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Everything posted by mr.yuck

  1. I’m sitting here laughing at how irrelevant TRUTH has become that they are now going after vaping because it causes anxiety. Lol. I’d be embarrassed to put out that commercial.
  2. mr.yuck


    lol look at this dude this looks like the type of fuck wit to do a drive by and only kill some kid.
  3. I can tell you how to do that real quick with no fancy tools if’n ya want!
  4. @NightmareOnElmStreetThats dope bro. You got some paintin skillce too. Also, I love that chunky boy trim in your house. If you ever get the itch to replace it, don’t. The reproduction of those thiiiiick boys starts at around $2.50 a linear foot plus a $500 knife set up fee at your favorite lumber mill.
  5. I don’t use it often but I can only assume it’s something I heard one of my grand dads say when I was a little kid and it stuck with me cuz it sounded funny.
  6. @MOOGLE?I see your tea game is strong. These are my go to’s
  7. @nicklesndimes Yeah bro. You got one more coat to fill in the lumps n bumps then sand her down smooth. 👍🏾👍🏾
  8. @One Man BannedSmacking shit with a block of wood is a forgotten art form. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been on my way out the door for a job and some one mentions a sticking door and asks me how to take care of it. I reply just smack the shit out of it with a hammer. And people are like “you’re kidding, right?” And then I tell them “I’ll be right back!” At this point people are pretty nervous and I usually hear my wife tell them reassuringly “Don’t worry, he does this all the time.” Then it’s tap tap BOOM. Recaulk everything that came apart and then the stay at home wives are like “OMG! It works amazing! My husband was supposed to take care of this years ago but I don’t let him use tools anymore after what he did to the ______! Can I suck your husbands dick? I bet it’s sooo strong!”
  9. Sounds sketchy! Lol like you used a block of wood and then hit that with the hammer to knock the door straight?
  10. I don’t know anything about z ro. I’m gonna have to check that out.
  11. I can say without a doubt e40 is my favorite rapper of all time
  12. a dolphin can beat a shark
  13. Good news, dawgs! When I unhooked my water heater this morning the hot supply line started spraying pressurized cold water at me. That was a super ‘wtf’ moment and I started panicking a little bit. I quickly remembered I’m not that kind of MF and just cut all the water off to give myself a chance to think. Why is cold water spraying out of the hot side? Why is cold water back flowing into the hot pipe? Where would cold water flow into the hot pipe? Then it hit me like a 7 gram blunt; I hadn’t installed the mixing valve in the master bathroom yet. The cold water was just pressing through the diverter and making a U turn right back down that hot pipe. I installed the mixing valve, separating the 2 water lines, and bingo bango, no more back feeding. what a dip shit. At least I get to go return this water heater tomorrow and get my $800 bucks back.
  14. mr.yuck


    Lol he broke that young boys ankles pretty decently!
  15. Meanwhile we have salt trucks spraying down the roads while it’s 70 out.
  16. I know that pain man. I lived in this rental house that had old wood windows with single pane glass. My hvac homie said the gas pack in the house looked sketchy as fuck and said he wouldn’t cut it on. We ended up burning kerosene heaters in the house all winter at like $8 a gallon. Lol. We were burning like $40-$50 a day in fuel.
  17. mr.yuck


    Like that spy vs spy car
  18. I can’t sleep on my back. Guaranteed to wake up every 20 minutes. I didn’t realize how bad this not sleeping thing was until my phone let me know that my usage was up 70% from the last week. I was clocking like 8 hrs a day on my phone. Five or 6 of them were games in the middle of the night while trying to fall back asleep.
  19. It’s the comments that got me
  20. @One Man Bannedare you making these pizzas or is there a place around you that has non stop fire?
  21. My wife’s watching drag race and rupaul popped up wearing some god damn red felt Smokey Bear hat and some other fly shit.
  22. RuPaul is the flyest MF on Earth
  23. You might be calling some one else @One Man Banned There are a few things that give me a lot of trouble 1) Storm doors 2) Shower doors 3) Pocket doors I have decided against fiddling around with the gas line for right now. If fuck something up, not only do I not have hot water, but I don’t have heat period. I’m gonna toss in a cheap regular ass water heater tomorrow and maybe this is something I will revisit in the spring or summer.
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