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Everything posted by CALIgula

  1. Drawball was good....the whole Adam's block thing was funny...especially when fat ralphy went on cam and held up signs....kc kid thread was gold especially when someone contacted him with a link to the thread....the booheadzoohead stuff was funny....the gift exchange thread was cool..never really got into tinychat but heard that was good times...obviously the wet t-shirt threads...pretty much all of theo's memes....keep it rails travels...brickslayers thread for my city....i learned a lot from the shaving thread that got me into brushes, soaps, safety razors and straight razors...the what are you reading thread got me into reading books....12oz kept me really entertained for a solid 10 years...i deleted my facebook 6 years ago, but i still come on 12oz. i met a lot of cool people on here as well...a lot are people i still chat with to this day.....i could go on and on but those are just a few off the top of the head.
  2. false . the person below me has a sugar daddy
  3. dear symbols, just saw your post right now. funny you mentioned the neti pot....while i was sick, i was seriously considering buying one from the store when i was picking cough syrup. cG
  4. ive still never been to waffle house....from the youtube fight videos ive seen, it looks pretty hood though. would also like to try eating at a cracker barell some day.
  5. false cause thats racist. the person below me thinks ice cube and ice T should make an album together called "refreshing on a summers day"
  6. thats it?! lol...jk man! good work, keep it up!
  7. welcome back fat ralphy, but you aint gonna win this thread!
  8. false as fuck.....im still rocking baggy jeans like this was the 90s....and not that jnco garbage. the person below me is old enough to remember rotary phones.
  9. ^nice....i remember watching the movie with my parents when i was a kid...but dont remember too much about the actual story...i think i remember a scene where dustin hoffman is eating bugs...am i wrong? either way i should add that to my list of books to read.
  10. true....kinda wish i would have and started a business instead. the person below me has been in a fight within the past 6 months.
  11. Chyna wasnt an 80s wrestler (when it was still the WWF) so I didnt know too much about her...but i did stumble upon her porno online and watched it. RIP Chyna
  12. just finished up watching the movie sleepers (1996)...yup 20 year old movie.....still a great story. now im googling the author of the book. /nohomo
  13. dear cough, go away....ive been sick for 2 weeks now....im over it..leave me alone. cG
  14. yeah, the other guy in his shop looks like hes in his 90s...must be a relative or something.
  15. my barber is out of town this week and i need a haircut really fucking bad....so i was currently looking up barbers here in town....found this guys yelp page right now.......so 12oz, i ask you....yes or no??? http://www.yelp.com/biz/fade-masters-sacramento
  16. havent even heard of it.
  17. came to this thread to post and saw this Big Pun lyric.....and now i forgot what I was going to post. Big Pun!....one of my top 5 emcees of all time.
  18. whos going to be the one to resurrect it?
  19. false...3 things that boils my blood: violence towards elderly, violence to children, violence towards animals. the person below me knows what FHRITP stands for.
  20. seeing these flicks reminds me of how much i miss nyc...the streets are grilled hard. props.
  21. Segura was good....we laughed a lot, but we've definitely seen funnier....maybe it was because we went to the midnight show and that was his third show that night. The first opening act was an asian guy from oakland....he was really funny....wish i caught what his name was.
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