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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/25/2013 in all sections

  1. I am a cop. You better run. Your a selfish fool. You don't like something, so you think you have more rights then that person. You are doing exactly what you are saying you are against. Like a little kid just kicking and screaming because they are mad.
    2 points
  2. after over 1 1/2 years of being sober, i got wasted, drunk drove my bike, crashed and flew over the handlebars and might have gotten a concussion. My have a headache still, 6 days after the fact, and my longsighted vision is a little blurry which is unusual.
    2 points
  3. https://www.indybay.org/newsitems/2013/08/25/18742049.php RIP Reefa, report back from the graffiti march. by some Oakland rebels Sunday Aug 25th, 2013 1:40 AM Despite massive displays of force by OPD, they failed to contain the graffiti protest planned for the evening. Anyone in downtown Oakland Saturday afternoon knew something was supposed to be happening, with police parked on what seemed like every corner. Oscar Grant Plaza was covered in cops hours before any protest was planned to take place. Earlier in the evening there was a solidarity march for the California prison hunger strike, which brought around 100 people out in support. Throughout the day, the police had been making large displays of force to intimidate the protesters into leaving before night fell. It quickly became clear they were not going to let the graffiti march happen. Because of this, plans were made to meet at a separate location nearby later in the evening, hoping to avoid a police presence. We were initially successful, but before we could start the police discovered our new location and vans began circling the area. At this point, many small groups began to break off, most with their own personal police escort, though some were able to shake their tail. These autonomous groups began to then paint graffiti throughout the city, and the police were could not contain it. Despite the surely large sum of money spent on policing today's protests, they have no arrests to show for it, and were hardly successful in shutting down our protest. Sure, there was no spectacle of a downtown coated with paint (for another day) but we are as angry as ever over Reefa's death. We will continue our calls for vengeance- and call for worldwide solidarity over this injustice. SOLIDARITY WITH ALL ILLEGAL ARTISTS, ALL OF THOSE BRUTALIZED BY POLICE, AND ALL INSIDE PRISON WALLS NEVER LET THEM SLEEP -some Oakland rebels
    1 point
  4. You are the reason that your community is shit. What are you not understanding?
    1 point
  5. You have no clue on how gentrification works. Fuck a local business. In fact fuck all business. "Violent actions, short of murder/assassination of politicians will not change a damn thing, ever." Tell that to the police officer who was finally charged with the death of Oscar Grant, only after people (only a minority which were anarchists) rioted for days. Do you have any clue on how we got the 8 hour work day? Violent Strikes. The bodies piled up. I can't believe in light of the Arab Spring, Turkey, the occupation of LaZAD in France (http://www.submedia.tv/stimulator/2012/12/27/la-zad-an-autonomous-resistance-zone-in-fortress-europe/) anyone would really argue for a pacifist motor of social change. Also, if you are so concerned for private property maybe you should find a new hobby, graff forum moderator. You are a fucking joke.
    1 point
  6. credit card? youuu got it.
    1 point
  7. Decy....no one drinks a bottle of rum a day on weekends and doesn't have a problem. I could be wrong but that doesn't sound like normal behavior.
    1 point
  8. If you spend more then $10 on a white tee, you are dumb.
    1 point
  9. :lol: :lol: :lol: maybe the rum was part of that
    1 point
  10. interview with ES1 http://wearechangect.org/2013/07/connecticut-graffiti-artist-es-endangered-styles/
    1 point
    1 point
  12. 1 point
  13. Drake the type of nigga to lay on his stomach and color in a coloring book while kicking and twirling his legs around
    1 point
  14. the fuck is that between the legs, peanut butter?
    1 point
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