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Everything posted by dowmagik

  1. he was probably adopted by white parents
  2. aawwwww its a cute story, but in all reality, the dog is probably a fuckin spy.
  3. if i owned Ray's Sausage (/nh), id def put a sign in the window that read "motherfuckers, we told you the smell wasnt us!!"
  4. dude lived in a house that wreaked of dead bodies and was regularly visited by police.... failure on part of the cops. god damn.
  5. cut your losses and move on man. im sure it will be a bitch since youve been together so long, but shit aint gonna work out, so u just gotta move forward. somebody said to keep busy so your mind doesnt wander too much, which is good advice.
  6. american english is correct by default because these colors dont run
  7. A good friend of my family struggled with addiction for 25+ years, one of my mom's best friends. Several months ago she hit rock bottom when she ended up getting fired for trying to buy pills of a student (yes, she worked at a high school), and her family more or less turned their back on her. Her retarded (literally) brother found her dead body the other week, she died of an intentional overdose. So, I'm kinda on the fence with this one, you can't allow yourself to be used and lied to, but at the same time your friend needs to know somebody out there gives a shit about her, even if she doesn't care about herself. It's a tough spot to be in, and I give ya props for trying to help your friend, but if the snake bites twice, it's your own fault...
  8. sooo.....cooking food takes out some of the nutrients? just eat more food. pretty simple solution. for years i thought i was a glutton, but apparently ive just been combating malnutrition by eating extra servings.
  9. chupa got banned?? wtf????
  10. suki, is your bf too skinny to use a shovel? have him dig the bastard out.
  11. its the dye, its the same stuff used in blue raspberry slurpess, which will also give you green turds
  12. pretty fuckin wide, but still dig it. someone could give me a norton with a car bomb attached to it, and id still love it.
  13. a cut mouth is a bitch made excuse not to eat capn. some things are worth sacrificing.
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