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Everything posted by mr.yuck

  1. Today I overheard someone say that Michael Phelps looks like Darwin from the Wild Thornberrys. I recognized the cartoon but not well enough to get the reference. So I did some googling and I must say, that statement is pretty spot on.
  2. Hell yeah. I just put this album on. It’s got a really fun to listen to vibe.
  3. Some one is Rick rolling russia right now through one of their numbers stations.
  4. That’s not how you play this game, nerd! good thread bump though.
  5. Is the one with the tits preggers? If so, smash!
  6. Yeah that’s the one. I wonder why I didn’t get hit with a pay wall. Either way, good lookin out man!
  7. https://www.nytimes.com/2022/02/15/health/hiv-cure-cord-blood.html
  8. youre determined to get shanked samurai style! After the hungry part she clearly says “I smell like I sound” Thats gonna be a trash for me dawg.
  9. for plants. It helps them uptake nutrients way more easily. Shits a little pricey for real but I can’t knock it for not being effective.
  10. mr.yuck


    Lol! That ducking spin move was ferocious!
  11. Lol I haven’t watched snl in years
  12. @Schnitzelin the Midwest we had tornado drills. That was about the only practical knowledge I gleaned from the school system here.
  13. I just blew boogers out my nose son!
  14. Where can I watch the halftime show online?
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