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Everything posted by abrasivesaint

  1. A handful of Proud Boys showed up to CHAZ, they didn’t do shit. Then a few blocks away somehow a scuffle broke out with some random dude and the 6-1 still didn't do much damage. Fucking dweebs.
  2. Another protestor shot.
  3. He may have. Every time he showed up things got more and more hostile despite what people trying to de-escalate things would do. The guy was antagonizing shit as well though. He pushes through people that are just standing around and shit, he’s definitely no saint in the situation. No pun intended.
  4. Some huge Native dude was absolutely screaming at everyone down there the other day because there were folks who were deciding to not surround one of those “the end is near, repent or burn in hell sinners” type guys and scream Black Lives Matter. Apparently “white allies” are a lie because they chose not to berate some loon with a sign yelling nonsense about Jesus and our sins.
  5. Real shit show going on in the “chaz.” Some dude (dudes?) broke into a local car shop and allegedly stole some money and keys and shit. They started to search him and some random dude got involved and it broke into a fight and the owners didnt get their shit back except for a jacket he stole. Apparently they apprehended him and let him go, they had his cell phone as well. Business owners came out with guns and were honestly real civil with the situation despite everything.
  6. Will definitely read, thank ya.
  7. Acquired through my strolls.
  8. Ya. This needs to stop.
  9. Plus that place is fucking grilled with graffiti now, haha.
  10. I havent watched that but i heard it was pretty overblown and nowhere near as serious of a thing as it was made out to be.
  11. My man here is slanging BLM shirts to white folks. Dudes gonna be sitting pretty on a few bucks by the end of this.
  12. If you zoom on his car you can see the smashed windshield, thats from after he danced on his roof denting the shit out of it he ass dropped his windshield, then kicked the side mirror off.
  13. This fucking guy was throwing nitrous canisters at people. Then just started throwing them everywhere. He must have been high as fucking hell. These 2 dudes show up and one of them pepper sprayed the guy and then they began to try to remove him from his car. One dude runs back to this SUV and grab some zip tie cuffs. They struggle with him, dudes yelling, eventually people come over and they let him up and just walk away. I dont know if these dudes were like the “Autonomous Zone Security” or some fucking shit, but If they weren’t cops, they sure as fuck looked and acted like it.
  14. A few of the “repent or you will burn sinners, jesus is coming” type folks are milling about. This fucking dude just shows up out of nowhere dressed as Jesus and says “i heard my name..”
  15. Some scenes from the Free Capitol Hill Zone, CHAZ, whatever you wanna call it.
  16. Watched that the other day. As usual Chapelle is on point.
  17. Shit is too funny. Fucking goobers. edit: i mean the “headline” reads like they were photographed riding up here in unity, there’s 0 Mongols in the photo, and the dudes rocker says New Brunswick.. dudes aint driving from north of Maine across country and crossing the border to beat down a bunch of hippies camping. How anyone would repost this thinking it’s remotely accurate is beyond me, haha. Especially a dude like Jesse James who is supposed to be this big name in the motorcycle “scene.”
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