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Best shit to watch on streaming services - 2020 edition!


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I started playing Witcher 3 a while back, like last year.  It is a good game, great graphics, but it seems like one of those games you can just..... lose hours in without progressing the main story due to the amount of sidequests you can do.  This, obviously, makes for a very rich gameplay experience.


Anyway, I wanted to ask you all that have/use Sling, have you noticed that everytime you turn Sling on and go to a channel that you want to watch, it NEVER starts out in the middle of a segment of the show.... and it ALWAYS starts out by playing a full reel of commercials?  I've been noticing that it doesn't put my show on when I put it on a channel, it always gives me a full booster dose of commercials first.  This makes PERFECT sense that this can be done since it's digital delivery of a show.  Anyone else noticing this or am I just really good at creating this coincidence every time I turn it on?

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On 12/22/2019 at 11:56 PM, Dirty_habiT said:

I started playing Witcher 3 a while back, like last year.  It is a good game, great graphics, but it seems like one of those games you can just..... lose hours in without progressing the main story due to the amount of sidequests you can do.  This, obviously, makes for a very rich gameplay experience.


Anyway, I wanted to ask you all that have/use Sling, have you noticed that everytime you turn Sling on and go to a channel that you want to watch, it NEVER starts out in the middle of a segment of the show.... and it ALWAYS starts out by playing a full reel of commercials?  I've been noticing that it doesn't put my show on when I put it on a channel, it always gives me a full booster dose of commercials first.  This makes PERFECT sense that this can be done since it's digital delivery of a show.  Anyone else noticing this or am I just really good at creating this coincidence every time I turn it on?

I think what most movies and games tend to lack is story. Witcher was a set of books written by a polish author that a gaming company bought up for cheap and then developed out. The first two don’t really resemble the last one.  Being into games and fantasy type books I’ve tried the Witcher series as both. The Netflix series is a bit of a combination of the two. A few episodes are extremely edited down versions of some of the short stories. I honestly think they could have made some  of the stories longer but I think they are just trying to give some background of the characters quickly before they dive into a heavier story line. 

I got the same reaction when playing the game. So many threads to pull on. Not quiet sure where to go next. Reminds me  a bit of oblivion/Skyrim to that end. Eventually I lost interest. I’ve reinstalled a few times but still can’t get the rhythm. 

from what I’ve read on the books, that kinda his way. He just wonders from town to town stumbling into work/jobs and drifting. Universally disliked even when he saves the day. After reading the 3 or so books that I did, the gameplay made more sense. For me the books lack a little but I chalk that up to it being translated from polish. 

eventually the author did sue them back and recoup a lot more money after it was such a success. 

ive already burnt through the Netflix series. I think I should give it another go but as far as monster hunter/Netflix goes, I very much enjoyed the first few episodes of castlevania. Highly recommend if you like that kinda thing. 

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Regarding "Living With Yourself" I thought it was a pretty slick setup for the next season. If it was something conclusive like the clone leaving, or dying or something it wouldn't have had that cliff hanger appeal like they do at the end of every episode.


Trying to watch "The Witcher" and made it half way through the first episode last nigh before busting out a book and giving up. Usually hate the kings/dragons/wizard bullshit but game of thrones turned me back onto it so I'm going to give it a chance. It would help if there was more full bush shots like in GOT or something.



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On 12/15/2019 at 9:28 PM, where said:

Hands down the funniest sketch show rn

I stand completely corrected on I think you should Leave

Anyone on the fence or whatever, don't watch the trailer on netflix, just start the show.


Some of it is straight fucking retarded, but well over half is gold.

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Not going to lie, I watch the entire season of the Witcher and I’m a little bit embarrassed. Was in a social situation where I was guessing everyone there, or at least half of them were nerdy as fuck. I busted out a Witcher joke without even confirming anyone knew WTF it was that killed It. “This guy must be owed the law of surprise” motherfuckers almost spit their food out laughing. Good one liner in the right company.

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@Mercer- That's funny.  There's a place where they play nerd ass card games w/ figurines and shit by my house called "The Mages Sanctum"... I call it the mage's rectum, I know low hanging fruit.... but anyway, during watching the Witcher my gf said she was going to drop me off at the Mages Sanctum if I liked this show.  I had to remind her that she was watching it with me.

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6 hours ago, KILZ FILLZ said:

Whose got a good resource for streaming live sports?

This is the exact reason my gf and I ended up signing up for Sling TV.  It's probably the most used streaming app on our apple tv now.... and we literally got it just because we wanted to watch the Spurs play.  You can custom tailor the packages so that you get mostly sports channels.  I think it's worth it, definitely cheaper than a cable plan and you can pick what kinds of channels you like to watch.  5/5 stars from DHabz.

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My gf pays for it... she said $28/month.... that sounds like a lot compared to netflix or something but the thing is is that it's basically a replacement for a cable plan.  The difference is with a cable plan that is "cheap" you don't really get to pick what you get to watch.  I've thought for a LONG TIME now that the best cable plan would be one where channels cost something like $2/mo per channel and you just build your own cable plan out of whatever channels you want.  The problem with this is that this doesn't make massive amounts of money like the current cable industry makes on charging people $50/minimum for garbage ass channels that you're not going to watch 95% of.  Most peoples' bills would be like $12/mo if they did what I outlined.... and that's not enough for greedy assholes.

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On 1/8/2020 at 12:27 PM, Dirty_habiT said:

We're almost through season 1 of this:




"Dark".  It's a German show dubbed in English.  I find it hard to follow because all white people look the same in Germany (racism is ok against white people).  Good show none the less and I recommend it so far.  I'm on episode 7/10.

I loved this show. 

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If any of you have access to the show Legion, I really dig it. It takes some getting use to because 90% of the time your lost as fuck but it’s in line with the character. I’m watching it a second time through and parts are making a lot more sense. In its defense my first time through I had it on while playing games. It’s def one you have to pay a lot of attention to. Soundtrack is solid. 

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I anxiety binged all of "Don't fuck with cats" just so I could go to sleep honestly.  That shit had me all buzzed up and I just plowed through it.  I tried the Aaron Hernandez one last night, but I couldn't get into it.  Something about people doing dirt that are just bad at doing dirt kinda ruined it for me.  Aaron Hernandez should've watched 'don't fuck with cats'.  He woulda picked up some basic pointers on how not to get bagged after you shoot someone.  Like erasing some video, but not important stuff like walking around your house minutes afterward with a handgun.  Or the vid of your wifey dumping your gun case in a dumpster she can't recall.


I don't mind Stranger things to be honest.  It got kinda hokey, but there's something nostalgic about growing up in that same time frame that they capture so well that I just overlook the thin plot lines.


Been trying to get into Norsemen, but it's just decent, nothing super dope.

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