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5 minutes ago, Dirty_habiT said:


Well it's a good thing I don't answer to you.


Police 100% justified in neutralizing the threat in this situation.


It didn't change the color on my tv.  I just have to listen to people whine about a race they ain't running.  Didn't change the color on your tv either.


Death is quite the stupid prize to win.


You're welcome to pull up the case notes yourself and read them.  It's public info.  Let your fingers do the walking.


That’s what i thought.. baseless claims with no evidence by a dude who is consistently full of shit. 

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3 minutes ago, Dirty_habiT said:

Just go look it up and stop being lazy.  I'm not surprised you're being lazy because you are an extreme leftist.


Hey hey hey..... hold on one second.





I did, they don’t exist. You cant produce them, because they don’t exist. You’re full of shit, yet again. 

You clearly know nothing about me if you think i’m “extreme left” bub. 

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3 minutes ago, Mercer said:

I just think forcing some sort of impossible drug free utopia takes the cognitive dissonance of a communist that denies it leads to poverty every time. The war itself does way more harm than drugs do, and it's ineffective considering you can buy crack in max security.


I wouldn't bet on it.  I've seen hard drugs in jails before.


The people affected by the war on drugs are criminals to begin with, so what's the issue? 


You can't OD on crack if you can't get crack..... and we don't have those plants in the USA to make crack from.  Same w/ heroine.  We can't make that in the USA.  It's all imported and people can't crack out and OD on it if it's not imported.


And these no education retards that deal in hard drugs also would have to get actual jobs and contribute to society if there were no crack/meth/heroine.


You cannot "force a utopia" and I don't know anyone that wants to.  Utopia is a leftist idea to begin with and ties heavily to socialism/communism.  You can, however, have laws against drugs that cause people to spend a whole lot of time in prison for their poor decisions.  I'm 100% behind people spending time in prison for dealing dope.  One Hundo.


I'm also 100% behind the police neutralizing deadly threats to themselves or to citizens.

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2 minutes ago, abrasivesaint said:

Haha, nah, fuck that. Homeboy here can go around calling everyone under the sun faggots, retards, nappy headed horse face whatevers, semen anus drenched this and that, and i cant call him on his blatant bullshit?




It's up to you to place yourself in those groups and be offended about it.  Nobody made any personal attack on you.

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3 minutes ago, Dirty_habiT said:

The people affected by the war on drugs are criminals to begin with, so what's the issue? 


I mean if you don't understand the basics of human compassion, what's even the point of responding? I don't know if this can really be explained. 

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3 minutes ago, Dirty_habiT said:


It's up to you to place yourself in those groups and be offended about it.  Nobody made any personal attack on you.

I’m not offended, yet i can’t same the same about you, It’s why you “suspended” me for over a month because i called you a dolt. I’m speaking generally, because this is “supposed to be a community,” and maybe someone around here is gay, and does take offense to that. You use the word faggot, for example, in a negative context it implies there is something wrong with being gay, therefore alienating that person from this “community.” 

Yet, Dhabz only cares about Dhabz. 

Again, and like i’ve always claimed, you make back handed, beat around the bush insults towards people all the time, instead of owning it like a man. 

I own my shit, and you’re full of shit.  

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11 hours ago, Mercer said:


I mean if you don't understand the basics of human compassion, what's even the point of responding? I don't know if this can really be explained. 

I don't have compassion for people that are trying to profit massively off a drug addiction pandemic they've inflicted upon the nation.


They're lazy people taking advantage of the weak minded.  I don't think one person opposing me would agree with their mom/sister/daughter selling themselves for dope.  Or maybe, neglecting a bill payment, or a child, or an elderly parent.  Nope, that story never happens.

I guess you can pretend I don't understand compassion. 

I wonder how much compassion it took to threaten to dox Casek here on this site. 

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I use the word fag on occasion, but I would say it defines as ‘idiot’ when I do. But I can’t speak for everyone.


Also very confused on how you can be so anti drug dealer and anti drug user at the same time. Why do you hate drug dealers if you think drug users are such low life scum? Why do you hate drug users if drug dealers are just taking advantage of ‘low life scum’? Sounds like some sort of superiority complex to me.



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11 hours ago, mr.yuck said:

I think an important distinction to make regarding crime and illegality is malum prohibitum and malum in se. I think this is great place to start with separating and then examining your own beliefs.


Those two concepts seem to tie heavily into morals, dignity, and virtue.


I don't think people here care too much about morals.  Especially none of the people that would support/defend/fail to denounce Antifa or BLM.  If you care about morals, you don't ever deface someone else's stuff.... but look at what forum we're all here together on.


@Dark_Knight- in regards to liking/disliking drug dealers and drug users -- it's deeper than giving high fives to dealers for taking advantage of idiots.  People act like this is a chicken and egg problem where the idiots will just go find dope somewhere else if a dealer isn't there to capitalize on the addiction problems the people buying have.


What really would happen if the supply was cut off is that there would be no place for any dealer to get product used to capitalize off of idiots.  This makes it difficult for many bad things to happen.


It makes it difficult for addicts to OD.  In the absence of their drug they may actually attempt to go find help or.... get a hobby, or... a job.... or another outlet for their endless amounts of money they spend on expensive addiction.  The dealers, who decided they were going to facilitate nothing good in our society or economy (basically leaching off the liberties provided by Americans that love America) would be forced to maybe.... go read a book.  Or study some shit so  they can be smarter.  Maybe they can get a real job and start contributing to society.


Again, I'll make it very clear that I'm only against the sale and use of hard drugs.  If you want to bitch about big pharma getting people addicted then stop accepting the addictive meds when you go to the doc.... and help out anyone else you know that is still prone to swallowing whatever meds a doc will write an rx and spoon feed.


I have a real life example.... I know someone who OD'd on heroine.  He was a misguided wigger.  Nice guy, always did right by me.... most of the time... but he had this hood rich hustle mentality that got him into all kinds of stupid shit and he never rose out of the hood before he OD'd.  Now, today, his younger brother and one of my younger brothers are on the similar path together.  One of my younger brothers is going to prison now for like the 5th time, this time for attempted murder.


Guess what fueled all of their bullshit?


Drugs.  Can't get high and do stupid shit if drugs aren't available. 


Attempted murder of a heroine dealer.  Seems to me that idiot dealer wouldn't have gotten shot by an idiot addict if he weren't out there trying to find "honor among thieves".  This isn't a sob story.  He's exactly where he belongs... and I don't believe he should be set free until he is off of drugs, has a job that he can consistently show up to, and has a history of paying bills on time without any hiccups in that process.

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