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My daughter just made her first purchase from a crackhead.


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12 hours ago, fat ralphy said:

My kids are miles away from where I was at their age - my oldest is going into Summer before 8th grade.


My summer before 8th grade I got my dick sucked. 


I was having police contact at his age and he is on fucking honor roll. 


This kid has a fucking special blanket still.

No real mention of chicks except for when I tell him that I will always love him no matter what or its 2024 and we accept everyone.


"You know son - I will always love you and be here for you, you know that - and its ok for anyone to have someone they love. You know these days men sometimes marry other men and we accept trans now, uh I mean trans people. So I just want you to know I'm here for you - "


"Im going to marry a lady dad."


"ok well thats good...."


Im an awkward caveman parent that was reared by a mentally ill alcoholic construction worker, that is me doing my best effort at modern day parenting. 


There is probably some parenting gold going on pretty frequently among the forum members. 

I remember my dad busted in on me railing this chick one time, I'm yelling at him "Yo GTFO!" with this chick's legs in the air, he's like "oh shit, my bad!" and closes the door. Then a couple seconds later opens it again and gives me the thumb's up with a big ole grin on his face and closes the door again. He told me years later that that was his proudest moment, because he knew he didn't have to worry about me being gay. 😆
Yeah, these younger kids are being raised being told that they're "children" all through their teens and seem like they're scared of the pussy. Shit's weird. 
I was proud as fuck when 2Sik got his cherry popped. 😆

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5 hours ago, LUGR said:

For real though, I hope kids these days don’t fuck with drugs recklessly like we did back in the day. That shit scares the shit out of me in 2024.

It's weird cause back in the day we always knew which drugs to stay the fuck away from. These new kids who do fuck with drugs are jumping straight into the hard shit and ODing on that fent. It's weird, the fact that they're so oversheltered and naive probably has something to do with their lack of knowledge about which shit to stay the fuck away from. Probably dying virgins too, SMFH.

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2 hours ago, DRUNKEN-ASSHOLE-ONER said:

I remember my dad busted in on me railing this chick one time, I'm yelling at him "Yo GTFO!" with this chick's legs in the air, he's like "oh shit, my bad!" and closes the door. Then a couple seconds later opens it again and gives me the thumb's up with a big ole grin on his face and closes the door again. He told me years later that that was his proudest moment, because he knew he didn't have to worry about me being gay. 😆
Yeah, these younger kids are being raised being told that they're "children" all through their teens and seem like they're scared of the pussy. Shit's weird. 
I was proud as fuck when 2Sik got his cherry popped. 😆

Your dad writes Bloom, right….?

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On 5/25/2024 at 6:30 AM, Cracksmoka said:

Deets like: 


With a name like Cracksmoka, I thought you would take the opposite perspective and Done things from the crackhead side?

On 5/23/2024 at 7:32 AM, DETO said:

Good at teach her to only buy shit from crackheads of I’m around. after her pointing out the woman was missing hella teeth, we talked about the importance of not doing drugs. So besides scoring some AirPods, it was a learning lesson. No drugs and a crackhead will take whatever you offer and we probably could have low balled her even more. 

Airpods Pro are the best product Apple makes. Funnily enough, mine vanished at some point, possibly karma as My brother gave Me an OG set of Airpods acquired from crackheads.  Airpods Pro Max are fucking shit, nothing but a trap (as with all Apple products - lets tell the truth here) that let's your ears be harnessed by a snare trap so you can get mindfucked by the datastream brainwashing to the highest degree possible. Had 2 pairs of them now and I am not even sure if the pair I have now even works or they got soaked by one of the numerous flooding situations that have occurred in My van. Last utility they had for Me was using them as earmuffs at work so I could mute the sounds of sonic booms from incessant traffic noise, yet they banned headphones at work so now they just are another thing I carry around for no reason.


