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Your food and obvious evidence your government doesn’t give a fuck about you


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The FDA Charter States:

Objectives and Scope of Activities

The Committee advises the Commissioner of Food and Drugs or designee in discharging responsibilities as they relate to helping to ensure safe and effective drugs for human use and as required, any other product for which the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has regulatory responsibility.


Link: https://www.fda.gov/advisory-committees/science-board-food-and-drug-administration/charter-science-board-food-and-drug-administration




Do you actually believe your government gives a fuck about you? Your taxes are squandered to pay for yet another agency that not only does not come close to fulfilling its role and responsibility to you, but is literally going far out of its way to do the opposite. It literally approves the use of proven carcinogens and poisons in your food according to their “acceptable” levels for daily consumption based upon “research” bank rolled by the companies seeking FDA approval. Then do zero when those same companies actually violate those standards by far exceeding the “acceptable” standards for how much poison they”re allowed to put in your food. 

Most people are so ignorant and distracted or otherwise beaten down to the point that they just don’t care or are addicted to the chemicals and poisons (often used specifically for that reason) that they continue to eat that garbage. 

And yet, we’re supposed to believe that they actually give a fuck. That we should trust what they have to say about anything at all when even the governments of other nations are like, damn that’s fucked up and “we won’t allow that shit to be inflicted or consumed by our own population”.


Fo yourself a favor and get the Trash Panda Food Scanner App and scan the shit you’re buying at the supermarket. Or better yet, shop small and local and try to only at Whole Foods. (Chances are if it has to list ingredients, it’s probably best to not eat it). Link: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/trash-panda-food-scanner/id1539759995


You can also follow accounts like this on Instagram for more info: https://www.instagram.com/thefoodbabe?igsh=MTdveHFodDQzcG90cg==




















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I haven't gone through you're entire post, however, the title thread speaks volume which caught my attention. 


There isn't really much I can add to this thread as your post pretty much covers my personal beliefs regarding ingredients and processed foods.   


I think Kilz started a thread about micro/nano plastics in just about everything now and how it going to effect us more noticeably near 2045 or so.


I think the system can be changed but cash is king and money is their god. 


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I’d suggest these are results of unfettered capitalism and corporate greed.

a coworker told me the company McDonald’s sources their patties from is named “100% real beef”, so when they list their patties as such it’s technically true. I have not fact checked this…


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The FDA is a fucking joke. 


I just heard a few weeks ago that a lot of big name food companies were bought by RJ Reynolds and Phillip Morris to hedge their bets against the turning tides of popularity in tobacco products. Their goal was to figure out how they could capture people with addictive food products much like their tobacco products. They invented the Sugar Oil Fat trifecta in processed food products. Literally everything that makes your brain light the fuck up. It's literally trash and the FDA doesn't do a fucking thing about it.

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1 hour ago, mr.yuck said:

The FDA is a fucking joke. 


I just heard a few weeks ago that a lot of big name food companies were bought by RJ Reynolds and Phillip Morris to hedge their bets against the turning tides of popularity in tobacco products. Their goal was to figure out how they could capture people with addictive food products much like their tobacco products. They invented the Sugar Oil Fat trifecta in processed food products. Literally everything that makes your brain light the fuck up. It's literally trash and the FDA doesn't do a fucking thing about it.


You nailed it.  Somebody had also mentioned this very same thing in conversation I was having with them a few weeks ago that was sorta off topic from what we were discussing.


Interesting to see someone else comment on this. 


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On 4/20/2024 at 11:11 AM, KILZ FILLZ said:

I’d suggest these are results of unfettered capitalism and corporate greed.

a coworker told me the company McDonald’s sources their patties from is named “100% real beef”, so when they list their patties as such it’s technically true. I have not fact checked this…


This isn’t capitalism. Corporate greed getting strategic advantage via government and their monopoly on controlling everything from what you’re taught in school  to what is communicated as news by the media to what is allowed and disallowed through legislation as well as who and how consequences are doled out is something else entirely. 

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18 minutes ago, misteraven said:

This isn’t capitalism. Corporate greed getting strategic advantage via government and their monopoly on controlling everything from what you’re taught in school  to what is communicated as news by the media to what is allowed and disallowed through legislation as well as who and how consequences are doled out is something else entirely. 

It’s not uninterrupted pursuit of profit by privately owned entities?

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Without question, these companies add these chemicals because they're being directed to.


