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Everything posted by abrasivesaint

  1. Haha, fair enough. Lol at Bill Burr having hair, too. He looked much weirder.
  2. Sounds like he was busting your balls. As someone who grew up in the Boston area, very often someone mistakes when i’m just being a smart ass for being an asshole. Also depending on when this was, and confusing flick for video, he may have been concerned you were gonna try to catch him saying or acting a fool, given the current social situations.. But, i wasn’t there, maybe he was being a douche. Thanks for clarifying, haha. This is fair though. Holding someone who has a license to kill you to a higher standard than a comedian is a little different. All in all, he’s one of the cuntiest of cunts, which is why he’s one of the best, in my opinion. I wouldn’t have expected any less than some shit talk.
  3. peanut butter and marshmallow on Ritz crackers because i'm a child sometimes.
  4. Hey i'm from there too, haha. I'm definitely a bit of a cunt though.
  5. true person below falls asleep to Forensic Files
  6. He's from the Boston area. Find me someone who isn't a slight dick from the Boston area. Also, how many people do you think he had to interact with that day, that week, and so on. Celebrities aren't superhuman, things effect their mood.
  7. ya sword and scale was way better when that dude hosted it. whoever it is recently sounds like the voice of a female bot.
  8. Lolwut. False. Person below has never tried the mexican coca cola.
  9. False Person below has change in their pocket.
  10. abrasivesaint


    This thread is going to end up making me so upset, haha..
  11. False, person below thinks the movie Us was overrated.
  12. Kate Quigley opened for Diaz last time i saw him, she was pretty damn funny.
  13. Don’t know whether he has a podcast or not by Kyle Kinane was pretty funny when i saw him. Joey Diaz is also a savage. Ive only been to 3 live comedy shows. 2 Diaz shows and one for Kinane.
  14. What? Seems fitting.. these are fucking FIRE. White gator. Apparently they’ve only ever found 20 of these..
  15. Dude was just straight chewing the dirt he was digging, haha. if you mean for food he gets some large breed puppy stuff we were recommended. Usually some salmon/lamb to help his coat. (Also recommended.)
  16. So here’s a little story of my pup.. I travel for work. While leaving the south west and heading to the northern midwest with my girlfriend we found this dude running down the middle of the road. We were about 45 minutes from the nearest town (in either direction it turned out) on the Arizona/Utah border. There was nothing around us, straight desert wasteland. With all the cattle around, and how little hair he had and how bad his skin was, i actually thought he was a baby calf at first. We pull over after us and 3 other cars passing the other way almost hit him. He comes running to us and straight into my girls arms. Even though our car was overflowing with our belongings, we obviously couldn't leave the dude. So i wrapped him in a towel for some sort of futile protection from whatever he may have, mange, fleas, so on.. all we had for food was a half eaten McDonalds hash brown, so thats what he ate. An hour later we come across a store and get supplies. He had 3 bowls of food and 2 bowls of water within minutes. Then he passed the fuck out. 3 hours later we get him to the only vet i could find that was open, an emergency vet in Colorado. The plan was make sure he’s going to be ok, get him set up there and continue our trip. After sitting in the waiting area holding the dude like a newborn and being bombarded with old ladies telling us how we’re his guardian angels and his saviors we were both coming to the realization we weren’t going to leave him, although neither one of us wanted to say it or admit it, haha. Doc checked him out, dated him at about 3-4 months, said he had a really bad sunburn, gave him ringworm treatment, among other things, as a precaution, and sent us on our way. Told us he was so malnourished he wouldnt have made the night/a few more hours, and theres a small chance he still might not. Fast forward a month later we get him checked out again, at a vet in the northeast, they say he's about 3-4 months, give us some more precautionary treatments, and on our way. A month later we get him checked out again (this time in the south) because his condition isn't getting any better, and now we’re breaking out in crazy bumps. Turns out he’s just now about 3-4 months old (almost 2 months later) placing him at about 8 weeks old when we found him, and he had sarcoptic mange, and now we have scabies. Thanks bud, haha. They treat him, we get treated, a few weeks to months later the dude is good as new. He’s 6 months old now, and a friendly little fucker. We have no idea how he got out there, but have a few theories. 1.) someone abandoned him on the road. 2.) someone just let him go because they didn't want him and the dude went on a serious expedition through the desert. 3.) his mother was a stray, and they may have been attacked by coyotes. Sadly the reservations of northern Arizona have a reputation for dogs not being cared for. A woman i know adopted a puppy found hiding under a shed, while the rest of the litter laid torn to pieces around her. All in all, the dudes good to go. Cost me a few hundred to get him healthy, and had to deal with some scabies. Wasn’t planning on getting a puppy with the girl anytime soon, but here we are. I couldn’t let the dude die out there, and after caring for him for the hours after, i grew fond of him quickly.
  17. I think the forum is hitting on you too
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