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Everything posted by abrasivesaint

  1. Illegal immigrants are the problem BLM is the problem Antifa is problem Proud Boys are the problem Muslim terrorists are the problem White people are the problem Gays and Trans are the problem Racist hicks are the problem Liberals are the problem Conservatives are the problem.. ..anything to keep the American people at each others throats and distracted from the fact that our corrupted politicians, a broken system, and corporations with unchecked power and control are the fucking problem. edit: i’m using the term corporations loosely and broadly.
  2. ..i would love to see where you discovered the political leanings of those statisticians. ...makes statement generalizing and stereotyping a big population by the actions of a small population without knowing numbers... ...follows that with statement with a statement about how cant compare small populations to big populations without knowing true numbers... Sounds like some sound math my guy.
  3. Fair that they shouldn’t be here to commit the crimes, but immigrants are painted to be a total burden on the US system, yet they sit in US prisons to serve sentences for crimes before being deported, costing us money.. Someone is benefiting, otherwise it wouldn’t be happening. What’s the difference between an illegal immigrant and a citizen? They don’t pay taxes? The same type or people who would generally bitch about this sort of shit also applaud Trump and the like for tax avoidance and loopholes and say “they’re smart.” Seems like a whole bunch of bullshit to me.
  4. Those numbers sure look like they a wrench in the spoon fed bullshit.
  5. What’s to admit? He ain’t my guy. Like i said, it was a stupid statement, and it’s a click bait headline leaving out context. This happened to Trump all the time. He said stupid shit that was taken out of context. They can both suck a tailpipe for all i care.
  6. FullSizeRender.mov
  7. Fucking hell, it’s telling me the address is incorrectly formatted. edit: tried ETH and it worked right until it said there’s apparently a 59 day hold on this shit.. fuck this noise, i’ll make some other moves and that can just sit in Uphold.
  8. Ah, found a solution. A pretty simple one that didn’t even cross my mind. I’m not used to scrolling through Youtube comments. Thanks.
  9. Doesn’t seem to have an option for an ADA network, or am i missing something?
  10. I actually only have some ADA and DGB in Uphold. I sold all my BAT a while back.
  11. That’s the part i’m stuck, i cant find how to send to the wallet address. I’m using the app though, would using the desktop be any different? edit: from Uphold, i hVe the Exodus wallet.
  12. I still have no idea how to transfer my shit from Uphold to Exodus, haha. I’ve tried a couple times and am at a complete loss.
  13. I currently have some ADA in Uphold, would y’all transfer to Exodus, or just leave it? Can I/how the hell would i even do that? I assume the wallet address but that didnt bring me to anything i was thinking it would.
  14. I see you thinking about it, don't think about it, don’t ask.
  15. Just downloaded Exodus. I thought i had already but it seems i had not. Haven’t dropped any money in yet but based on appearance seems nicer than some of these others I’ve tried/have.
  16. Nothing extraordinary, my monkey brain sees “green line going up” and wants my green line to go up, haha. That’s sort of why i ask though, just curious if folks even fuck around with paying attention to other coins or just focus on the bigger dogs.
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