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Everything posted by mr.yuck

  1. Lol my old lady just said "he's not wrong. You can see all of her sprockets!"
  2. Yeah. There is an additional $700 of plumbing work that I told him to add to my initial scope of work. The additional work should only take 4 hours at most and will help even out the rest of this stinker shit. I'm interested to see what he says he is willing to pay me for the plumbing work. I know what insurance pays for everything on the scope. His answer will hinge on whether or not we continue on together.
  3. @ndvthey got me again man. These fucking no experience having project managers strikes again. Job was grossly misrepresented. I'm going to work this hoe all day tomorrow just to get it out of my way. When it's all said and done my wife and I will be splitting $200 for the day. Bruh. That's minimum wage. I should just fold the whole thing up and go put in an application at Wendy's or something.
  4. Man. I haven't seen the old homie all day. He posted up block captain style all day yesterday. My eyes playing tricks on me. He got a bunch of mid size SUVs no Lincoln's.
  5. I had some of these when the grocery store ran out of grape nuts at the beginning of COVID. They are good, but they are no replacement for grape nuts. They both make quality shits. English muffins with butter and some local traffic jam.
  6. He was shining up a Ford escape or something. But I think I also saw a Lincoln in the driveway and a bigger SUV I think. We'll see tomorrow. I'm gonna ask him if I can borrow that Lincoln for prom.
  7. @ndvI was doing a little work for a bathroom remodeler, painting his bathrooms when he was about done with the rest of it. I was knockin him at like $600 a pop, the customers were providing the paint. I basically just had to show up with my tools and knock it out. I started feeling like "man this is too much." But at the same time he kept calling me for more and more shit. So I broached the subject on how he priced out his jobs to make sure he wasn't taking it on the chin too hard. He started laughing at me and come to find out, my man was charging like $14,000 per 5x8 bathroom. The only thing he supplied were construction materials. So that's shit like studs for if a wall needs reframing, screws, nails, tile backer, mortar. Everything else was on the customer. Tile, toilet, vanity, paint, faucets. I said "Jesus Christ, son." He told me he found God and the next year he was blessed and did over $400k. Okay bro. I see you. Lol. One of the hardest things I think to over come was the mindset of 'whats fair to pay myself' 'what does it actually cost to run this business' and 'what does it cost to run a successful business that can expand or absorb losses without folding.' I'm finally hitting my stride on the last category and not feeling the need to explain anything further to customers and contractors beyond "the tape measurer is the boss."
  8. I agree with this statement. I had to explain to a project manager the other day that it costs me $100 just to put my key in the ignition and turn my van on in the morning. He was like "damn, that's some expensive gas." Yeah and insurance and monthly payment and maintenance. I like doing business with other businesses. When I tell them shit like $125 per man hour, they don't even blink because they know what it is. Home owners on the other hand, I never give an hourly rate. I just estimate how long it will take and as long as it washes out to around $75 per man hour, I'm good with that, but I do push to hit 100-125.
  9. I'll see him again tomorrow. He's outside all day shining up his whips and being in the thick of it with everyone that comes by. I'll try and get some video of him in action too. I heard fish fry come out of his mouth and I'm down af.
