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Sub/Counter Culture


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Does a band of misguided morons count as a counterculture?

Lot of the counterculture scene is dead due to mainstreaming and the wide availability of shit through social media, the internetz, etc.  Have to remember that the counterculture scene was also when there was something to counter and people countered it.

I loved all my counterculture shit, underground comics, books, music, etc., still have a lot of that.  You used to have to get demo tapes and shit through mail order trades.  But if you look at it, something like tattoo and body mod books were rarities back when.  Today every hipster and their momma has a tattoo but hey, throw another nautical star on me, I got room.  Man's ruin.

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You must not be familiar with metal, the king of subcultures and subgenres.0


Jokes aside, the internet is guilty of a lot of things, but I feel the point of this thread is moreover a result of social media algorithms pushing us into ever smaller boxes based on the “recent-ricity” of our search terms such that the tailored personal feeds we get bombarded with online reflect how the mass availability of what was once something underground is now mainstream. And with being mainstream, whatever you are into is now popular enough that the initial appeal which made you enjoy it due to it’s contrarian nature no longer exists.


With this said, I find myself not struck with any issues or changes to the countercultures I have enjoyed since I was a youth and in my teens, as punks are still punks, guitar players are still guitar players, metal heads are still metal heads, surfers are still surfers, and oontzers and still oontzers.


I do feel sorry for the old folks who once viewed having tattoos made them different and somehow a “badass” or outlaw type character only to see clearskins like myself now be the counterculture as a result of every hipster having a desire to go full Travis Barker.


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Also, as a result of my recent consumption of surf videos and documentaries about those who helped shape the culture to where in spite of some characters going on to end up with huge corporate organisations due to starting at a grass roots level,  my goal tomorrow is to go buy some material to make myself some board shorts.


I feel that is a way in which one can always remain indignant to the latest fashion trends to where you can always divert from the mainstream in a way that will forever be truly unique to “you”, irrespective of what the internet may have you believe.


 I’ll probably make a thread about it as I haven’t done any sewing since high school and whilst I might  fail or whatever, but at least it is something productive I can use to alleviate my boredom and I can utilise the mainstream designs as an inspirational template as opposed to complaining about how generic everything has become in the capitalistic society in which we live.


Also, the sentiment behind the OP could also be due to society allowing the media to manipulate us by focusing on using labels in the duplicitous fashion such that they invoke fear and division through one’s choice of using said labels to define themselves. It brings to mind a quote that I read by Giorgio Armani in a 90s Playboy interview I read as a teen in that he hates labels, in spite of his name being a label which he used to make his living. I resonated with this and a couple years ago cut off all the identifying labels from all my clothes and ties (Armani included) as I was stupidly using such things as a means via which I could egotistically attempt to elevate myself in the eyes of other people, even though I personally appreciate the quality and understated design principles of Armani in general.


Additionally, based on the Twitter derived social media landscape of present day, it isn’t lost on me as to how it is crazy that the more labels one placed upon themselves, the more of a victim they attempt to portray themselves as. 

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14 hours ago, mr.yuck said:

I was lamenting earlier today on the death of sub culture and counter cultures. Everything feels so plastic and marketed anymore. 


Then I fell back and realized that MAGA is a counterculture. Jesus Christ. 


It almost feels like society is done evolving.

In relation to your last point, society hasn’t evolved at all given that wars are still happening and the best choice available at present is to refrain from breeding and instead feed the internet with as much information as possible about “you” so that you can be digitally cloned as the “peak of humanity” version of your lineage as opposed to bringing a kid into a world which is not only corrupted with wars but continues to have people who commit assaults, robberies, murders and rapes with an overwhelming emphasis on acquiring money through selling sex as a pimp exist within it.


If you fail to see how bringing a child into such a world as a result of your inability to restrain your egotistical need to reproduce, isn’t the act of a demon, then I don’t know what to say. For those who already have kids, do whatever possible to enact the changes to society such that the characters I mentioned above can eventually be removed forevermore  otherwise all hail the technology that should rightfully dispose of the human species if it continues to exist in it’s current incarnation.

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Trolling you ^ 


but in all seriousness. Every point in humanity there’s been some thought to not pass your seed on as a form of selflessness. 

Im a nihilist myself at times, but passing on your genetics in the world is the sole purpose of existing. Im sure one day there will be deeper meaning, and i intend to have my genetics present when that day comes.

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37 minutes ago, KILZ FILLZ said:

I still see counterculture but I guess like what are we specifically talking about? Clothing and slang?

Get a group of surfers together. Get a group of construction dudes together. Get a group of gym rats together…


i think? @mr.yuck


It might be my surroundings to be honest with you. Living in a military town, everyone here is pretty lockstep with the status quo. There is an extreme lack of street culture here across the board. If there is any real sub or counter culture around here, they are mad underground, and I can respect that.

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13 hours ago, Dark_Knight said:

Trolling you ^ 


but in all seriousness. Every point in humanity there’s been some thought to not pass your seed on as a form of selflessness. 

Im a nihilist myself at times, but passing on your genetics in the world is the sole purpose of existing. Im sure one day there will be deeper meaning, and i intend to have my genetics present when that day comes.

I think that you somewhat miss the duplicitous meaning that the “sole” purpose of existence is equivalent to you passing on your “soul” to your kids as a sacrificial type of letting go of your selfish desire to spiritually ascend of sorts.


Effectively I see that through passing on one’s genes/soul yet denigrating your kids to exist in a world whereby it is populated by predators, murderers and such, is akin to delivering them into a Hellscape as such, hence the demon reference.


Heck, they could even end up with an endless steam of Indian men following them around in public as is the case with my current reality, thanks to a curse that was attempted to be placed upon me by my in-laws (long story).


I may even make a thread exposing these stalker freaks for the pathetic worms they are, as I’m getting sick of it to be honest as they can never take from me that which I will always have (which is the ability to laugh in their face at how insignificant their lives are in the grand scheme of the reality I exist within)


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And to bring it back to the topic of “subs” in regards to my Indian stalkers, the ultimate form of submission is seen through one’s devotion towards spending their lives following me around.


Perhaps that is the script from the simulation of being Matthew Luke, as Jesus had followers just as described in the books that have my names on them, so with this in mind, but let’s say from now on I’ll have my iPhone camera ready to post them on here for the world to see.

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9 minutes ago, One Man Banned said:


Did you ever think that that's you?


The search is over, you were with you all the while.


Crazy enough, me and my old lady decided we are gonna be the change we wanna see in the world. I think we are going to start a social club.

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