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Your food and obvious evidence your government doesn’t give a fuck about you


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6 hours ago, abrasivesaint said:

I read a bit about the NFPA the last time i saw you mention it. So correct me if i’m wrong, from my understanding the NFPA writes the safety guidelines and best practices that get adopted and enforced by local government agencies. I assume the adoption of such standards by an employer is through some manner of a contract (to be an accredited legal business you have to adopt “XYZ”standards, NFPA in this case) and are held to such standards through local government agencies? I imagine licensing/insurance companies also require such standards? So the NFPA holds no “authority” in a legal sense, but they can pull your accreditation which would in turn effect your licensing/insurances, etc?  

This is the same in the healthcare arena, the Joint Commission handles a lot of large healthcare facilities and AAAHC/AAAASF largely covers ambulatory centers. I think some states have their own private agencies outside of these, but i could be mistaken.. Arizona is coming to mind for whatever reason, but i’d have to look into it.

So i think we’re kind of weaving around each other trying to make the same point. My comment wasn’t necessarily that it needs to be a federal organization, but at the end of the day it is a government agency that enforces the accepted standards and handles any required legal action. If we’re just talking about removing power from federal agencies and bringing it back to local levels then i’m all for it. 

PS: i meant to add this link to the others in the post from the other day. 

Libertarian Municipalism



edit: when saying a “government agency” i mean as simply as a governing body. I’m not arguing a case for the federal gov. and its specific agencies. 



The NFPA's sole mission is to review and write building code. They do not offer anything else outside of that, and their main funding model which is publications of the code they write. So there's no NFPA certifications, or accreditations  per say that this organization can pull. One can become a member of NFPA, but these memberships offer discounts to people seeking more access to their publications.


Again, my certification is NICET, a separate private entity who's testing revolves around answering questions contained in the 4 books mentioned a page back. NICET can, and does pull accreditation from it's members.


I also have to work with the joint commission when designing, and managing fire alarm installations in Hospitals, and filing paperwork with them for fire alarm service. The joint commission is more of a "hands on" authority than the NFPA who simply writes codes, but the model is similar. Following their standards is voluntary, for the most part, depending on the jurisdiction facilities are located in and their enforcement. 


Checking out the Libertarian Municipal link now.


Have a new reader that does Snoops voice.




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So much reading I must have mixed up who said what.  But regardless who said it, I think we all agree here.


It would be nice if more members would engage here, as I am curious to know what drives ones eating habits.

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16 hours ago, ndv said:

So much reading I must have mixed up who said what.  But regardless who said it, I think we all agree here.


It would be nice if more members would engage here, as I am curious to know what drives ones eating habits.



I'd guess it's a mix of personal & cultural preferences.


I think on a base level the body tends to crave things like sugar because it's much easier to break down than a complex carbohydrate like starches. Also, from time to time people will tend to crave certain foods that have the vitamins or minerals they need at the moment in them. Like if you sweat a lot you're going to wan't salt, potassium, and other electrolytes.


The other part is cultural, like every little kid has a very limited taste for food, for example, most toddlers like chicken nuggets & french fries. As you get older (if you're lucky) your family forces your picky ass to try more adult foods, when you're exposed to more it widens your pallet. Sort of like a little kids first sip of beer is disgusting, them later in life beer slowly becomes delicious. Depending on where this pallet widening for food takes place, and how broad of taste the people around you have, you tend to develop a taste for the food others around you are eating due to being exposed to these foods.


Same goes for eating habits. Lard ass parents tend to have lard ass kids. Parents who eat healthy tend to have kids that eat healthy. From my own experience having parents that eat shit food, I was unfamiliar with starting every meal cutting up fresh ingredients instead of just opening a box, or bag. I had to pick that chop board habit up as an adult. The fact shit processed food was much more convenient seemed natural to me, whereas someone from Asia, or the Mediterranean notices how fucked the typical American diet is instantly.


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  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)




Woody get's it. You can sit back and blame capitalism, or you can sit back and blame the government, but if you're not about fixing whatever's in your power to control yourself, and you knowingly ingest these poisons, unfortunately you're get the results you chose for yourself.


If you do decide to buy healthier food, and others also decide that, you can change the market. That's the only realistic path outside hoping for of a Socialist famine here, or expecting elected officials to all of a sudden care about your well being (lol) and fix it for you. The only solution to this very real, and very important problem is in your lap.


The only thing most elected officials care about is holding onto, or increasing their power, and how to funnel more money into their own pockets and campaigns. Relying on these sociopaths for anything has never been a good look, and never will.




Edited by Mercer
More anti-government propaganda spice
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On 5/14/2024 at 4:58 AM, mr.yuck said:

Shut up and eat your patriotic red 40 and blue 2 dogs. If you don't do it, you don't love America!




Tastes like America!

I ❤️ it so much!



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Haven't popped back into this in a minute, but I've spent more time listening to podcasts on this subject and generally giving it more thought. 


What we are seeing regarding food in America isn't a free market system. People are certainly free, for the most part, to make their decisions regarding what they consume, but even that isn't entirely true. Example: I wish I could eat only organic, free range, grass fed / finished beef. Reality is I can't afford that, so I do the best I can and eat essentially all Whole Foods, but not necessarily organic. Specifically regarding food, as well as most aspects of daily life in America, what we are seeing is Corporatism, which is typically a subset of Fascism where you have private corporations unduly influencing, if not outright responsible for, legislation that drives food and the food industry. Example: It's pretty blatant to have a senior executive from Monsanto also be a senior executive for the Food and Drug Administration. Or a senior level military person, leaving to be on the board for Raytheon and then later coming back as a key role in an American Presidential Administration.


That's not free market capitalism. At best it's crony capitalism and at worst its Fascism, which most people recognize as an authoritarian political system, but the economic side is most seen as corporations helping inform and make policy decisions in the form of Corporatism. 



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I certainly agree about the aspects of corporatism, and that we’re heading more towards fascism/authoritarianism, but i’m going to push back on a few things. 

From that Wikipedia link regarding Michael Taylor..

Taylor left the company in January 2000 based on continuing strategic disagreements with senior Monsanto business leader and his conclusion that he was unable to have impact on the company's practices.

This is a worthwhile read regarding Taylor.. 



While i also agree that any and all government agencies are susceptible to corruption, corporations are no less susceptible, and no more pressured to improve their practices without agencies backed by the courts breathing down their necks, (or direct action in some instances, but that’s a whole other matter.) Government corruption is a factor as it allows and promotes the corruption, but the back bone is the corporations. 


With the overturning of the Chevron decision, where federal courts would once defer to agencies with more knowledge of regulatory matters, the courts can simply make the decisions themselves. The case that overturned this decision is Loper Bright Enterprises vs. Raimondo. At face value, it is simply small business fishermen, fighting imposed costs from a regulatory agency. However, this case has been pushed to the Supreme Court, in part, by Koch. I think it is a safe assumption to say that the multinational conglomerate corporation has ulterior motives to remove precedence regarding federal regulations. 


Information regarding Loper Bright:




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Listeria seems to be making some rounds.. seen it in everything from deli meat, plant based products, and dairy. 

I dont fuck with deli meat, but if y’all are some Boar’s Head enjoyers..



Edited by abrasivesaint
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