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21 minutes ago, Hua Guofang said:


Wow, that's gotta be one of the worst examples of bullshit I've seen for a long time. Anything that starts with "the same people who...." should be disregarded, no matter what the rest says.

why do you feel it’s bullshit? 

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5 minutes ago, Kults said:

why do you feel it’s bullshit? 

I think it's too easy for either side of the argument to say "the same people....". If it actually was the same people the comment would read "Yesterday John Smith/ACLU said this....., today they says this.......". But instead it's just "those people" , which is a pretty ambiguous definition for what is supposed to be a clear-cut group of people. Truth is that nothing is that clear cut, especially society. 


"Those people" is a term that appeals to the out group biases we all hold and just a way to appeal to people who get off on hating 'the others'. It serves no purpose other than mental masturbation.


Secondly, the meme is a little bit logically inconsistent. The people protesting are out there for many different reasons - some ideological, some just need to get back to work, some think the govt isn't doing a good job, some hate Bill Gates. The people arguing against the protests do so for varying reasons - they think it's dangerous to be out during a pandemic, they think the govt should be allowed to tell people what to do, they think conspiracy theorists are idiots, etc. etc. Only a part of this is about ideology, yet the meme makes this huge leap to say that "those people", would withhold medical care on any ideological ground because they are 100% intolerant.


It's a huge logical leap, based on a massive stereotype of a group that doesn't really exist. The progressives are just as homogeneous and singular as the conservatives are - which is to say that neither is and stereotyping either side is pointless and only serves to satisfy lazy urges.

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"The health care is a human right" crowd is not an actual clear-cut set of people, as if they're a club that sign up to a constitution and set of beliefs and how would the person writing the meme know what everyone in the "crowd" believes. There are extreme positions in all areas of society, stereotyping beliefs - especially as extreme as withholding care based on ideological disagreement - across a diverse and ambiguous group of people across a large nation clearly doesn't work.


Maybe I should have just written it like that in first place......

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2 hours ago, Mercer said:


There are certainly many who would love to see Trumper, or COVID denier denied healthcare if they got COVID going against the lockdown orders. What percentage of the "other people's labor is my human right"  crowd would actually deny healthcare to them if giver the opportunity is questionable, but you'd have to admit at least some.


It's a great example of how people would like to use the state as a tool to punish others who may hold different beliefs, of values. This same idealogical persecution is how we end up with books full of victimless crimes, and the cause of almost every controversial political topic. Purposely using the state to purposely interfere with someones pursuit of happiness. 


I just don't share this same matter of fact faith that no one on the left, (or right for that matter), who's supposedly well educated would ever be so petty as to take every opportunity they could, to use the state to punish those who have different beliefs. We all know examples of dumb policy intended to punish those with different values, and beliefs. If you think about it, that's what drives most of the sensationalized political topics today, ways to use the state to force your views on others. It's too bad this meme offends you for the wrong reasons.


The right does this, the left does this, and libertarians want to end this.

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12 minutes ago, Mercer said:


There are certainly many who would love to see Trumper, or COVID denier denied healthcare if they got COVID going against the lockdown orders. What percentage of the "other people's labor is my human right"  crowd would actually deny healthcare to them if giver the opportunity is questionable, but you'd have to admit at least some.


It's a great example of how people would like to use the state as a tool to punish others who may hold different beliefs, of values. This same idealogical persecution is how we end up with books full of victimless crimes, and the cause of almost every controversial political topic. Purposely using the state to purposely interfere with someones pursuit of happiness. 


I just don't share this same matter of fact faith that no one on the left, (or right for that matter), who's supposedly well educated would ever be so petty as to take every opportunity they could, to use the state to punish those who have different beliefs. We all know examples of dumb policy intended to punish those with different values, and beliefs. If you think about it, that's what drives most of the sensationalized political topics today, ways to use the state to force your views on others. It's too bad this meme offends you for the wrong reasons.


The right does this, the left does this, and libertarians want to end this.

I'm not sure what you think the wrong reasons are that I hold. I agree with you that there are definitely people in the 'health care' side that would feel that way - that there are people on the progressive and conservative side that would use the state to punish those who disagree with them. To deny this would be to deny history (and current events, for that matter). I think maybe I didn't explain myself properly.


As you say above, not everyone who believes in health care as a right would deny care to COVID deniers and likely even less would use power to withhold care on ideological grounds. The meme states opposite and that's what I disagree with.


I also disagree with the way the meme uses logic, regardless if it was stereotyping all libertarians, flat earthers or black people. You just can't fit large groups of people into neat boxes like that and this meme is clearly just a sex aid for people who hold a particular bias.

