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Everything posted by abrasivesaint

  1. I initially read this as “cut the mic or they get shot,” and i like that idea too.
  2. Someone i recently conversed with shared a story about Harris smoking up in a mutual friends office while in the height of her AG days prosecuting people for weed crimes. Edit: Whether it’s true or not, i believe it.
  3. There’s plenty of footage and news articles about the Proud Boys and groups like Patriot Prayer being violent. They openly advocate for violence. One of their most known names in the group, Alan Swinney, was just arrested on 12 charges varying from assault and weapons charges. https://www.kgw.com/mobile/search?q=Alan+swinney Another named Tiny was arrested after a group of PBs strolled through Seattle and tried to jump some dude, and largely failed, and it was caught by phone footage. https://katu.com/news/local/proud-boy-tiny-toese-arrested-for-probation-violation He was again arrested 2 months later for probation violations after more footage surfaced of him assaulting people at another protest. These are just 2 examples of Proud Boys who openly advocate for violence, and have carried it out. The shit is happening on both sides. Each side pointing the finger at each other claiming the others are terrorists and extremists, while their news source of choice feeds the fire.
  4. Who’s a full on Satanist? Besides, you do know that the tenets of Satanism actually have nothing to do with the devil or any of that shit, right? The idea that Satanism is devil worship is some Satanic Panic type shit, and the word Satan in Hebrew simply means adversary. I mean, do we really need to go tit for tat in the whole pedo-ring conspiracy, because the Catholic church has some demons in their closet to say the least.
  5. abrasivesaint


    I see your wordplay and i raise you...
  6. abrasivesaint


    I’d hardly call that a fucking river. Dude threw him off a bridge.
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