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***2013 MLB Superthread***


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Mike Adams has been terrible as an 8th inning set up man this year. The whole fucking bullpen is pulling the same shit they did last year by giving games away when the starters get pulled. Hamels hasn't been on his shit, he needs to turn it around. Doc and Lee have been good, even Kendrick had some good outings. We need a 5th starter, it should have been Adam Morgan over Pettibone. I guess they're still grooming Morgan. Ruiz needs to comeback in a hurry!

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Here's some pics from home opening weekend I forgot to upload. I had great seats behind homeplate but chose to sit with my brother in the nosebleeds because he got his tickets late








I have tailgating pics but I don't feel like editing faces out. Played beer pong and flip cup for a solid 3 hours before the game. Can't wait to go again!







*sorry if the pics are huge, posting from my phone

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Yea, What would someone actually be willing to part with tho... What would his value be, depends on the market... I dunno that theyll be seller at that point anyway although were sitting at 9-12 today


He has 2 possibly 3 expensive years left on his contract, but if the phillies were to eat some of that salary they could get some good prospects in return for him. Lee's control makes him a better investment then most pitchers his age. I can see him sticking around until his early 40's barring any major injury due to his control and getting 200+ wins.


Also read this the other day and was cracking up over it


Ralph your phillies aint looking so good this year, while my sox are killing it. Ortiz is back and being a fucking monster since his return and the starting pitching has been top notch.

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Hold your horses, we just swept the mets...

Not the most prestigious sweep but its still wins.

CHOOOOCH just got back from his suspension, our pitchers rely on him more then any other catcher in the league, he calls the entire game....

Hamels just got his first win in 6 outings and i think they will start to roll when the weather breaks, we have hott weather bats...

it's a long season and my Phils are far from out of it...

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What happened today ralph? cleveland just rocked halladay for 8 runs and he couldn't even get out of the 4th. Well hey at least it wasn't the mets they only got him for 7. But on the bright side he did win against miami where he struck out 2

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You talking bold now, you musta gotten sober when terry francona split town with the oxy connect...

Doc has been shit, if you havent been following...

And yes, the injins crushed us tonight...

Ride your record, and your juice, as if big papi reinvented himself after being shit for 5 straight years... you wont win the WS, but talk now, talk behind your record...

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Most batters have dabbled in juice...

I kno this, the thing I wonder, is how many of our "sacred players" for instance here in philly a guy like Mike Schmitt, dabbled with juice? We will never know, kinda sad...

one guy thats going unrecognized thats on fire is John Buck of the mets...

also really like their young arm Harvey

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Mike Schmidt is one of the all time greats, probably the 2nd best 3rd baseman of the last 50 years. Like to doubt he was juicing, and do doubt it for most of his career.

So I remember when I was a kid reading in some magazine about how jose canseco and mark mcgwire had used steroids. I'd like to think that it wasn't so prevalent back then but became more so in the 90's with the explosion of salaries.

Also lee stunk for you guys last night, really surprised he was that bad vs KC

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Yeah but not as many did it in the 80's before the big contracts. I understand why dudes do it, they got up to hundreds of millions of reasons why, thats hard to turn down. I dont think the 80s players were doing it as much as these modern players are.

Yeah I agree lee is steady, just kinda surprised me that he had an off game against them. I thought he would have shut them down if anything.

I'm kinda surprised at the year buck is having even if he has cooled off a little bit recently. Hope he keeps it up, it would be a nice surprise. I think the one thing that stands out to me is the year coco crisp is having, when the sox got him years ago this kind of year is what everyone thought he could have. I just hope he isn't juicing playing in the bay area and on the same team as known cheats.

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ol hed LUGR


a 3 game away set com in up against the vagiants this week, hoping to sweep the fish today...

only a couple behind braves and neck and neck with the nationals...

"the warm weather is coming" (ned starks ghosts voice)

also, no hard feelings, but id like to see someone hit pence, just to rekinddle an old fire we used to have when Johnny Sanchez would hit utley and wed go back and fourth...

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bags, u ned to adapt to the way things r now.

nobody wants to b a mercenary squad, but we all want to win...


u guys got comcast in the bay area? they been out here for years, they started here. I fucking hate them, they had a monopoly on the cable game for about 15years, recently verizon swooped in around here, I switched the day I could on principle...

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But comcast still airs like half the phillies games on their network so you won't be able to watch them with verizon. I fucking hate it. I don't even have cable, waste of money to me.


Nah man, that monopolizing shit is gone...

csn cn8 ect ect availible on verizon, you get all the local sports stuff

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