Edited by Hua Guofang
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1 hour ago, Hua Guofang said:

I think it's too easy for either side of the argument to say "the same people....". If it actually was the same people the comment would read "Yesterday John Smith/ACLU said this....., today they says this.......". But instead it's just "those people" , which is a pretty ambiguous definition for what is supposed to be a clear-cut group of people. Truth is that nothing is that clear cut, especially society. 


"Those people" is a term that appeals to the out group biases we all hold and just a way to appeal to people who get off on hating 'the others'. It serves no purpose other than mental masturbation.


Secondly, the meme is a little bit logically inconsistent. The people protesting are out there for many different reasons - some ideological, some just need to get back to work, some think the govt isn't doing a good job, some hate Bill Gates. The people arguing against the protests do so for varying reasons - they think it's dangerous to be out during a pandemic, they think the govt should be allowed to tell people what to do, they think conspiracy theorists are idiots, etc. etc. Only a part of this is about ideology, yet the meme makes this huge leap to say that "those people", would withhold medical care on any ideological ground because they are 100% intolerant.


It's a huge logical leap, based on a massive stereotype of a group that doesn't really exist. The progressives are just as homogeneous and singular as the conservatives are - which is to say that neither is and stereotyping either side is pointless and only serves to satisfy lazy urges.

I don't disagree. There are some common threads on both sides but I'd never lump em all in together as being the same or having the same beliefs.


Funny meme with a hint of truth but I wouldn't take it as gospel 

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7 minutes ago, Kults said:

I don't disagree. There are some common threads on both sides but I'd never lump em all in together as being the same or having the same beliefs.


Funny meme with a hint of truth but I wouldn't take it as gospel 

Yeah, maybe I over-react to these sometimes as it's my own bias that pictures a person in front of their computer reading the meme and saying "yeah, those stupid [insert social group], they're all idiots...". When the amount of people actually behaving that way is low.

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5 hours ago, Fist 666 said:

Fuck that.  Stay the fuck off the range if  the sight of a weapon is gonna ruin your day. Guarantee its remf pog fucks crying about it too. Fuck.

Reminds me of the day I got out, about 2 weeks after returning from a deployment. The guy doing the paperwork made the comment that we were doing it pretty tough over there, but that I shouldn't think that things were any easier back there with the heightened work load they had due to the operation. He was in a high-rise office in the middle of the Sydney CDB.


Pogos gonna pogo.

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Oof. I'd have had a hard time not punching that (assuming fat) bastard.


There was a sort of protest within much of my brigade when we got back. Most of my unit (a cavalry squadron) refused to wear our Combat Action Badges earned through being blown up, in firefights, direct engagement with the enemy, etc because half the pogs back at KAF had been awarded the same CAB--because they'd been standing within 100 or 200 yards or some bullshit of a rocket attack. Air Force dudes were even being given ARMY awards to make their class-As look more developed over events like this. Our Sergeant Major eventually ordered us to wear them...


At KAF there is a boardwalk area full of shops and restaurants (FUCKING RESTAURANTS AND COFFEE SHOPS IN WAR), at some point a rocket landed in the middle of a volleyball court or some shit and hundreds of those pogs got their awards for seeing a flash and hearing a bang, no visible injuries or fatalities whatsoever.... Still bitter, but I don't plan on ever putting on that uniform again so I guess it doesn't matter. I'm sure @WorldBench could add to this conversation.


As an aside, I of course will not downplay the seriousness or severity of TBI/PTSD or other so-called "invisible injuries," but there are a lot of motherfuckers out there telling stories about shit they've got not business talking about. 



And also, the few times I was at KAF it was fucking awesome to be able to grab a coffee from Tim Hortons or a Subway sandwich, I was just jealous of the fuckers that got to have that shit daily




eh, now back to the regularly scheduled pictures with words and shit on it...






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@Fist 666yep, all you had to do was fly through airspace to get a combat badge, on our side of the pond.


I don't wear my gongs, don't even know where they are, TBH. Our annual remembrance day was yesterday, I slept in until 9. Fuck it, When I left the army I left all that shit behind. I don't take anything away from anyone else but it's all a bit 'flag-waving-esque' for me. Plus, after the 2003 invasion it was no longer about dying for your nation as it had, mostly been for us..., in saying that WWI was dying for the motherland, as were numerous other deployments. But, that just reinforces my position about fuck all that shit. Playing pew pews is fun and all, but seeing dead kids and old men crying for the dead families kind of brings it back to reality.

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