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57 minutes ago, Dirty_habiT said:

Forced jabs are coming.


Gotta protect grandma.

Don't worry about that chest pain.

You're being selfish and creating variants if you don't.

You're going against society moving forward etc etc. 



What's even more jacked up, is that I recently spoke with someone who has been vaxxed and they got hit with the rona and they told me they still experienced mild flu symptoms.

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Yes people dying are predominantly the vax'd. It's why many of us avoided all this bull corn completely. 

Yes they still get covid after vax. Likely caused by the vax. 

im sorry for those of you that made this choice. The vax'd that realizes they are tricked will be some of the strongest allies we have if they aren't ostracized by being called retards. 

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38 minutes ago, Dark_Knight said:

Does owning guns prevent the government from doing whatever they want? I can’t recall a single situation where the government came to a stop on a decision bc some people have guns.

The taliban don't seem to be doing too bad in the mountains. The landscape in Idaho and Montana is very similar. 

It's not so that citizens can march on dc. It is so they dc doesn't march on citizens. There's a mutually assured destruction that exists when the second amendment goes away so does the government that supported it. 

Several countries have done this and I'm sure if you look at civil war in USA you'd find that second amendment originally was created to ensure the protection of the citizens. 

Nobody cares about your life more than you do. You should have an Ar-15 in your home. 

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Computer speakers aren't working so I assumed it was about Dan andrew's pandemic powers in Victoria.


Plugged in the headphones.  sorry @Dirty_habiTbut I'm going to need more background on this.

Maybe I'm brainwashed by the MSM?? but a screencap of two randoms chatting on zoom hardly proves anything.

Can you furnish me with some names of the people in the video so I can look further because they could be anybody.


it might be true but you gotta admit that it could also be fake.


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At some point people are going to have to trust their neighbors over corporations sponsored by liars. 

Id honestly ditch all MSM if I were any of you. None of it is 100% honest anymore. Example is Fox News pushing vaccines which is generally against what people on the conservative side believe in. 

People have lost something they can believe in and begun believing in "the science", corporations, and politicians.  Vehemently. 

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Exactly. People are way fucked getting in bed with any of these corps. "Sponsored by Pfizer" on all news orgs intros now. Of course they won't say or do anything in opposition of the big pharma money. Who really controls big pharma?  The hole goes deep but most of the people using MSM for information have a very shallow hole to explore given what they're provided. 

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1 hour ago, Schnitzel said:

Computer speakers aren't working so I assumed it was about Dan andrew's pandemic powers in Victoria.


Plugged in the headphones.  sorry @Dirty_habiTbut I'm going to need more background on this.

Maybe I'm brainwashed by the MSM?? but a screencap of two randoms chatting on zoom hardly proves anything.

Can you furnish me with some names of the people in the video so I can look further because they could be anybody.


it might be true but you gotta admit that it could also be fake.


sorry I didn't catch the part about you not being able to listen. The guy is telling the woman that they are being trained to drag people out of homes and forcibly vaccinate them. This is the reason people are fucked without guns. The guys pulling people from houses will have guns when they're doing it. 

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On 11/3/2021 at 8:06 AM, Dirty_habiT said:

Yes people dying are predominantly the vax'd. It's why many of us avoided all this bull corn completely. 

Yes they still get covid after vax. Likely caused by the vax. 

im sorry for those of you that made this choice. The vax'd that realizes they are tricked will be some of the strongest allies we have if they aren't ostracized by being called retards. 


holy fuck this is straight up delusional. 

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1 hour ago, Dark_Knight said:

A vaccine only lasts 72 hours in your system until the immune system takes over. There is literally no long term effect possible.

I would ask you where this info came from.  Was it a "medical professional?"  Potentially getting kick backs and running internal contests to see which nurse can admin the most vax's in a month. 

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On 11/4/2021 at 9:12 AM, Dirty_habiT said:

The landscape in Idaho and Montana is very similar. 

It's not so that citizens can march on dc. It is so they dc doesn't march on citizens. There's a mutually assured destruction that exists when the second amendment goes away so does the government that supported it.



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18 hours ago, Dirty_habiT said:

I would ask you where this info came from.  Was it a "medical professional?"  Potentially getting kick backs and running internal contests to see which nurse can admin the most vax's in a month. 

You know what they put in chemo bro? It makes you trans bro. You go in with cancer, and you come out wanting to put on dresses and suck the biggest dicks you can find. It also makes you vote for the liberals. You’ll take your AR15 and ream your own asshole with it bro. Don’t do it bro. Cancer isn't real bro, it’s a hoax. These “medical professionals” just want to see how many people they can make bald bro. It’s a contest. 


All this screaming into the void and one day you’re going to be banking on medical science and medical professionals to save your life. 

Edited by abrasivesaint
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