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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/24/2009 in all sections

  1. Props for everyone on this page...
    4 points
  2. MESSAGE You have given out too much Reputation in the last 24 hours, try again later. 24'd in 15min ass nigga
    4 points
  3. ID SOCCER BALL KICK THAT NIGGA IN THE FACE. And then if he gets up ill just palm the top of his head and watch him try to swing his stubs at me while i take pix with my phone and pack a one hitter
    3 points
  4. like highway robbery nigga
    3 points
  5. Re: Don't Call it Frisco awww.... and the east bay just got its internet back, only to be shut down by technical errors.. boo whoo
    3 points
  6. Anarchy!!!! Props running wild!!!
    3 points
  7. r.i.p the real bench thread.. :( well... i will post up some shit from last couple days. all benched in winnipeg, canada. props and comments appreciated. lots of this shit is gunna be from the thread before.
    2 points
  8. An everything torrent thread... good finds, questions, or anything else relating to torrents. Heres a find from the demonoid. http://www.demonoid.com/files/details/1891883/14072454/ If you like it go buy it, or dont.
    2 points
  9. i was in the emergency room for over 8 hours today. i was rushed there from my work. For the moment being, all i'm going to say is i am pretty scared of what may come. but they did release me. (which should be a good thing, right?), i am fully drained at the moment, I'm going to try and go to bed, but God willing I'll be back tomorrow to answer some questions. just keep me in your thoughts and prayers. thanks 12oz, Love, D**** E. T******* ONER aka DETOTRONIX aka DEETS.
    2 points
  10. hey props to the 12oz clique for being around longer than most of you have been writing. I think you guys provide a wonderful service especially for old retired fartslike me. I dont bench any more, i dont hang out with writers (except my friends that happen to be writers and most of them have retired also) for me this is my only exposure to the culture. Thank you for that and maintaining it for so long. FUCK everyone complaining about this and that. to the 12oz team get all the ad revenue you can. if it takes me clicking on ads to help you guys out then consider them ads clicked on. if i had mad dough i would make a sizable donation. I hope to see this forum around for another 10-12 years - or beyond.... how do I get a premium account? Peace SB1
    2 points
  11. 2 points
    2 points
  13. 2 points
  14. i couldn't fight this dude, if i grabbed the end of his stumps i'd get freaked out and run away screaming. " ahhhh! i touched it! i touched the tip of the stump, i touched the tip, ahhhhhhhhhhhh! jesus no its contagious i can feel it spreading! save me!" i went to school with a girl who had 3 fingers on one hand, 4 on the other, and a peg leg. i never made fun of her or nothing cause thats not my thing, but it creeped the shit out of me, i felt bad cause i probably always acted like a weirdo when she was around. like if she had to hand me something, i'd stare at it like it was aids on a stick. one day she went to kick a kickball in gym and her leg flew off, hilarious, but you felt real bad at the same time. but seriously, whoever is fighting this dude will probably end up picking him up and throwing him across the ring. i dont understand how this is gonna work out. but then again, he has to have some sort of game plan, i dont really think he'd go out there and make a complete ass out of himself, atleast i'd hope not. if this is really just some like publicity stunt thats fucking retarded.
    2 points
    2 points
  16. Wow th OZ is back up ,i was starting to have withdrawls ..wtf hapened,my messages are blank and say they are from 1969 and all my user reputation is missing but i still have the points ..weird isht .anyone else notice that ?
    2 points
  17. Re: I wanna see your...........PETS! 12 oz, meet my new baby, Lil Wanda Loosie Ma, AKA LaWanda, AKA Loose Loose. I got her about a week ago from the ASPCA up on 92nd, saw her in her cage and it was love at first sight. When we let her out, I crouched down to pet her and she crawled right into my lap. She had been at the shelter for four months, which is a really long time. Nobody wanted her because she's missing an eye and has a bum heart. Which is fine by me because now she is mine all mine! The vet said she got brought in from a feral colony with her eyeball literally hanging out of its socket. They think she must have been an escaped pet before she became a stray, because she is so amazingly sweet and loving. She is very encouraging of my lounging habits, and can usually be found giving me facenudges or anchoring me down to the couch by placing her fat ass directly in my lap. She is so fuzzy and nommy! I have lived with kitties before but never had my own. I'm so in love. Sometimes I think she might miss the streets. But then she'll creep up and give me little kitty kisses and I know she's glad to be here. She is a bad lil' broad.
    2 points
  18. why can't i view my props? i click on the user CP and nothing comes up where it usually does. :confused:
    2 points
  19. 2 points
  20. Can i get some props for snow ferrets??
    2 points
  21. 2 points
  22. Server Error = Re Opened PROP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!S!
    2 points
  23. prop me if you like gettin head from teenage girls
    2 points
  24. PROPPPPPPPPPP ME mannnnye
    2 points
  25. http://www.tinychat.com/0ywq
    1 point
  26. MESSAGE You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Poesia [ ] T again.
    1 point
  27. 1 point
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