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Everything posted by abrasivesaint

  1. Ya i know what happened to him, which is why he’s even more biased. Just because he got attacked doesn’t mean he’s honest. He sensationalizes, and i’ve always had a problem with that, no matter the side of the argument. Here’s some more info about dishonest reporting and twitter posting, from the other side, that lead to violence at CHAZ.. When that dude Tiny and other Proud Boys showed up trying to instigate a fight, they were in a white mini van. They attacked a dude filming them, it’s all on video, and it’s hilariously bad. I’m part of a chat on discord that has their ear to the ground on a lot of this shit. Some of them are journalists and so on. Some people in there were reporting that a trans woman had been kidnapped by a white SUV, and immediately it was blamed on the Proud Boys and Tiny. I hit the brakes hard on the conversation, as i would here, and was arguing that there’s a lot of white SUVs. Who saw for sure that it was members of the PBs? Who was this trans woman that got kidnapped? No one knew her name? Why would the PBs kidnap a trans woman? None of it was making sense. Fast forward, 2 teenagers are driving around CHOP, just seeing what they could see. They take a wrong turn and it leads them somewhere they shouldn’t be driving. People freak out and the shooting pops off, and these 2 teenagers get killed. Do you know what they were driving? A white SUV. That story about the trans woman being kidnapped turned out to be bullshit. Someone seeking attention fabricated the whole thing, using kernels of truth from previous and current situations, and they admitted it eventually. Now because of that story, all of CHOP was on edge because of a non-existent white SUV. Those 2 teenagers are victims of an insane coincidence that they just so happened to be in a white SUV, and they were murdered because of it. All because someone wanted to be part of the headlines and Twitter posts. (If you don’t know who Tiny is, he’s a member of the Proud Boys and an open advocate for violence. He has a record for assault and ended up being arrested for jumping state lines during CHAZ because he lives in Oregon and was on probation.)
  2. Another thing people willfully or ignorantly leave out when mentioning Raz Simone, someone Ngo brings up, as most stories about CHAZ do, is the Deuce 8 gang and other gangs. Some of the shootings, fights and other shit that went down in CHAZ was gang related. Deuce 8 claims the Central District just to the east of Cal Anderson park, where the protests were, and where they set up CHAZ/CHOP, and other gangs claim other nearby neighborhoods. (Cal Anderson is the long green patch by the IMO in Art Primo below.) From what some locals told me, gang violence is nothing knew to the Capital Hill area. It’s also infested with homelessness and drug addicts, another factor often left out of the CHAZ conversation. Probably 1/4-1/3 of the crowd tenting in the park were homeless people who just took advantage. There was a lot of opportunism going on.
  3. From what i’ve seen, he’s disingenuous to say the least. His reporting on CHAZ/CHOP is about 1/4 truth, 3/4 creating a narrative of exaggeration, bullshit, and willfully leaving out important factors. I happened to be up here for work when this all kicked off. I went to protests and marches. I also wandered around CHAZ/CHOP after it was formed. I was there throughout the night leading up to hours before the police left the precinct and “CHAZ” formed.. I was observing among the 4 dozen or so people there throughout the night. I have photos and video i can share if my word isn’t good enough. I’ll pull one minor but still important example.. This dude wasn’t just some dude “bothering protesters.” He would force his way through people, sometimes knocking people over, or almost knocking people over, screaming about sinners burning in hell, jesus is coming, repent.. He would scream that “his mission is not complete.” “Lord, part the red sea as you did for Moses, Lord..” all that good shit. So the same way people were outraged at those idiots yelling at the restaurant patrons, he was doing the same at the actual peaceful protests, pre-CHAZ. Here’s how he was handled the majority of the time, (and this is my photo.) People would surround him, attempting to prevent him from pushing his way through the crowd screaming at people, which is what he would end up doing anyway. I would wager that the photo you see of him being dragged, he put himself on the ground like a child throwing a tantrum, and then was dragged away from the crowd. He would do it when people would surround him. He would just slump into their bodies until he was on the pavement, and then lay there screaming, sometimes thrashing about. The dude had issues. Some of the on site nurses and physicians tried to help. One social worker actually knew him from the past. No one could get through to him, he would just keep screaming.
  4. abrasivesaint


    The ones in Seattle were smarter than that, they had a centralized location and all 4 sides covered. They wouldn’t press forward on crowds without expanding their base. So often, at least in my experience, when they say they were firing pepper spray and blast balls because someone “threw a bottle” it was bullshit and they just needed an excuse to flex the line. Drive people back a block or two, snag a handful of protesters or smash up a tent or whatever, pull back, repeat.
  5. Got ya. I agree that it is tarnishing the message of BLM. The problem is i don’t think a lot of it is members of an actual BLM group, it’s in the name of BLM. But because people are chanting BLM, it is assumed they are the ones controlling the protests and marches, when they are not. I can’t speak for all of them, but from what i’ve seen in Seattle, the actual BLM had little to do with many of the marches and protests. They steered clear, especially when CHAZ popped up and definitely when it became CHOP. edit: the TLDR is: the BLM movement has been co-opted to some degree.
  6. Maybe it’s because they had time to plan because for days the news has been broadcasting that the city was bringing in the National Guard in preparation for the announcement of charges, or lack there of, as was clearly being alluded to. If the city knew charges were going to be handed out they wouldn’t have needed to “prepare” with NG. The people “behind this” are outraged coffee house hipsters trying to change the world with shields made out of couch cushions battling dickheads with power complexes and military grade equipment, because they’re the ones who actually have the funding. You’re talking like it’s hard to rent a Uhaul and make “shields” out of trash.
  7. I’ve been crushing audible books at work, haha. Had to have a talk with myself about the amount of like $20/8hr books i was buying.
  8. abrasivesaint


    “I know we did the legal, moral and ethical thing that night. It’s sad how the good guys are demonized, and criminals are canonized.” From an email one of the officers in Breonna Taylor’s killing sent to his fellow officers.. An innocent woman was killed and this guy thinks he’s the victim.
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