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NRA: Put an armed guard in every school, yeah guns!


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Yes, clearly the issues have different levels of severity. Look what happened though, they went from a temp ban, to an all out ban, then they expanded the ban to beyond beaches. Now police are walking around harassing people to comply with the law (which is their job).


But out of emotion it went from a possibly good idea to something that could hurt the economy to an all out police state.


This is what will happen with gun bans, out of emotion a possible solution will expand and move on until all weapons and levels of ammunition will eventually be banned.


Gun businesses in NY for example are now facing a tax on selling any ammunition that isn't in bulk, this will affect their business and perhaps force gun shops to close due to the inability to sustain a profit. Soon you won't be able to purchase ammo at all, and it will disarm the populace outright.


Meanwhile the government is buying ammunition in bulk for all departments, the DHS has purchased billions of rounds in ammunition in recent years and the public has no issue with this at all. Very hypocritical.


I suggest reading The Tyranny of Good Intentions by Paul Craig Roberts, very good read.

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Saying the taking away of guns all together can't happen is false.


Under law, they probably won't have the authority to take guns away from people who already have owned them, however under the right circumstance, these laws go out the window.


I am not paranoid or delusional. Perhaps that day will never come, I sure hope it doesn't. There are enough examples of these things happening within the last 100 years in other area's of the world to assume that it is possible and could happen here.


The comparison to drinking in public and gun control is apples and oranges, which I already stated due to the severity of the issue's and the risks's involved. The increasing of laws, and the further stripping of rights, down the road is not an apples and oranges comparison, it has happened in many different area's in a wide variety of issue's. I'm sorry if you don't agree, but I won't call you delusional because of it.

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I am for drinking in public and look at it as a much more genuine measure of personal liberty than the ease of gun ownership.


In a city like Paris you can drink on the street but guns are hard to get, in the city of San Fransisco you can not drink on the street but a legal gun owner can blow away a writer in cold blood with no problem.

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Why is this place starting to bum you out? I post on Reddit, this forum, and of course on Facebook, and out of all of these places this forum is the best place for open discussion, at least without certain people who in the last few pages haven't made there appearance. So the discussion stays civil, even if there are disagreements.





nah i don't mean this place as in 12oz, i mean my state of NY

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I don't own a gun to kill people.

I own a gun to keep from being killed.

I don't carry a gun to scare people.

I carry a gun because sometimes this world can be a scary place.

I don't own a gun because I'm paranoid.

I own a gun because there are real threats in the world..

I don't own a gun because I'm evil.

I own a gun because I have lived long enough to see the evil in the world.

I don't own a gun because I hate the government.

I own a gun because I understand the limitations of government..

I don't carry a gun because I'm angry.

I carry a gun so that I don't have to spend the rest of my life hating myself for failing to be prepared.

I don't carry a gun because I want to shoot someone.

I carry a gun because I want to die at a ripe old age in my bed, and not on a sidewalk somewhere tomorrow afternoon.

I don't own a gun to make me feel like a man.

I own a gun because men know how to take care of themselves and the ones they love.

I don't carry a gun because I feel inadequate.

I carry a gun because unarmed and facing three armed thugs, I am inadequate.

I don't carry a gun because I love it.

I carry a gun because I love life and the people who make it meaningful to me.


Police protection is an oxymoron.

Free citizens must protect themselves.

Police do not protect you from crime, they usually just investigate the crime after it happens and then call someone in to clean up the mess.


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Jon Stewart said it well about the jews being armed, the armies of the UK, US, France and Russia took years to be able to defeat the Nazis, a couple of armed civilians wouldn't have stopped shit.


The same goes if the US government wanted to take your weapons (which they clearly don't want to) you aren't going to be doing shit if the army comes, how you defending yourself against tyranny then? you want to legally own tanks? surface to air missles?


All of the things suggested by Obama makes clear sense, better background checks, increasing the tracking of guns, appointing an ATF director, funding into gun crime research. How do you think the government are doing anything bad?

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the problem with anyone being allowed to dawn the name 'anonymous' is that people who don't know history can say whatever they want.


hitler didn't ban weapons. he actually lifted restrictions on gun ownership, albeit for aryans and not jews, he didn't take the people's weapons. the treaty of versailles did that after the great war.


people think "if anonymous says...." then i'll be behind it. its dumb.

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Jon Stewart said it well about the jews being armed, the armies of the UK, US, France and Russia took years to be able to defeat the Nazis, a couple of armed civilians wouldn't have stopped shit.


The same goes if the US government wanted to take your weapons (which they clearly don't want to) you aren't going to be doing shit if the army comes, how you defending yourself against tyranny then? you want to legally own tanks? surface to air missles?


All of the things suggested by Obama makes clear sense, better background checks, increasing the tracking of guns, appointing an ATF director, funding into gun crime research. How do you think the government are doing anything bad?



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isn't in the uk where the government banned the hunting weapons? tell me more about civil rights...


listening to you arguing about arms control is like listening to a north Korean speaking about freedom of speech.


Of course you don't see the tyrannical government like most of the gullible people.. but once this government will be in place it will be too late

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Who fucking cares if hunting weapons get banned I don't and you can own shotguns here you just need a license for them and they get tracked and have to be stored correctly. I am perfectly free, just because I don't have a gun doesn't mean I can't do what I want.


Also in most polls the majority favours the banning of assualt weapons.


It is the pro gun lobby who are the ones with their head in the clouds, no one is saying to ban all weapons, no one is coming to take your weapons away. If the government wanted to kill you it wouldnt make a blind bit of difference if you had guns or not.


Listening to you talk about gun control is like listening to a paranoid nut case who thinks the world is out to get him. Stick to posting nonsense youtube links, you make more sense then.

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So you think it is perfectly acceptable to let anyone have a weapon?


Fuck, Europe and the UK generally have much better standards of living than in the US, syour wages have been stagnant for decades, people can't just walk into a hospital nad be cared for. The gap between the rich and the poor is great er than anywhere else and you think that guns are the issue?


Why haven't you risen up to the tyranny of your country being shafted by business? Why haven't you risen up against the equality that is persausive in your country.


If you are going to argue guns are there to battle against tyranny why has no one done it? You seem to have had governments that crush the poor for the last 30 or 40 years, why not do something about it?


America fooling itself that it is free is the biggest joke on the planet.

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you do realise that article is from 2008 right?


At no point have I said it is impossible to get guns here, I'm sure if I tried hard enough I could. The posting of that article has absolutely nothing to do with the debate of gun controls needed in the US. Just trying to divert the arguement through pointless bullshit.


Mexico is also a lawless almost 3rd world country so hardly a comparison. Also where do all their guns come from? generally America.

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OK, Mexico and the UK are clearly identical case studies, but what about Brazil? A huge amount of the nation's economy is derived from gun manufacture, and a great deal of citizens own guns. If I'm not mistaken the NRA even launched a campaign a while back there, which was very effective, in order to keep guns legal and easily accessible when the matter was brought up for a mandatory vote due to the sheer amount of gun violence in Rio.


Answer: it's a pinnacle of democracy and freedom! Excuse me while I wipe away my patriotic tears. :sadcrying:


When you bring up gun control in the US, you need to draw parallels with relevant nations. All the countries that are on a technological/development tier with this country that have enacted stricter gun control have lower rates of gun crime. That's it.


No more in this thread.

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