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Everything posted by misteraven

  1. Solution is easy… You are your own priority, be responsible to and for yourself. You aren’t entitled to anything you can’t create or earn yourself, but once accomplished, it’s yours and yours alone. Don’t be a dick, your freedom doesn’t extend to encroach on the freedom of others. Summarized: Mind your business, be a decent human.
  2. wish my head wasn’t quite so far up my ass back then. Ironically @Mercer was working with us at the studio where we had a room full of high end workstations playing screen saver animations instead of mining Bitcoin. Your boys could have been crypto gazzionaires right now. SMH
  3. Bought the last ETH dip almost at bottom. Up about 20%. Getting kinda board watching it though. What good shit coins are people looking at these days. Need some more excitement in my life.
  4. Somehow stuck between the twilight zone and the onion. Can you imagine 10 years ago when 12oz was being 12oz that a decade later, we’d be on here talking about shit like this?
  5. Haven’t watched but last time I looked I to it a couple years back, electric cars had a larger carbon footprint than combustion engines when you factored in what it took to generate the electricity being used, as well as all else that went into the process of delivery and storage. The last leg of it looks clean but most electricity is still generated using combustion versus shit like wind or solar. Could have changed since then, but I doubt it.
  6. Anyone else notice how many typos are in this? Is MSM really that shitty or is this just another sophisticated Russian bot dropping memes to keep shit spicy between the crowds still in the trenches arguing over dumb shit like this?
  7. Naked and Afraid… Down to be the little spoon since surrounding foliage suggests Autumn in the high desert.
  8. curious how quality of life is being defined. And also not to detail or turn this is a debate, but there’s clear correlation between natural resources, per capita as well as how poorly most systems scale. In almost every instance, there’s a sort of bell curve where scale to a point can less to efficiencies and optimizations and how that trend quickly reversed after a certain point. Look up a lot of studies in regards to military breakdown and structure for a sort of top line view of that. Likewise, look at how even in the USA, we can see how there’s a sort of sweet spot on the success of populations based on density / size. Anyhow, obviously a lot more to it then just that, but don’t think you can have a valid comparison between Sweden and the USA on these terms, for those reasons.
  9. Reminds me of the 7th Heaven days. Used to sell a ton of those back in the days along with Stations of the Elevated and Kung Fu movies.
  10. Not to derail the thread, but really ludicrous to me how we live in a world where one half of the people seem to despise the other half, yet most seem pretty okay with strangers forcefully taking a significant swath of their income and spending / reallocating it however it is they want, with little transparency and even less oversight. Regardless of where you fall politically, it truly makes no sense. Only position that this makes sense for is if you’re a politician or if you’re cool with being at their mercy of politicians in exchange for avoiding having to sort out your own way through life. No other scenario makes any sense if you just look at the track record.
  11. Had an interesting conversation the other day that was more about stock than crypto, but I’ll loop it back in a sec… Anyhow, it was regarding how it’s sort of common practice for politicians to have their spouse or a shell company but the stock and make whatever investments on their behalf, so they can keep shit a bit more under the radar. Meanwhile, all those purchases have to be publicly disclosed. Makes sense that as a society, we’re largely too lazy and lack the attention span to follow this closely, but when you consider the massive wealth virtually every congressman has amassed, from what ultimately is really just insider trading (advanced knowledge and understanding the effect of certain legislation they’re involved with can affect specific markets and companies), it’s crazy how there isn’t a site or app that simply aggregates all those moves, maybe syncs them up with relevant headlines and sort of charts probabilities or weighs them against what’s known about that politician and their track records. Anyhow, seems pretty obvious, and if nothing else, would be a fascinating thing to track and put on blast in a very methodical and organized format. Also seems like an awesome data point for your own moves. So all that being said, to a lesser degree, wondering if the same can be applied to “crypto influencers”, though I’d assume politicians also have to disclose crypto purchases (though I think that would be less effected by policy and legislation than stocks). On a related tip, who do you guys follow? What worthwhile news or blogs sites are out there that do a good job informing and projecting? What are some standard data points you guys that are seriously vested ( @Mercer) use to keep track of developments?
  12. pretty sure that was a joke but you should have been in VIP anyways so, welcome.
  13. Added you to VIP. Let me know if that fixed your issue. DM or email me if not.
  14. That said, he’ll obviously be the talk guy on this as it’s inevitably going tii ok turn into some high profile congressional hearings. But nobody will get in trouble. He’ll step down and immediately be hired by one of the vaccine companies he’d hooked up.
  15. interesting how wildly different perspectives are… He lied about masks being effective. Straight up said that non medical masks don’t work after a year of telling the public the opposite… Claimed hydroxychloroquine was dangerous when that’s what he was actually giving his family. Repeatedly said it wasn’t man made, now says it likely was. Said they weren’t doing gain of function research, but was doing gain of function research. More emails being released today, but surprised you don’t think it’s that big a deal.
  16. Curious if this scandal brewing around Faucci has swayed any opinions either way?
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