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Everything posted by abrasivesaint

  1. https://www.nytimes.com/2019/11/19/nyregion/epstein-prison-guards-arrested.html?smid=nytcore-ios-share
  2. Between my iphone and mac i’ve gained a couple bucks from browsing.
  3. So i noticed my iphone app started accruing BAT, not the question is, how do i put this somewhere i can toy with it?
  4. Anyone fuck with Toby Morse’s podcast? Pretty good listens so far.
  5. No, you two dont read Hua’s posts, there’s a difference. Those pf us looking to legitimately discus things do.
  6. Scoped this spot where i recently watched a kid try to nosepick bomb drop of the bridge beam into the bank. saw this in the park, wished i could skate it. saw a dead squirrel civilian graffiti. Mario Kart Monopoly!
  7. Lastly, i agree with Fist. It’s clear you seem well read Mercer, and a thinker, and it’s a breath of fresh air even if some of your opinions are contrary to mine. Something Hua said about critical thinking mixed with something you said about reading various idealogical systems refers me to this: It is the exact reason i didn’t read much about philosophy, economics, government systems, and so on, when i was younger. I did, but not heavily. I’d get the gist and move on. In hindsight it was to some detriment of myself, being uneducated in technical matters, (as shown in Raven pointing out the Bill of Rights can not be amended. Something i had long forgot.) It was not because i didn't want to, or couldn’t read them, I wanted to form my own unbiased opinions, to as much of a degree as possible, based on what my own thoughts and rationale deemed logical. Not because i read a book that peaked my interest and i adopted the ideology because of a few good aspects, or because some professor forced their ideology into the classroom. (Good thing i couldn’t afford college and wasn’t about to cripple myself with debt.) After years of forming opinions based on what “I” thought, i challenged them. (Edit: and more importantly allow them to be challenged, externally and internally.) It has lead to various stance shifting on certain topics, for example my stance on guns, or capitalism, but also not shifting on others. This doesn’t mean the opinion or stance is necessarily weak, just that new evidence, or perspective can cause shifts. I think the system in place is the best the world has seen yet, and is obviously still massively flawed. Corruption, over-regulation in certain areas, bureaucracy, and the list goes on. Laws always being added but never removed is an issue i absolutely agree upon. When it does happen it doesn’t seem nearly as fast as when laws are put into place. I think despite everything happening in the world lately, we’re taking steps in the right directions for the most part. It might not seem it, but i have a little faith. The over correcting is emotional and reactionary, i believe it will calm down as a heated argument eventually does. Unless we allow social media and news outlets to continue to control and focus our paths of thought.
  8. This already happens though. Private security is a very real thing. There are parts of the country where residents are responsible for the upkeep of their streets and sidewalks. For instance New Orleans. The sidewalks here are a total shit show. They jut straight up a foot or two, then break off, slant sideways and downward at a 45 degree angle, jut back up, slant the other way, and so on down the road. The residents are responsible for maintenance and upkeep. Clearly many citizens of New Orleans have much larger issues, bills and concerns on their tables than the sidewalks, so they remain fucked. On top of that, if the city does decide to fix it, they can bill the property owner. So say you have a spat with the government and they decide they’re going to fix the 20ft stretch of sidewalk in front of your house, and your house alone, you pay the bill. There’s a nice piece of potential for some aforementioned systemic corruption. https://www.nola.gov/dpw/sidewalks/ Although i agree it doesn’t HAVE to be a service provided by the state, there should be some degree of social obligation from the system. Next time i go walking around i’ll take some photos of some good ones just for shits n giggles.
  9. Maybe i’m misunderstanding this, but i don’t agree at all. I can only believe in Free Market ideologies to a degree. With a total lack of govt. regulation corporations will become the government. As we already see in my aspects. They could, and would impose their own violence, and crush competitors and it’s workers, as does any organized crime outfit. Thus creating monopoly, corruption, crime, ect. For instance, Carnegie - Homestead Strike - Pinkertons. Saying there’s no official corruption because there’s no government to be corrupt just sounds like saying there’s no official murder because we haven’t defined what a murderer is. edit: now back to reading.
  10. Who am I? D. R. I... Sorry, i have to read this entire thread and catch up, this gave me moment of pause to chuckle.
  11. There’s no veil of homophobia when it comes to his PMs, haha. He’s called me a faggot a few times. He isn’t tip toe-ing around shit in there.
  12. one of my favorite skaters in recent years. Kids a psycho in transition. http://hoaxmfg.com/jaime-mateu-full-video-part-2019/
  13. abrasivesaint


    Then littering nonetheless, haha.
  14. False, living in the south at the moment. person below’s favorite arcade is Ms. Pac Man.
  15. This has been an awesome listen so far. Some good laughs and some other real tear jerker moments.
  16. True actually, at least in terms of her “music.” person below wishes there was a Cheba Hut nearby as badly as i do.
  17. Anchor will be suicided by the Clinton’s and the case will get swept under the rug obviously.
  18. False. Gross. person below has thought about joining a cult.
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