They're being directed to by their consumers, and the choices they make. If a consumer has to pay extra for fresh beef, a real bun, and chemical free sauce, instead of the bullshit deadly cocktail of chemicals they're being served up, 9 times out of 10 they're going over their own health. Other wise you'd see fast food places tanking, and going out of business. Given the freedom to make their own choices (capitalism) people are 100% going to make shit choices then complain about the consequences later because we're fucking stupid. Trying to blame Colonel Sanders for this shit isn't going to change that fact. Under capitalism, you give consumers exactly what they're willing to pay for, or you end up bankrupt. It's really that simple.


Imagine how much a real burger, like the entire thing that's made from whole ingredients would cost to prepare money/time wise. Then ask yourself who'd realistically pay for that? I do occasionally, but most people smart enough to care are posting up in the home made food flex thread for themselves. They're not dropping $25-$30 for a real hamburger on the regular, which is the going price for a real burger prepared fresh. Most people, especially in America are lazy as fuck, and want to pay less money for their food because they can't afford to eat the expensive burgers


We know exactly what's in those burgers, we know we're obese, but the fact is we're too retarded, and give zero fucks about the consequences until we're on our death beds getting fucking in the ass by the Hamburgler & Grimmace. There's no Mr. Peanut looking dude in a top hat and monocle giving the orders. It's us. We're fucking stupid, but at least we're free to make shit decisions and not being rationed an egg a day, and one small loaf of bread like in Cuba, or other places that don't have capitalism. 

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Yep, like I said, profit is the only reason these businesses exist, so you could blame everything on that. To support that fact even further, the government allows the industries here to write the laws & regulations. The only obvious problem is that without profit there's almost no incentive to provide other people with food unless you're willing to use force and coerce people.


On the same token, the government ultimately has the power to send men with guns to make people do whatever they tell them to, or lock them in cages, seize businesses, property etc. So, likewise you could blame everything on the government for not doing so. That's why Europe and other places have better food, they don't allow shit chemical ingredients. Blaming government as the sole reason for the problem is still wrong in my humble opinion. We live in a mob rule system where we can vote for whatever we want here.


Blaming government in the context of comparing us to Europe would be even more correct IMO compared to blaming profit because obviously profit motives exist in Europe, Asia, Latin America, etc. Hate to beat a dead horse here but ultimately without profit nobody is going to build, and supply a McDonalds in the first place. So blaming this on either is foolish.


Ultimately, it depends on how much you're willing to ignore facts that don't fit your pre existing bias against either Government, or Capitalism, and over emphasize the facts that do support your perspective. Me personally, I eat healthy foods from whole ingredients. My own personal bias leads me to believe people are generally retarded when it comes to the topic of food in the U.S. especially and would literally eat shit sandwiches if they were marketed correctly.


I can explain socialism in practice with my own eyes in living in Germany for 7 years when the Iron Curtain was still in effect. People will ignore that and say well next time it will work out and it's laughable because it's failed every single time for obvious reasons. That said,  you can tell people these foods aren't good for them over & over and guess what, they're not going to listen and continue to eat this garbage because they're fucking stupid, the even dumber ones will eat it and them blame everyone but themselves for their health issues. "Oh, the government didn't regulate this, oh. McDonalds just wants profit, etc." knowing full well the evidence was right there and they chose to ignore it to.

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21 minutes ago, Mercer said:

Yep, like I said, profit is the only reason these businesses exist, so you could blame everything on that. To support that fact even further, the government allows the industries here to write the laws & regulations. The only obvious problem is that without profit there's almost no incentive to provide other people with food unless you're willing to use force and coerce people.


On the same token, the government ultimately has the power to send men with guns to make people do whatever they tell them to, or lock them in cages, seize businesses, property etc. So, likewise you could blame everything on the government for not doing so. That's why Europe and other places have better food, they don't allow shit chemical ingredients. Blaming government as the sole reason for the problem is still wrong in my humble opinion. We live in a mob rule system where we can vote for whatever we want here.


Blaming government in the context of comparing us to Europe would be even more correct IMO compared to blaming profit because obviously profit motives exist in Europe, Asia, Latin America, etc. Hate to beat a dead horse here but ultimately without profit nobody is going to build, and supply a McDonalds in the first place. So blaming this on either is foolish.


Ultimately, it depends on how much you're willing to ignore facts that don't fit your pre existing bias against either Government, or Capitalism, and over emphasize the facts that do support your perspective. Me personally, I eat healthy foods from whole ingredients. My own personal bias leads me to believe people are generally retarded when it comes to the topic of food in the U.S. especially and would literally eat shit sandwiches if they were marketed correctly.


