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Everything posted by mr.yuck

  1. From what Ive been reading it seems like you need to build your site out to basically be the authority on your profession. Have a page where you do product reviews, a page where you do tool reviews, a page where you answer frequently asked questions, a section for tips and tricks for DIYers, and so on and so forth. You need to write with your keywords in mind and make sure they are used organically.
  2. Bro's. All you have to do is ask really nice. I got mines when @misteravenfound a bunch of extra shit laying around. You just gotta catch him in the wild like bigfoot.
  3. @NightmareOnElmStreetI tried to trick google by setting up "physical" locations in all of the rich neighborhoods so when people would google "painters near me" I would populate at the top of their search results. I had to jump through a rediculous amount of hoops to make this happen including getting postcards with verfication codes sent to these mystery addresses. Eventually I fucked up somewhere and gooogle eventually shut down my entire online presence including my legit business. I dont know what makes some companies populate to the top of the list vs others. Its not reviews and its not 5 star ratings. Id really be interested to know if anyone knows what makes google tick.
  4. Absolutely. You have to realize that you are going up against giant companies with millions of dollars to spend sucking business away from you. I think at the height of my online advertising I was spending about $4000 a month and it didnt result in the first job.
  5. Watching my guy paint this interesting choice of a kitchen trim color
  6. Thanks @ndvim just bumbling through all of this too. Trying to find some denim for work that wont blow apart the first week of wear.
  7. 65" tv to replace the old 37 inch that started crackling and smoking the day.
  8. Eyes heavy. Staring at my shoes and thinking about not going to work today.
  9. I havent cooked anything substantial in a while but I would like to share my favorite olive oil. Its unlike any other oil Ive ever tasted.
  10. Bro I just checked my pms and the entire folder is empty, which it shouldnt be.
  11. I was reading that and it felt like a guy that doesnt really know shit trying to explain the thing to his wife.
  12. I just watched this movie and it really goes into detail of how social media manipulates you by the people that designed it.
  13. So, the carrot cake creme is over poweringly sweet. Ive only eaten a total of 4. I would never use that one again. Interestingly enough, i discovered that the thing in milk that makes them disolve is lactic acid. I was wondering why my soft ass cashew milk wasnt making them disolve. So I brewed up some coffee since thats acidic and added a bunch of sugar and cashew milk to make it more of a candy drink for these cookies. It was amazing and the acid from the coffee worked perfectly.
  14. @swif1I have a tailors tape here. I dont know why Ive never taken my own measurements before.
  15. @swif1I buy everything in 36. I noticed a lot of this stuff comes in odd sizes too. I think when I truely stop climbing on roofs and suiciding my way through with a chainsaw (fingers crossed a few more months) I might build a wardrobe that actually fits me in the summer and one that fits me in the winter.
  16. Im just glad that Japan and its wonderful people exist both in reality, as well as being world wide trend setters skilled in the art of habitual line crossing on some conceptual reality shit. Play on Japan!
  17. Youre like a god damn denim wiki answering all the questions I dont even know to ask. Keep dropping game while I try to find something that fits this silly body.
  18. @glorydaysI swear every last one of these companies is out of my size in my cut. The search goes on.
  19. @SMdoubleXLis making my oreo experiment look stupid as fuck.😂
  20. @johnnyi had to look up what half of that shit was lol. My mechanical knowledge dies with the introduction of fuel injectors. So I watched a few videos. Man those shits are beast brother.
  21. Finn Wolfhard has grown up to look like a lesbian renaissance vampire.
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