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Everything posted by mr.yuck

  1. mr.yuck


  2. Holy smokes bro. That's a pretty good channel.
  3. I was just going through this thread from the beginning. I'm never doing this again. Next house I buy is gonna be cosmetic fixes only.
  4. That's dope. I'd totally pay $20 a month for a battery powered license plate that I can just play dumb about the batteries being dead as I burn through red lights and toll roads. Picture that!
  5. You know, I didn't do it originally because I was doing mostly insurance work. The customers were shitty and I was like fuck em anyway. But I'm starting to transition back into higher end custom work. Maybe this is the right move.
  6. I almost bought a similar one for stunting on customers before coming into their homes. These shits start at like $60 on Amazon.
  7. @Dark_Knighthe's just bracing himself for that electric bite that's coming.
  8. I've heard that the captcha pictures where it says "click all the boxes that have bicycles in them" helps ai understand what a particular thing looks like.
  9. Even if the government isn't altruistic in this endeavor, they can easily use their bully power to create competition and force the private sector to drive their prices down. I feel dirty just saying some shit like that, but at the same time I just watched a video the other day stating that insulin rationing is a serious reality facing a lot of people where they are only taking partial doses just to stay alive. Not due to a shortage.
  10. Notice how his mouth is slightly open to give the air an unrestricted path through his body.
  11. When I paid him, he looked hella surprised and said "oh shit, I get money too?" It's nice to know I can pay the lawn guy in drugs if need be.
  12. I really like those bravestars. Knees finally let loose in them a few months back and cuffs started to frey. They have been amazing work jeans.
  13. @ndvI'd fuck those up so quick.
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