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44 minutes ago, Hua Guofang said:

HAhaha, fucking what?


We just gonna ignore the fact that he tried to have people killed?

There wes never any evidence of this presented in court, no charges, or even official accusations  of this during his trial outside of leaks intended to poison the well with the public, and potential jurors There were in fact bullshit messages being sent from Ross's account, in an attempt to frame him for this but they forgot he was all ready in max security prison at the time they were framing him, proof the agents he cooperated with and handed over the keys to said account were trying to frame him, and crooked. These same government agents are currently doing federal bids themselves after they got caught red handed trying to steal bitcoin. BTW all of this clear evidence of wrongdoing on their part was kept from the jurors in his case.




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40 minutes ago, Mercer said:

There wes never any evidence of this presented in court, no charges, or even official accusations  of this during his trial outside of leaks intended to poison the well with the public, and potential jurors There were in fact bullshit messages being sent from Ross's account, in an attempt to frame him for this but they forgot he was all ready in max security prison at the time they were framing him, proof the agents he cooperated with and handed over the keys to said account were trying to frame him, and crooked. These same government agents are currently doing federal bids themselves after they got caught red handed trying to steal bitcoin. BTW all of this clear evidence of wrongdoing on their part was kept from the jurors in his case.




Those claims, which are made by his parents, not an objective investigator, have been debunked. 

@Kultsposted a good clip that went through all that stuff a few months back. 

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6 minutes ago, Hua Guofang said:

Those claims, which are made by his parents, not an objective investigator, have been debunked. 

@Kultsposted a good clip that went through all that stuff a few months back. 

So you're claiming the "objective investigators" in Ross's case didn't get sent to prison,

and that information was presented to the jury?




Source: https://www.cnn.com/2015/03/30/politics/federal-agents-charged-with-stealing-bitcoin/index.html

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If I can find that clip you can watch it and we can go from there. It's a while since I watched it and I can't recall all the points that were addressed off the top of my head. But I recall that the journo who dug through it all covered the points that his parents raised and showed them all to be inaccurate. Maybe the issue of the agents being charged were addressed and maybe they weren't, I can't specifically recall.


@Kultscan you recall which thread you posted that clip in?

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On 5/1/2020 at 2:12 PM, Kults said:

Canadians by and large are for this. Shame 

Yep.  Judging from my twitter TL it sure looks like a lot of Canadians thought up until last week you could own an assault rifle.  This is a guns that look scary ban.  And if you already own one of the banned models its fine, you get to keep it.  And if you're native you can even use it for hunting even though they're totally not for hunting.


Security theater by the Libs.  Giant fucking waste of time and money.

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5 hours ago, metronome said:

Yep.  Judging from my twitter TL it sure looks like a lot of Canadians thought up until last week you could own an assault rifle.  This is a guns that look scary ban.  And if you already own one of the banned models its fine, you get to keep it.  And if you're native you can even use it for hunting even though they're totally not for hunting.


Security theater by the Libs.  Giant fucking waste of time and money.

Once this Rona is over it will he contested but i’m not holding my breath. Next up in their playbook: they will go in on domestic violence and suicides. They won’t want people having the few legal guns they have left at home and will push for centralized storage, watch. 

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