  10. I guess I'm gonna redirect my thread to talk about my work day and the supporting characters I meet throughout the week. So, today I was sent back into some trappy hood spot. The kind of place where almost all of the old falling in houses have been cleared and replaced with new construction and everything is new but the neighborhood still gives "oh yeah this is definitely still the hood" vibes. I pull into the drive way and hop out ready to put in work. I get the key out of the lock box and start to head into the house when I hear clear as day from across the street. "Hey young blood. Hey young man, young man." The voice sounds so familiar. I turn around and see this old black gentleman making his way across the street. He says "Hey. I talked to you last week about needing an electrician." This was my first day on this job so I yelled back "Wasn't me man. This is my first day out here. It was probably the other white guy that looks just like me." We both laughed and I ended up hooking him up with an electrician. The conversation shifted to the people that used to live in the house before this insurance catastrophe happened. He said "I hope these dirty nasty mothafuckas don't come back once you fix it. I then asked "oh, were they renters?" Now I'm not sure what Mr. Freeman heard me say, but with out missing a beat he looked me right in my eyes and said "Yeah, they was dirty blacks!" I suddenly realized where I recognized his voice from. No bullshit, my man had the one big eye and the one little eye and everything. I had some quick course correction to do cuz I'm pretty sure this old man heard me ask if they were "Ns" and just kept it moving. "Oh, sir, I asked if they were RENTERS?" He looked back at me and said "Ohhhh.. yeah, they renters." Lol. My man invited me to a big ass cook out he has for the 4th of July his wife's birthday and a bunch of shit I can't remember all wrapped into one celebration. People are cool as fuck even if they are self loathing.
  11. Embrace it Holmes. My temples and beard are graying hard. The ladies think it's sexy.
  12. Raccoons be droppin logs, though.
  13. I just priced my first job of the year based on how little I like the customer. It was an insurance job and the job is complete. She decided she didn't like the color and wants to know how much it'll cost for me to come back out there and repaint her foyer. It's just painting from the chair rail up and legit might only be about 15 minutes of painting for me and my old lady to tag team this shit. I told the project manager $500. He said holy smokes that's kinda high. She's 86 and I told him that she can't take it with her. He had me on speaker phone apparently because I heard everyone else around him in the office start laughing. During the several days I spent in her home, I learned a lot about her. I didn't like any of it. She told me all about how they had the home built in 1965. That puts them dead in the death spiral of segregation. They could have built their home anywhere, but they chose to build in a whites only community. With the longest mortgage being paid off in the mid 90s, they could have moved on, but they were comfortable with their whites only neighborhood. She also came across as very classist, help comes in through the side, even though the work to be done was right on the other side of the front door. She also informed me that her father was a builder and she used to be on the job sites with him as a little girl, so she knows what's what. I replied to this statement that they don't make lead paint anymore. Fuck this old lady and everyone like her. I'm gonna try and make sure that there is no money left for her to pass on to her probably equally racist fucked up offspring.
  14. Joe Biden was born closer to Abraham Lincoln's presidency than he was his own.
  15. ddcba76bb057ed33fb70d31ed311beb5.mp4
  16. Oh shit. I forgot I got one of those coupon papers from a drywall company I worked for years ago. I wonder if I can smooth talk my way into another one.
  17. All fast food has fallen off. I get it though. The prices are through the roof. The kids that work there don't give a flying fuck about shit, and who blames them for real? I was super fiendin for their onion rings for real. I hope I'm not pregnant.
  18. Shit. I guess whatever service rides on the Verizon towers is a winner for me. As long as I can keep my number, why not save $100 a month.
  19. I've been on the same Verizon plan for like... 17 years now. My bill is $185 a month. At face value it feels expensive but GPS, unlimited access to music and mobile oontzin is worth it. Plus I've seen how other carriers service likes to act out in the middle of nowhere which is why I even have Verizon in the first place.
  20. Was it worth watching? I started it in the burger king drive thru before I realized it was a full length film.
  21. Did anyone ever think what would happen if you snorted the red pill and the blue pill at the same time. I think I'm dealing with one of them right now. Hit me up at 530 in the morning asking me if the paint was on a particular job that we've already finished. Unacceptable. These people have too much access to me. I recently started subcontracting work for a guy who owns his own plumbing business. I just found out he plays a few different characters for his business. He is the owner Antwon. He is the lead plumber Big Mark. And he is also some times the estimator Charles. He is playing a crazy fucking game of always being able to shift the blame of why the job is getting so expensive off on "the man" when he shows up as Big Mark. No one has direct access to him as Antwon the owner. Nobody really cares to bother Charles the office worker. The shits kind of brilliant.
  22. Didn't get the hydro set up cleaned today but I did ride around and collect every dollar owed to me.
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