On 5/23/2024 at 10:41 AM, Boris The Butcher said:

I fucked a midget with one leg. I was drunk and half way through felt really awkward so I left her there and went across the street to get a ham and cheese from the donut shop

Boris doing Boris things, never stop being you.



On 5/24/2024 at 12:48 PM, DRUNKEN-ASSHOLE-ONER said:

It's weird cause back in the day we always knew which drugs to stay the fuck away from. These new kids who do fuck with drugs are jumping straight into the hard shit and ODing on that fent. It's weird, the fact that they're so oversheltered and naive probably has something to do with their lack of knowledge about which shit to stay the fuck away from. Probably dying virgins too, SMFH.

It is interesting to read about these stories of parenting from My peer group on here. As a result of this, I am going to make a thread based purely on My observations of this world, philosophy, esotericism, enlightenment and all that stuff I shall discuss drugs to some extent in it.


I feel it a necessary point to make that the main fork in the road of My life was when I was 16 and took some deccies for the first time, which lead to wagging school, going to Carosuel and My best childhood friend bought some vodka UDLs, then we bumped into the first girl that I ever kissed and it was a good day being high as fuck although My amphetamine enhanced libido made Me wonder after the 5th wank that night I still wasn't asleep at 2:30am given I was not advised about the insomnia that comes from using amphetamines. Perhaps the lack of knowledge I had at the time was because even though I refused to use drugs or abuse alcohol to where I would actually have more than a drink or two and get pissed, there wasn't people who gave the entire picture of pros and cons to using drugs as I intend to convey in the thread I should make to avoid derailling conversations with walls of text posts.


I should add for clarity sake, if I never tried drugs and maintained My grades as straight As as they were prior to trying drugs, My life would have turned out exactly the same at best even if I studied to become an engineer or Doctor as opposed to Economics and the path I have taken.


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Also, the one point I would realise as a parent in such a situation is that given the crackhead exists in a world whereby My kid had to coexist alongside toothless, needle using, junkie piece of shit crackheads, and the one type of junkie fiend that I consider to be even worse than crackheads - cigarette smokers - all as said child remains a prisoner of the education system until they turn 18 and become an adult that is bound as a slave to the desires of other people the pursuit of money and the soulless capitalist system, then I would realise that I have sired a child that I bought into a cancer ridden Hellscape as a result of My ego and lustful desires.


Good thing I haven't had any children so that I would have to view Myself as a full demon, so My conscience can be clear while I am happy to remain pissed off enough to continue existing so that I can allow this world and everyone and everything in it to die a slow death with Me as My ultimate "Fuck you" for My awareness that humans are all slaves yet none collectively speak of how it is our parent's fault for birthing us into this life of slavery servitude eh?



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Not so exactly similar contribution but I taught my kid how to haggle with the street side flower peddlers back on Mother’s Day. Being the procrastinating fuck I am, we were running late on grabbing my son’s mom a few roses (that’s all she gets these days now that we are separated) but I’m no monster. Always know I can count on the street light hustlers that day. So two lights prior to where I know they’ll be I stop at the beer store atm and grab a 20 and a 24 of bud michelada to break change. Tell the kid hey this is how it’s going down. There’s gonna be a guy up there selling flowers. I want you to yell out “how much?!” Most likely she’s going to say 20, but I want you to say you only got 15. If he says 15 offer then becomes 10. He looked puzzled but agreed quickly and easily to the 15 of course and was quite possibly on crack but it was a win all around. A valuable lesson in haggledom was learned. 

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1 hour ago, fat ralphy said:

We owe it to these kids to keep it real - be goddamned if we raising any lames or Adamsblock type kids on the oontz. 



Unfortunately I’m sure it’s a couple off here doing it wrong but hey. To each their own. Me on the other hand. My kids are getting as much blend of hood and luxury as I can possibly provide lol. Mostly privilege and luxury 😒. But sugar coaty shelter bullshit ain’t never been around fuck that. 

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