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Everything posted by CALIgula

  1. this and rattlesnakes is the reason I just want to stay in doors 24/7.
  2. definitely ol' dirty...mad gibberish raps.
  3. thai are monks makes sense once you watch this....straight biting...
  4. I actually ended up watching the movie about a month after reading the book. I thought the movie did a good job with casting...like victor and ida mancini were how i pictured them....same with denny and dr. marshall...and i like the fact that it was full of boobies...lol...but the movie fell short too.
  5. the only part I didnt like was the fake baby...haha!
  6. well, I made a new years resolution to try and read more often this year. I started off good, but have slowed down a bit. The last week of December 2014, I started to read On the Beach by Nevil Shute very depressing book....finished it shortly after the new year. then I decided to read Their Eyes Were Watching God by Zora Neale Hurston... also kind of a depressing read....finished it halfway through January. Then decided that I would try something different, so since I had only read half of Choke by Chuck Palahniuk, I would start over and finish it this time, so I did... shit...that was kind of depressing too...hella didnt like it....finished it towards then end of January. i had bought this book from the dollar store and thought it might be funny...72 things younger than john mccain.. it was entertaining, but not really funny....doesnt really count as a book per se, more like something to throw onto a coffee table. well, at this point it was the first week of Febraury and decided to wait till after me and my girlfriend's vacation to L.A. for valentine's day to start Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy....we decided to read it together, me with a paperback and her with the ebook version...and now a little more than two months later, we are almost at the half-way point....so far, it is also kind of depressing... kind of tired of depressing books at this point lol...and were really getting through this kind of slowly...like 5 pages here, 10 pages there...its a long read but oh well, wish us luck.
  7. yeah, sometimes flicks work and sometimes theyre broken....i just keep reloading the page till they work. pretty sure the pies were taken down under.
  8. sending my girlfriend amusing ass texts to make her laugh while at work.
  9. thanks for the info & feedback guys. i havent really eaten too much fried foods...i think medcab was right on the sodium intake...i havent been watching that too well. my gf mentioned going to a free clinic. after talking to my girlfriend and parents, i decided to come out the pocket to see a doctor....he checked a bunch of different things and told me my BMI was too high (even though i think BMI is bullshit because this guy at my gym who is in really really good shape--former body builder--is considered morbidly obese and his insurance rates are high because of it)....doctor also said my blood pressure was too high....told me to basically change my diet and lift lighter loads. luckily my blood sugar was on point. ever since this chest pain, i stopped lifting and stopped hardcore cardio...i dont feel the pains as intense or as often but theyre still there. he told me to keep a record of my blood pressure which i have done with a wrist cuff bp monitor and it shows my blood pressure as normal....i have to go back and get blood work done....wish me luck.
  10. nice flicks....good to see king157 & twist still doin their thing too.
  11. i used to watch bobbys world every once in a while too...i liked howie mandel...im a huge stand up fan and used to watch comedy central back in the day....me and some friends still quote the mom from Bobby's world " dontchyaknow! "
  12. honestly, I only watched a couple episodes of that even though i was a fan.....same as the cartoon "the critic" cause i am a jon lovitz fan...but i didnt really watch many cartoons in general by the time i was 12....i was too deep into video games, hip hop, basketball, and shows like saved by the bell.
  13. smash puffy nipples female!
  14. nice....the prices on those arent bad at all...well except for the one or two over $1,000 pieces.
  15. ^i was just bumping that a couple of months ago in my car...off of a mixtape.
  16. thought about buying a Patek Philippe replica. gotta fake it till you make it.
  17. found this on the wikipedia page for the book: "In an article detailing the book, Frey is quoted saying he "stands by the book as being the essential truth of my life".[9] However, on January 26, 2006, Frey once again appeared on The Oprah Winfrey Show and this time admitted that the same "Demons" that had made him turn to alcohol and drugs had also driven him to fabricate crucial portions of his "memoir"; it first having been shopped as being a novel but declined by many, including Random House itself. Winfrey told Frey that she felt "really duped" but that, "more importantly, I feel that you betrayed millions of readers." She also apologized for her previous telephoned statement to Larry King Live — during Frey's appearance on that show on January 11, 2006 — that what mattered was not the truth of Frey's book, but its value as a therapeutic tool for addicts. She said, "I left the impression that the truth is not important."[10] During the show Winfrey interrogated Frey about everything from the number of root canals he had to the existence of his girlfriend, Lilly. Winfrey then brought out Frey's publisher, Nan Talese, to defend her decision to classify the book as a memoir, and forced Talese to admit that she had done nothing to check the book's veracity, despite the fact that her representatives had assured Winfrey's staff that the book was indeed non-fiction and described it as "brutally honest" in a press release."
  18. I read Great Gatsby in high school and really enjoyed it...i remember in class we talked about all the symbolism in the book...like the color green for the light...but that was 17 years ago and i really want to read it again. i want to read brave new world too...because some people say that its better than 1984. as for a million little pieces, i wanted to read that until I heard that the guy made a lot of the stuff up....i think it was part of oprah winfrey's book club series and somehow he confessed to lying and faking much of the story after it became bid because of oprah.
  19. nice collection!! i see a few books in there that ive read (of mice and men, grapes of wrath, kitchen confidential, me talk pretty one day)....but i see a BUNCH of books in there that are on my 'must read' list (blood meridian, the road, cannery row, tortilla flat, travels with charley, tuesdays with morrie, nasty bits, brothers karamazov, on the road, dharma bums, 100 years of solitude, love in the time of cholera, lolita, animal farm, and satanic verses)
  20. ive been lifting super heavy lately...but last week i got really bad chest pains..like in my heart...ever since then i get them everyday..i dont have health insurance and am afraid of a heart attack...any recommendations?
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