening their way of life... I mean, Europeans had such a glorious track record of humanity. There’s exactly 0 accounts Europeans doing heinous acts of violence to indigenous people and other civilizations around the world.. God you’re a cunt.
  10. I’m contemplating diving into Marx’s “Capital.” Jah bless me if i decide to take the plunge, haha.
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