I can explain socialism in practice with my own eyes in living in Germany for 7 years when the Iron Curtain was still in effect. People will ignore that and say well next time it will work out and it's laughable because it's failed every single time for obvious reasons. That said,  you can tell people these foods aren't good for them over & over and guess what, they're not going to listen and continue to eat this garbage because they're fucking stupid, the even dumber ones will eat it and them blame everyone but themselves for their health issues. "Oh, the government didn't regulate this, oh. McDonalds just wants profit, etc." knowing full well the evidence was right there and they chose to ignore it to.


Thank you for the reminder on why i stopped engaging in these discussions here, ha. 

May Rothbard bring you all the toys you want for Christmas and carry you into Valhalla. 

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I can see both sides of the argument and indeed, people are freakin stupid. But I also believe it's all been engineered as such and that very likely, there's no solution other than to see it run its course. 


That beings aid, I do not think this is the result of a free market in and of itself. There's a social expectation that someone else (usually government) is expected to come in and take care of you. It's not surprising that from health to personal safety to happiness in general, all seems to be shoved off onto someone else's lap, rather than the individual going into expecting that they are on their own and need to solve it for themselves. Again, I can understand what this is the case and I'm still guilty of it to a degree as well.


I'd like to think we can all at least agree that as a society, we aren't taught basic skills like reason, logic or rhetoric. Even science, which is supposed to be a framework to question and learn about the world around you, does a poor job of not devolving into dogma and subject to heavy political influence and bias.


In the state we're in, I don't expect society in general to have the brains on their own to read labels, understand nutrition and apply logic, reason and skepticism toward making the right choices. Those are characteristics that now get you cancelled, criticized and into all kinds of trouble.


Instead, we're raised learning the food pyramid, which was funded and developed by a lobbying group that also bankrolls the politicians making legislative and policy decisions, while also coordinating on influencing everyone from main stream media to social media to Hollywood to add tailwind behind specific narratives. We're taught that government is watching out for our best intentions and that we can depend on them for everything from education to health advice to health care. 


Based upon what we see everyday there's no penalty for breaking the poor standards that they were involved in developing. Roundup settled a multi-billion dollar lawsuit around its link to cancer. Yet the FDA has an acceptable minimum standard to how much is allowed in food. Meanwhile Cheerios has been found to be orders of magnitude above that with no consequence.


There's so many layers to the problem, but I don't see this as the result of capitalism. Rarthewr what we see is a system born out of cronyism that is allowed to thrive due to government.


It's all built on lies, bribes, influence etc and throughout the whole thing there are no meaningful consequences whether you lie about what's in the food, get caught putting full shit in the food or even the flip side... That you live off consuming that shit and then think it's someone else's responsibility to fix your health and pay for it.



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I think Occam’s Razor would tell us these chemicals are being added to:


1) reduce spoilage

2) lower production costs


yeah, there should be more regulation, but how well does that usually go in the US? We still have too much cowboy in us as country and can’t stand anyone telling us what we can and can’t do

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From what I recall, the US is required to disclose more than the UK is as far as what’s in products. So that is why they don’t have as many artificial ingredients on their labels. I’ll have to find the source for this information that can explain it better than me, but from what I recall it is a legitimate claim

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I think the greatest evidence is the American supermarkets. You've got Produce, some dairy, and meats. the other 70% of the store is processed foods. Even the bakery isle isn't fresh bread baked on site chemical free, it's shipped in by the truckload full of preservatives. In Asian food markets, or when you travel to other places that's not the case.


For example, my parents bought processed mashed potatoes in a box. That shit is gross, and they'd complain about  real mashed potatoes being "lumpy". When I first moved out on my own I'd eat shit like Hamburger helper, hot pockets, Mac N' Fake Cheese, Ramen noodles (with no fresh ingredients added on top) etc. because it took slightly less effort to prepare. The notion of starting every meal with a knife, whole ingredients, and a chop board seemed foreign, ancient, and retarded.


It wasn't until I married my first wife from Japan that I realized just how backwards this shit was here. Till this day I still prefer fake peanut butter over real, and still prefer jellied cranberry sauce over the real shit but that's about it. My tastes have completely flipped other wise, and I could never go back. I really miss my Grandmother's trad American cooking/baking now. Also, one of the reasons I couldn't take American women seriously when I started dating after I got divorced. Foreign only unless it's just to smash. Very few places on this planet outside of the U.S. were robbed of these essential culinary skills. Americans women are clueless about preparing food for the most part.


