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Bill Nye V. Creationist...

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This is exactly right. For people who haven't heard of "the creation museum", this is Ham's little brainchild. Scary shit, brainwashing kids into believing this nonsense. Nye is merely trying to combat this ignorance by dropping some knowledge.



Oh my god.

I just watched this. What a crazy place.

I really think these people do not think globally. Americans think the whole world revolves around them. They are going to teach their kids to be ignorant in relation to a global job market and they won't be able to survive on their own. The world will eat them up. Now there's poetic justice for you, survival of the fittest!

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I watched that and pretty much agree with Symbols, I don't care about these people. They can believe whatever shit they want, I don't care what they do or say. I'm too busy getting on with shit to spend my time on them.


However, the difference for me is that these kinds of people don't have any political and social influence in my country.

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I watched that and pretty much agree with Symbols, I don't care about these people. They can believe whatever shit they want, I don't care what they do or say. I'm too busy getting on with shit to spend my time on them.


However, the difference for me is that these kinds of people don't have any political and social influence in my country.


I'm Canadian, so I don't have to deal with any political influence from the loonies in this video either. But I'm glad as fuck my neighbor is the good ol USA. The single best thing that could happen to this world would be if China was swallowed into the fucking ground. Fuck Your country and all the dumb fucks that live there helping ruin this planet. :scrambled:

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I'm Canadian, so I don't have to deal with any political influence from the loonies in this video either. But I'm glad as fuck my neighbor is the good ol USA. The single best thing that could happen to this world would be if China was swallowed into the fucking ground. Fuck Your country and all the dumb fucks that live there helping ruin this planet. :scrambled:



Hhahahaha, you really are an idiot if you think that people's usernames are a direct relection of who they are in real life. You idiot, lol.


However, funnily enough, I have lived for a number of years in China, speak the lingo, etc. I'm going to assume I know more about that country, and the world for that matter, than you do. You're also an idiot if you think a country's people are all the same and can be lumped together as one (China has a nominally commie govt, they must all be commies and love their govt, all 1.3 billion of them! Their country has bad pollution, they must all love it and not care for the environment).


lol, seriously get out of Canada and have a look around before you idiotise even more, you idiot.






PS, Hua Guofeng was the Chairman of the Communist Party in China between Mao an Deng Xiaoping. Pretty sure I was never President and Party Chairman of China........, you idiot. lol

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Eh, being religious I was quite curious but after a while of watching I decided this was a waste of time. I tend to find that Creationists are not that religious. And yes I see a difference. This scientist that is a creationists was more of a scientist focused on a subject to prove than someone with a faith. It also saddens me that within the first few minutes one of his evidence finders would be wrong on a very key subject. I mean these guys live well with their incomes yet cant see what is plain as day. To think that the earth was made in 6 24 hour days is wrong. By the text used the earth could have been present for billions of years before the actual 6 days of creation. Even then the bible clearly points to 1000 years to man is only a day to god so even then it wouldnt of been 6 days but 6000 years. To me that seems more logical to allow all of earths environment to develop at its own pace.


As for bill nye. Im glad he has his zeal for being a scientist, but he even failed by his entrance debate. I mean just because the grandcanyon shows no signs of the flood doesnt mean it didnt happen. That is a fraction of the earths surface to compare, especially if youre looking for fossils that are large enough to endure time. Kinda like saying HEY! World war 2 didnt happen because there was no conflict in Brazil.


One of the many reasons why I see this as a bunch of garbage is that yes, the bible, spoke of those that would "lean upon their own understanding" "tickle the ears" of those in the world to mislead them from truth. Think of it this way....In the beginning there were two friends. One started a fight with the other. That one decided he wanted his friends to not be friends with the one he fought with. SO he started to find ways to divide those from the other. Those in the past have always had a belief in a "god" so he created gods that were false. Now man has lost that feeling so he has found a way to deter them even more through evolution etc. Now he creates confusion and conflict with those on either side making those wanting to see that those leading arent acting accordingly and thus deterring all parties.

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I watched that and pretty much agree with Symbols, I don't care about these people. They can believe whatever shit they want, I don't care what they do or say. I'm too busy getting on with shit to spend my time on them.


However, the difference for me is that these kinds of people don't have any political and social influence in my country.


Hhahahaha, you really are an idiot if you think that people's usernames are a direct relection of who they are in real life. You idiot, lol.


However, funnily enough, I have lived for a number of years in China, speak the lingo, etc. I'm going to assume I know more about that country, and the world for that matter, than you do. You're also an idiot if you think a country's people are all the same and can be lumped together as one (China has a nominally commie govt, they must all be commies and love their govt, all 1.3 billion of them! Their country has bad pollution, they must all love it and not care for the environment).


lol, seriously get out of Canada and have a look around before you idiotise even more, you idiot.






PS, Hua Guofeng was the Chairman of the Communist Party in China between Mao an Deng Xiaoping. Pretty sure I was never President and Party Chairman of China........, you idiot. lol


Hhahahaha....direct relection....Lived in China....LINGO....something something....THE WORLD....idiotise....Mao... :lol: You sure sound like a duck.






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Ha, dropping a tiny bit of knowledge was a bit overwhelming for you.



Cliff notes version - I'm not Chinese and you're one dull idiot.



All the best with being a dumb shit ;)





"You sirry capitarist pig-dog! We will soon bask in the grory of defeating your pit-i-ful nation. Our warriors are many, rike the grains of rice in our Emperors field! Forever wiw you regret the day you double crossed HUA GUOFANG!!!!"
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many people throughout history have been mocked for their beliefs only to turn around and be proven correct. the concept of faith is hard for people to grasp. in the end there is good and bad in most things, and a single voice from the scientific community or creationist community does not solely hold the authority on either. as long as persecution and hypnotism are not involved in either argument then I'm open to both...

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If you think this world is simple enough to be created in the manner described in the bible, you're a naive fucking moron.


I don't really have any desire to watch this, but I might if i find myself with some free time. I can't imagine it being any different than an adult and a 5 year old debating Santa Claus.

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If you think this world is simple enough to be created in the manner described in the bible, you're a naive fucking moron.


I don't really have any desire to watch this, but I might if i find myself with some free time. I can't imagine it being any different than an adult and a 5 year old debating Santa Claus.


Santa Claus is white.



At least according to these kind of people and Fox Nexs.

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What's it really matter?

Live a good life, have fun while you're here.


Everyone wins.


Well, when religions start denying people of their rights (among a number of other atrocities) in the name of their god(s), we have a problem. Also, people are scared of having fun because their religions so often denounce anything remotely self-indulgent. Maybe if people weren't told by religions to suppress all their natural desires, we wouldn't have as many of these lunatic murderers, perverts, etcetera to deal with.


If we're able to show the flaws in the religious leaders'/promoters' logic, maybe some people will begin to live a little more like you've described, which I fully agree with.


Not everyone has their mind made up, and these debates can be important to those still deciding whether to stick to either reason/science or fantasy.

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Try living around Mormons.


They fully mix their religion, government, and business. There is no separation.


If you don't believe in their nonsense, you are separated in everything.


I have seen this with Muslims too.


Incidentally, my mother's parents were Mormon. I went to church as a child, but it fizzled out after a few years. I don't find Mormons to be any worse than the rest of the loonies. Delusion is delusion, in my book.

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