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getting rekt by robocalls. do I have an option other than changing my phone number?

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  1. Set phone to only ring for known contacts.
  2. Make outgoing voicemail start with the error code sound

Error code sound plays at the beginning of this message. If you don't give a fuck use the message, if you do give a fuck play just the tone then record your own outgoing message. Eventually every robocaller that bought your number will note your number doesn't work, delete it from their list. Problems solved.



Edited by Mercer
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 on iphone it has silence unknown numbers.

works pretty well.


outgoing message"'I'm screening calls leave a message I'll call you right back"


 sick of the number spoofing for a while I was getting angry messages because some spammers were spoofing my number when calling people.

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Kilz, what mercer ans Schnitzel have said will cut these calls down quite a bit.  Unfortunately, it will not eliminate them completely.  A new number will, however, what you do with that new number will determine spam calling.  Basically, giving your number out to stores, or any place asking for your number where you shop at sells these numbers to marketing firms.  The numbers also are sold to spammers, not intentionally but if these stores can sell your number to someone who's willing to pay 50 cents then imagine the added revenue they make.  Never put your phone number on the do not call list this definitely tells everyone this is an active number.


Anyhow, you're existing number is already considered am active line so the spam calls may never stop.  So try methods 1&2 Mercer and Schnitzel mentioned, if that doesn't work, a new number will.


Me personally, I have 2 phones; 1 company, 1 personal.  I never use my personal number for anything but family and very close friends and as my second 2FA with Google incase s9mething happens to my business phone.


My personal phone maybe rings 5-10 times per year from unrecognized numbers/ possibly spam other than that it basically never rings as much as my business phone does with spam. 

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I feel this deep deep in my soul. I made the mistake of using my personal phone as my business phone. Now I have to answer every single call that comes through just in case it's money. 


Verizon has done a pretty good job with being able to inform me of potential spam. I did notice one day that Verizon was attempting to call me for some money and they potential spammed their own call 😂

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