Sometimes from the inside looking out as an American, it's hard to notice just how profound this discrepancy with Americans is. Like yea, you may notice obesity a little but you think it's due to food abundance or some shit. Not that I like women's potential being automatically wasted on homemaking alone, but ever since feminism took of mid/late 20th century, and made knowing how to cook/bake go out of style food took a dive and never recovered. Food prep is now done in factories, with chemicals, because that's what people here buy. Not just that, but our food prep is being done by people who give zero fucks about us, just waiting to clock out. Food should be prepared by yourself, or someone else who loves and respects you & your health, and occasionally a culinary artist you pay well, not some factory, or fast food assembly line workers.

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I just came across this video a few mins ago and thought about all of you.



Capitalism breeds competition and is better for the consumer? Where? When? Capitalism has two ways of cutting costs to satiate the ever hungry investor class. Cut labor or cut quality. Make a higher quality product that people will willingly spend more money on? Yeah right. That shit is too risky. Risk is for suckers. You say people should know better based on the science. Who's science? Because these corporations have done an incredible job over the last century paying for scientific propaganda to dispute any claims made against them that allows them to continue selling their cigarettes or what ever for decades. This is far reaching outside of the scope of what we are discussing, but the onus is always shifted by these wildin ass capitalistic corporations onto the individual. Your car pollutes too much. Bad consumer. Shoulda bought an electric you piece of shit. There are 8 billion people on this planet. Fifty seven companies are responsible for 80% of global carbon emissions. 


Californians, time to tighten your belt and go on water restrictions. You're using too much water. I think the last estimate I saw was individuals only accounted for 5% of Californians water use. The rest was used to grow almonds and shit. Almonds aren't even that fucking great to be using 20 times more water than the average person.


People can't afford to eat healthy. Get a better job? Cool. When all the people working at McDonald's go get construction jobs, where the fuck are they supposed to eat lunch? 



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This and the opioid crisis.  


On another note, I've said it before and will say it again.  If I was a CEO of a major processed food manufacturer, I would definitely invest in pharmaceuticals, specifically a handful of prescription drugs such as blood pressure, cholesterol, and such, not to mention some mental disorder medications and some of the likes, like Adderall.  


I even perhaps would like to see my mailbox money get bigger and bigger and get my chemists to formulate even crazier health issues with my processed food.  But what would I know, no body would be that cynical, no CEO would do that, it would be too obvious.  


Seriously though, I have had thoughts of correlation with processed foods and medications and to an extended thought perhaps the 2 could be engineered to help one another in the direction of financial gains kinda similar in ways to Abrasivesaint's McKinsey and Perdue incest affair. 

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48 minutes ago, Mercer said:

What non-capitalist places do you guys know of with better food?

that’s a bit of a loaded question isn’t it? So many countries have a form of a capitalist economy, but blended with stricter regulation. In this list I would probably say Spain


Non capitalist, Vietnam

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Agreed, I'd say Vietnam is in my top 5 places for great food. Thing is, Vietnam's food is good because of their cultural capitol that's been built up continuously over thousands of years, much like Mexico's and the Mediterranean's. T


The reality of the matter is this, their economy has been reformed to allow for capitalism and more free market activity now, which allows for enough food to be produced. After Communism took over up until 1993, every bad harvest under their centrally planned "non-capitalist" economy resulted in a famine, AKA not enough food, and people literally going food insecure.


Before the free market reforms there, opening up their economy to investors, western tourists, etc. they regularly relied on UN’s "World Food Programme" due to famine, and they needed financial assistance from the Soviet Union, and other Eastern Bloc countries. As late as 1993, 79.7 percent of the Vietnamese population was living in poverty. he only thing less Facts.


I'm not trying to make a "loaded question", I'm trying to make a point. You'll never catch me getting emotional over this shit, or intentionally insulting any of you. I'm just pointing out my perspective as respectfully as possible even though it doesn't align with the anti-government, and anti-capitalist perspectives everyone else is sharing.


My point was, there's good food under capitalism, and that loaded question proved my point.

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I eat great, whole natural foods almost exclusively outside of the rare break, and probably spend less money on food than the vast majority of people suffering from poor diets in the U.S. It's not the capitalism, it's stupidity.

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That's a tough question to answer.  Other than living off the land, it's kinda tough to void capitalism to certain degree.  Perhaps I think the least you may see but again to a certain degree would be farmers markets.


I'd suppose tribes and those who live in remote parts of Alaska would be the closest to being  "places" if you will be considered non-capatalist.  Yeah?

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