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Everything posted by dirtydoses

  1. preparing to go launch some model rockets that will be the start of a series of drawings
  2. Things started out great. Your first date was wonderful and it was smooth sailing toward “relationship” land. You should be thrilled—but you’re not. Maybe things have cooled off or you’re just not as happy as you used to be. As much as you hate to admit, it may be time to give him his walking papers—or at least make some changes. If you’re not sure, read on and see if any of these signs sound like your relationship: 1. You feel like a long-distance couple, even when he’s sitting right next to you. If it feels like there’s a divide, or even a whole ocean between you, something is definitely wrong. Maybe you used to be able to tell everything he was thinking, but now he’s got his poker face up. You can try and figure out the cause, but realize that sometimes guys distance themselves because they’ve already ended the relationship in their minds but don’t know how to tell you. 2. When you think about him, those warm fuzzy feelings you used to have are gone. Quick, picture your boyfriend. Did you smile or brighten up even a little? Did you think of the time he surprised you with a candlelight dinner or the time he forgot to take the trash out (again)? If the only image of him you can conjure up is a negative one, then the relationship might be finished in your mind too. 3. Your sex life is … wait, what sex life? Can’t remember the last time you two had sex—or the last time you even wanted to? Yeah, that’s a bad sign. Every couple goes through the occasional dry spell or slow period, but a complete lack of desire in him, or willingness to work up some desire, means the relationship is probably over in the bedroom and in life. 4. You can’t remember the last time you two really kissed. Even if you still are having somewhat-obligatory sex, there could be crucial intimacy missing. Kissing is a good example. It’s something we can easily forget after awhile but it’s a great way to feel connected. Try and bring back those loving feelings, but if it doesn’t work—and the kissing embargo continues—then kiss him goodbye. 5. You spend lots of time together—but fight during most of it. If your neighbors are complaining about the near-constant yelling from your apartment, or you’ve been giving him the silent treatment for so long you don’t even remember why you started, then you’ve been fighting way too much. Every couple fights; if they didn’t they’d never get to experience make-up sex. But if you spend more time fighting than not, then you have a real problem. Couples therapy might help, but if neither of you wants to go then the only other way to end the fighting is to end the relationship. 6. He’s showing signs that he’s cheating on you…red-flag raising behavior. You’ve noticed him coming home late, making up lame excuses about where he’s been, and ducking out of the room to take certain calls. You probably already know it but don’t want to admit it—he’s cheating on you. 7. You hate all his friends. Are his friends all annoying jerks (at least to you)? While it’s true that everyone has one or two friends that are “special” (read: obnoxious), if all of his friends drive you nuts and he’s known them forever, odds are that situation will not go away. And if he’s surrounded by a group of idiots—well guess what—he’s probably one too. 8. You’re both reluctant to make future plans. You ask if he wants to take a vacation this summer and he changes the subject. So you try something easier and ask if he’ll come to your friend’s party next month and he mumbles something about possibly working that night. Talk to him before jumping to conclusions, but if he’s unwilling to commit to anything in the future, it may be that he doesn’t think you’ll be together then. On the flip side, when you daydream about the future, is he there? If you can’t imagine a future with him, not even a fantasy one, then why are you with him? None of these signs alone mean your relationship is doomed. But if you’re noticing that a lot of them sound like your situation, then you need to take stock of what you have. Only you can decide if the relationship is over (well, unless he dumps you first, but that’s another story), so listen to your heart and don’t ignore the signs of a bad relationship.
  3. i think the red wall of AHAHA text has to be one of the most annoying things currently in chan0.
  4. anyone that disregards the Mona Lisa being stolen as not important is a fucking idiot. you know nothing about the historical context of art, why this painting is important, or anything in general, not that you probably care even, just saying.
  5. use $10 on bus fare and ink pens and go fill out some job apps.
  6. i fucking hate even a daddy long legs spider. fuck that mega monster spider!!! nasty.
  7. running, i will never understand it unless its fleeing from police.
  8. i heard its good, and i also heard it's not good. i'll wait til i can download it.
  9. dirtydoses


    i don't even know who you were before you were ski mask, congrats anyways? ok.
  10. driving on the highway with a friend, 4 lane highway @ 65 mph(35W South). i was in the left of the two middle lanes, the car to my right, was this old boat of a car, about one car length ahead of me and it looked like it was being drove by a somalian woman. anyways, she blows her front left tire and the car starts skidding out of control, she tries to handle it but it ends up catching on a skid and making the car roll about 4 times. this happened in a matter of seconds and i was around 1-2 car lengths for most of the accident. while rolling, the car ended up on the right shoulder, coming to rest 1/2 on a barrier. the car stopped right on an overpass of a busy street below(Lake Street). pretty fucked. my friend and i were just looking at each other like WTFOMG right outside downtown on 15th/Park at about 3:30 am, seeing a ghetto bitch running topless and screaming, running in front of an off duty bus, getting on the bus as dude chasing her catches up and starts to beat the shit out of her. didn't stick around for that long. i've seen tons of various accidents of people getting rear ended, NH. nothing fatal though. saw a fight that looked like 20 on 20 right in the middle of downtown on 4th and Hennepin. towards the end of the summer.
  11. i don't think he's repping oakland he's just repping the fact he listens to faggot rap
  12. you should show your friend this thread let him know that the entire internet thinks he's a faggot
  13. oh i agree, its quality entertainment. sometimes i'm like WTF at its frequency. :huh:
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